Why so excited for the iPhone X ? It's the same old thing running boring iOS


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
I am totally confused the major hype for the new iPhone X, I just don't get it. It's nothing new at all to really be excited about. And I am super smartphone nerd, total gadget geek.

Because it's running the same old boring iOS, sure the iPhone 8 will be all new tech, catching up to the looks and bezel less display Android phones have had for a year already. But at the end of the day, the fancy new phone wears off quickly, and your left with the OS you use day in, and day out 24/7, and iOS 11 is just like lame boring, locked down iOS 10, which was just like old iOS 9, which was like lame iOS 8, and the Fischer Price toy iOS 7 which started it all.

Who gives two fucks about the new design of the iPhone X, when it's running the same iOS still from iOS 7 basically ? I'd be way more excited and pumped if the new phone was just the iPhone 8 Plus, but with a totally revamped major revision to iOS. That would be breaking news and truly jaw dropping. But right now, this X is basically a Galaxy S8 running iOS. Yawn :( Once the shiny new toy feeling wears off, it will feel just like the iPhone 7, and iPhone 6S, and iPhone 6, etc...Nothing new at all really here.

To be honest, I fail to see the big excitement for the iPhone X, What's the big deal here ? My point being the OS in it, is the same thing we've seen for years, nothing new here, just old iOS, nothing new. Sure the phone itself is better FINALLY, but that's it.

Thing is I LOVE the iPhone, a Jailbreaked 7 Plus is the best smartphone IMO right now. But only JB iPhone's do it for me, otherwise Nexus / Pixel all the way.
I was really hoping that Apple would finally adopt the top ten features the Jailbreak community has made for the iPhone over the years. You can Google those, but they are things in my opinion, that should just be baked into iOS standard already.

With this all new totally redone hardware and full screen, no bezels, the iPhone X looks AMAZING and great, but to have it still running the same iOS style and look, just seems so strange. It's like buying a new Ferrari but inside you have the interior of the 1980's car, super outdated and ugly look, and really bad by 2017's standards. That's iOS 10 IMO.

But try a Jailbreaked iPhone 7 Plus, with all the tweaks and stuff, it's night and day a way better phone to use. I guess I am shocked that with a brand new next generation phone design, Apple stuck with the same old iOS. Right now would have been the perfect time for a refresh, like they did back in iOS 7.
Coming from someone who has had every iPhone since the 3GS, I will agree with you. I'd be far more excited for a completely revamped iOS that has the features users have been yearning for years than the iPhone X with all of these "new" features. In all honesty, the iPhone X seems to be Apple finally catching up to many Android devices of the past 2-3 years in terms of features (OLED, wireless charging, fast charging, face unlocking, etc). The only pieces of tech in the iPhone X that really excite me are the FaceID which will likely runs circles around current face recognition security and the beastly A11 chip.

That being said, I will still buy the iPhone X as I'm on the iPhone upgrade program and will use it as my work phone. But for my personal phone I'm switching to Android which will likely either be the LG V30 or the Google Pixel XL2.
I was really hoping that Apple would finally adopt the top ten features the Jailbreak community has made for the iPhone over the years. You can Google those, but they are things in my opinion, that should just be baked into iOS standard already.

With this all new totally redone hardware and full screen, no bezels, the iPhone X looks AMAZING and great, but to have it still running the same iOS style and look, just seems so strange. It's like buying a new Ferrari but inside you have the interior of the 1980's car, super outdated and ugly look, and really bad by 2017's standards. That's iOS 10 IMO.

But try a Jailbreaked iPhone 7 Plus, with all the tweaks and stuff, it's night and day a way better phone to use. I guess I am shocked that with a brand new next generation phone design, Apple stuck with the same old iOS. Right now would have been the perfect time for a refresh, like they did back in iOS 7.

Ok, I haven't jailbroken a phone since my 4, and back then it was getting hard to find a reliable jailbreak each and even iOS release. Has that changed? Has it been faster these days with new phone releases?

