Will the Mac Mini end up like the Cube?


May 24, 2005
I remember when the Cube came out and it was later discontinued because not enough people got it, will the mac mini end up like this or is the market for the mini strong?
The market for the mini seems to be pretty good, which is probably partly down to it being a lot cheaper than the cube was at launch
so then its worth the purchase? i got all the other components. and love the mac and how it works ( i use macs at work) but i don't want to spend $800 for a toy with 512 mb of ram and a burner
Well...I think mr. palmer is full of fecal matter. I would never...let me repeat...NEVER...have purchased a Mac if it wasn't for the mini. Sure...I've always wanted to test the waters...but never in my entire life could I justify a piddly iMac at 1300plus dollars versus a PC I could build for myself or buy from some other system integrator. Sure...maybe the mini is not taking over the world...but I can guarantee you that it has brought many a new customer to Apple. Now personally I think of the mini as a gateway product for Apple. Sure perhaps a few people actually purchase them...but actually many people visit a Fry's or an Apple store to look at the mini...but end walking out with a PM or an iMac. Or...they actually buy a mini...fall in love with the platform and come back and buy a PM or an iMac. Why on earth would anyone think that mac sales would be boosted by not having the mini around is beyond me. As far as I'm concerned...that guy's on crack.
Lazn_Work said:

I hear sales so far to only be under 100,000 units sold.


considering its only been out for about 5 months, so about 20,000 units a month is not too bad of a figure. I think its higher than Apple expected since the first three months or so there was a several week wait. Cost is the big factor with the Mini...Wasn't the Cube in the $1000 neighborhood when it was released? The mini is not bad at all for the buck and I dont think it will end up with teh same fate as the Cube (or atleast not for quite a long time).
agent4256 said:
I remember when the Cube came out and it was later discontinued because not enough people got it, will the mac mini end up like this or is the market for the mini strong?

That's because the Cube was expensive. It was supposed to be a yuppie alternative to the iMac.
Well Cnet ran a story that they had figures showing Apple shipping 40,000+ Mini's a month, and that they were having trouble meeting demands. I would tend to believe that the Mini is popular and selling well, as at my school there are now more mac minis in the hands of people I know than all other mac compters at the school. Even my dad went and bought a mini. I believe that is why there is little advertising, the product will sell itself to anyone who wants to see what the mac hype is all about, or wants to get a small computer for some reason. A large advertising compain would just reduce profits and everyone who would proably buy one wouldnt need a commerical to tell them to get one.
AlphaWolf260 said:
Even my dad went and bought a mini.

Hell even *I* bought a mini. I doubt I would have ever bought a mac otherwise.
I own a Mac mini, prior I have been thinking of getting a mac but the cost was too much for me. Now, I can play around with it, cruise the internet with almost no worries of spyware, etc.

I am happy with the Mac mini. :)
I cant wait to get the Mac Mini... :eek: I wish it was August right now....it's gonna be hard to wait 2 months for the mini....