It's really why I like LTSB, and for my next home rig I am tempted to instead run Server 2019 then see how that fares compared to win 10 or 11, assuming they don't launch a server 2022 then I might give that a go in its place.To be clear, my philosophy in everything is the simpler the better.
Don't get me wrong, I don't shun all complexity. I'll add multiple monitors, have external DAC's, amps, multiple headphones, a power amp, bookshelf speakers etc. etc. but if it is something I don't use, I want it gone, and not gumming up the works.
I grumble to myself when motherboards include crap on-board features I don't want, and immediately try to disable them in the BIOS, and get pretty pissed if that works. (On my current desktop motherboard I have disabled all Ethernet ports because I use my own NIC, I have disabled on board sound, because I use my external DAC, I have disabled WiFi because no one should ever use Wifi on any stationary device, and I have disabled the stupid Christmas tree light controller.
I want to do the same thing in my OS. I want software I don't use completely ripped out. Not just disabled, so that it reappears if you create a new account. I want the binaries gone, and if I can't get that I get pissed.