I loved my iPhone once it was jailbroken and I'm considering an iPhone 7 to replace my Nexus 6P and was kinda on the fence.. if it's jailbroken already, that's a big plus.
Curious how the iPhone 8 + 8 Plus will sell ? Everyone is super pumped for the new X, and understandably so.

Why would you want the new 8 Plus if you already have the 7 Plus. Where I could easily see a 7 Plus owner wanting the new X.

I think the rumors of the X bring super limited supply, out of stock almost immediately till next year, will force the 8 line to sell, if you want a new iPhone this year.
Gosh and all these new Samsung phone still run Android, when will we get something different?!? :eek:

I guess my curiosity is, What sets the iPhone X apart from the 8? I did a bit of reading, but I didn't really find much relevant information.
Curious how the iPhone 8 + 8 Plus will sell ? Everyone is super pumped for the new X, and understandably so.

Why would you want the new 8 Plus if you already have the 7 Plus. Where I could easily see a 7 Plus owner wanting the new X.

I think the rumors of the X bring super limited supply, out of stock almost immediately till next year, will force the 8 line to sell, if you want a new iPhone this year.

The 8 and 8 Plus will appease the iPhone fans that don't want to spend $1000+ on a device, but still have a new iPhone.

Rumors are that the phones will have staggered releases. The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus will release on Sept 22nd as per usual and the iPhone X will come in October. They staggered the release to avoid cutting into 8 sales and to gather a bit more stock of the X before it goes on sale. We'll find out tomorrow what their game plan is for sure.

Gosh and all these new Samsung phone still run Android, when will we get something different?!? :eek:

To be fair, Android has evolved FAR more than iOS has since its inception. Granted, iOS shat all over Android up until a couple years ago - now I'd say they're fairly close. iOS still is king for stability and memory management, but Android is king in versatility and customization.

I guess my curiosity is, What sets the iPhone X apart from the 8? I did a bit of reading, but I didn't really find much relevant information.

iPhone 8 = same design as the iPhone 6 and 7. But will have a glass back, an A11 chip, and wireless/fast charging.

iPhone X = Complete Redesign; 18:9 bezeless OLED screen, glass back, FaceID instead of TouchID, A11 Chip, Wireless/Fast Charging.

EDIT: This is based on current rumors/leaks.
I guess my curiosity is, What sets the iPhone X apart from the 8? I did a bit of reading, but I didn't really find much relevant information.

It's the same thing, runs the same iOS 11, only difference being the phone itself is all new, with full screen, little bezels, which is great, but other than that, the day to day use will be the same on both phones. I am just shocked that with an all new groundbreaking phone redesign, they kept the same old iOS, which won't even allow you to move an app icon to the bottom of the screen LOL
I'm another who's owned every iPhone from the 3G to 7 Plus. I was a serious jailbreaker, too, until Apple pretty much slammed the door on exploits. I never got a stable JB on my 7 Plus and ended up jumping to Android with a OnePlus 5. Only thing I miss about the iPhone is the battery life. Android has come a long way with battery life, but still lags behind iOS.

I have no interest in the next round of iPhones. I'll just keep my 7 Plus until it's paid off from my T-Mo Jump plan.
My point being, as cool as JB is, and the super cool new iPhone X, it deserves a JB type iOS functionally now, and the Jailbreak customization should be baked in standard to the iPhone X. Not just iOS 10.5 they put in the X. iSO 11 ( or iOS 10.5 as I call it ) just doesn't look or seem right for such a cool new iPhone X, it needs better, and Apple could easily have done that.

Oh well, the iPhone 9 will probably get the totally revamped UI in iOS 12.
Umm, what? Not only can I move any app icon I want to the bottom, I can move folders there too.
He isn't talking about the dock. He means you can't put an icon anywhere you want on the screen like you've been able to do with Android forever. I don't even understand the purpose of wallpapers on iPhones since they're just covered up with rows and rows of icons.
The iPhone has been the Fisher Price phone for the Grandmas and teens for years now. Just shocked with the brand new groundbreaking iPhone X, that Apple didn't choose this time, to finally update and revise the stale looking "My Little Pony" iOS theme they've been rocking since iOS 7.

