WiFi video doorbell recommendations?


Jan 26, 2010
Does anyone have a preferred video doorbell? The better half has been pushing for one for long enough that it needs to happen :D

We don't have any doorbells at all now, but would like to install three (two on the main building, and one on an auxiliary building); power is available, but wireless chimes would be important; the auxiliary building has no overhang, so the doorbell would be exposed to direct rain and sunlight, we get some snow, but don't go far below freezing. I'd like to avoid cloud storage if possible, storing videos on device or on my existing SMB share would be ideal; and I don't want another billing relationship. Phone notifications are important. I've run zoneminder before, but would prefer not to, because I didn't run it very well. I have lots of wifi capacity on both bands, even in the auxiliary building.

I know these requirements are somewhat conflicting, but thanks for your suggestions!
I use these at work for our main entrances at the buildings:


Internally we have one of these for each main desk:


Other than some initial issues with the firmware that shipped on them they have been working pretty well for us, im in NH, so these things have survived sub freezing winters and ungodly hot/humid summers for a while now. No clue about if the 3710 supports wireless connection or not, ours are all connected with ethernet, though im pretty sure that 3370 does connect over wifi (I vaguely remember seeing the symbol in the top right corner as I was setting it up).
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I have been liking the Ubiquiti G4 doorbell, but note it is part of their Protect system (ie you need to setup a device with their NVR controller software).

For wireless chimes, I use the HoneyWell wireless chimes and their wired to wireless bridge.