WiFi Detection & Tracking Questions


Jul 13, 2005
A friend of mine who lives down the street from me and I are going to have a little contest. We both setup small independent wireless LANs in our homes and the goal is to see who can cracks who's wifi first and muck up the connected computer. basically wifi leeching and such. i recently read in 2600 about wifi leeching and while i don't practice this myself it will be the goal of our little game. here's what i have so far.

My settup is as follows: i have a beater 466mhz laptop connected via wifi to an SMC wireless router that's active as an access point

our homes are a little over 100 yards apart so we're not too close or too far apart.

my questions are 1: what's the best program to detect wifi connections. I currently use Net Stumbler and was just wondering if there's anything better.

question 2: what type of cantenna whould i build if anyone happens to know. I've found a few guides but was just wondering if anyone was built any of these types of thing before.

any info would be great, later.
Hmm not sure if your question is within the rules (and again not sure my answer will be, mods feel free to delete), but in general if you are looking at any form of network security testing, be it wireless or wired this is one of the best set of tools The Auditor.
You may also want to have a lookat this article in which the feds use this tool to crack wep encryption in UNDER 3 minutes (although your laptop may be a bit slower ;) )