But hey, different strokes for different folks. If you like the Disney style that is iOS, that's cool. I don't, and with the X it would have been the perfect time to revise it,
I agree that Apple is being conservative software-wise, but at the same time, I think you're conflating your own tastes with that of the public.

You call iOS boring; a lot of people don't care, because they see it as a launcher for their favorite apps. They don't need to have their home screen just so. They may even like the simplicity and familiarity more than anything else.

And for them, the iPhone X is interesting precisely because it takes a familiar experience they enjoy and ramps it up with that screen, that camera, that faster processor... yeah, there's not much incentive to spring for the iPhone X if you already have a 7 or a 7 Plus, but it's a huge leap if you're coming from anything earlier, and whatever you like iOS could be made that much better.
To be fair, Android has evolved FAR more than iOS has since its inception. Granted, iOS shat all over Android up until a couple years ago - now I'd say they're fairly close. iOS still is king for stability and memory management, but Android is king in versatility and customization.
Maybe a quibble here, but to say Android was shit up until "a couple years ago" seems like a gross exaggeration. It was really unpolished in the very early days, but by any reasonable standard, the interface became plenty clean and idiot-proof around Ice Cream Sandwich (2011). For the past half-decade at least, the overall theme has remained the same: both have highly polished interfaces, with Android favoring flexibility/power and iOS favoring simplicity.

If anything, my perception is that there was a much larger functionality/practicality gap in favor of Android back around the ICS/Jellybean era that Apple has since closed significantly. The parity between the two has increased in almost every facet during the past few years. Let's be honest on both sides: in 2017, it comes down almost entirely to your philosophy on the tradeoff between slightly more flexible and less walled-gardeny (Android) vs. slightly faster/simpler/more predictable due to the tight software-hardware pairing (iOS). The days of Android looking like Win3.1 and/or being a stuttering mess (on stock Android and/or flagships), or of iOS not being able to open a zip file, are well behind us.
People that hang out in tech forums like MacRumors and here on [H] probably make up about 1% of the general population of smartphone users, and even there I'm probably being generous.

The truth is, the general public doesn't care about all of that. They buy iPhones because they work, they are easy to use, the software has a tight support system, all of their friends and family are on iPhones save for the odd uncle or lone friend that has a Samsung, then they tell them they wish they had an iPhone because their Samsung is slow.

Believe me, I get where people are coming from, but iOS just works. It's the epitome of quality and functionality. I've tried so many times to make a full time switch to Android but I just can't do it. All of the muscle memory I've developed using iOS over the years is nearly impossible to break, the Apps are just better, the support, all of the accessory support, its just all there at your fingertips.

Again, the product just works, and that's all the general public cares about. They want to be able to easily call and text their friends, family, and use social media apps, and take pictures and videos. iPhones will always have a decent camera. And it's easy and seamless to share these over iMessage.

I work in IT, and even a lot of the fellow IT specialists I work with don't even know smartphones well, most of them have iPhones or Samsungs.

The iPhone X and 7S / 7S+ or 8, is once again, going to all sell like hotcakes and smash records like they do every single year. This won't change.
The Cult of Mac members need their fix, that's why!!! :D
The truth is, the general public doesn't care about all of that. They buy iPhones because they work, they are easy to use, the software has a tight support system, all of their friends and family are on iPhones save for the odd uncle or lone friend that has a Samsung, then they tell them they wish they had an iPhone because their Samsung is slow.

If this were true then Samsung wouldn't be the leader in smartphone market share - which it is. Then if you account for all other manufacturers which are mainly Android manufacturers, such as Huawei which is on track to overtake Apple, then Android devices have even greater dominance.

Many people buy iPhones because they need a simple phone that works and I can respect that. iOS is much easier to operate than Android. But then there is a good chunk of people that buy them because it's the "cool" thing to do now and want to be part of the cult.
One of my biggest gripes about iOS has been the lack of a back button at the bottom of the screen. Now, I haven't used the OS on a phone in a few generations, but my wife has an iPad mini and when I want to go back a menu, I have to click back at the top left. It's annoying and slows down anything you're doing.

