will my E5200 @3.0ghz bottleneck my 4830?


Aug 25, 2006
The subject says it all. I am just wondering if my E5200 processor running at 3.0ghz will bottleneck my 4830.
not at all. but of course if ur running a crappy low resolution, then yes...the e5200 might be a bottleneck. what resolutions and AA settings will u be using?
It's usually either 1440x900 or 1680x1050, depending on the game. I run 0xAA up to 4xAA depending on the game as well.
I think its a very good match up, especially at those resolutions with low or no AA. Should have great performance.
should be fine. im running an [email protected] with a gtx260 216 and notice no bottlenecking issues. i usually run my games at 2304x1440 also...
My 8800GTS G93 is the bottle neck for my E8400 @ stock as the CPU benchmark in Crysis sees a 4 FPS min difference from 3 to 4ghz but the GPU benchmark doesn't budge more than .1 - .5 FPS which tells me that 8800GTS G95 is at its absolute max and the HD4830 is the same speed roughly as my 8800GTS which means your video card won't be able to keep up with your CPU @ 3ghz so you need to start looking at an HD4870 or GTX 260.
I wouldn't go as far as saying "powerful", it will run his system fine though thats for sure.

I'm running a e5200 at 3.5, and I as much as I would love to justify buying a q9550 I can't do it right now. There is nothing at all that is CPU limited as far as gaming and general computer use. Unless you are doing a lot of CPU intensive things, the e5200 is fantatastic.