Edit: sometimes my Android phone thinks it knows best and changes my words on me.
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If this were true then Samsung wouldn't be the leader in smartphone market share - which it is. Then if you account for all other manufacturers which are mainly Android manufacturers, such as Huawei which is on track to overtake Apple, then Android devices have even greater dominance.

Many people buy iPhones because they need a simple phone that works and I can respect that. iOS is much easier to operate than Android. But then there is a good chunk of people that buy them because it's the "cool" thing to do now and want to be part of the cult.

In North America, Apple rules the roost when it comes to individual brands. As of June, Apple had 44.9% of US share while Samsung had 29.1%. You have a point when it comes to international share, but I don't think that's necessarily what Xan is talking about.

And outside of North America, I don't think it's that the iPhone network effect doesn't exist. It's that those areas aren't Apple's home turf, and other brands wield much greater influence. Chinese brands obviously have a huge advantage in China, but even 'neutral' areas may have factors you might not be aware of until you go there. For example, Samsung dominates Spain. Why? Well, if you visit a place like Barcelona... Samsung's advertising is everywhere. It makes the company's US marketing seem timid by comparison. So yeah, a lot of Spaniards are going to buy Galaxies, because as far as most locals are concerned Samsung is the only phone brand that exists. And that's true in some other key countries, too.

Yes, the iPhone's networking effect may be overstated, but I'd also say that it's present, and that Android's dominance in other countries is more a virtue of a given brand's strength in that area than the weakness of the iPhone's grip on customers.
I don't want to start another iPhone thread, so I'm using this as a general iPhone discussion thread not an iDiot hate fest.

Leaks suggest that the iPhone X will have some sort of USB-C since it has two USB-C drivers related to charging and firmware updates. I'm guessing that Apple is using USB-C circuitry except the ports itself which will remain lightning. But here's to hoping that even the ports are USB-C, which would make it easier for headphone manufacturers to make great wired headphones, and that iPhones could use the MacBook chargers.
The 8 and 8 Plus will appease the iPhone fans that don't want to spend $1000+ on a device, but still have a new iPhone.

Rumors are that the phones will have staggered releases. The iPhone 8 and 8 Plus will release on Sept 22nd as per usual and the iPhone X will come in October. They staggered the release to avoid cutting into 8 sales and to gather a bit more stock of the X before it goes on sale. We'll find out tomorrow what their game plan is for sure.

To be fair, Android has evolved FAR more than iOS has since its inception. Granted, iOS shat all over Android up until a couple years ago - now I'd say they're fairly close. iOS still is king for stability and memory management, but Android is king in versatility and customization.

iPhone 8 = same design as the iPhone 6 and 7. But will have a glass back, an A11 chip, and wireless/fast charging.

iPhone X = Complete Redesign; 18:9 bezeless OLED screen, glass back, FaceID instead of TouchID, A11 Chip, Wireless/Fast Charging.

EDIT: This is based on current rumors/leaks.
I'd upgrade to an 8 Plus if the home button were more like the touch pad the HTC 10/11 and OnePlus 3/3T/5.
Just my opinion or course, but Android was a mess until Jellybean. Now that it's finally polished and running really well, it's not exactly changing much either. The differences from Marshmallow through Oreo are mostly under-the-hood stuff. That's magnified when you factor in the heavy-handed modifications most OEM's make.

That said, I'm not exactly sure what Apple is going to do to try and justify the supposedly >$1000 price for the new iPhone. That's a pretty massive jump. I also hope it doesn't spur other phone makers to follow suit.
The problem with Android is seriously updates. Aside from the Pixel and the Nexuses, you are pretty much forced to root your phone every two years (at best) if not every year (OnePlus, etc) or immediately to remove the OEM bloat (Samsung) or simply buy a new phone because you can't install custom ROM's due to the phone's encrypted bootloader. Talk about planned obsolescence...

The security updates are also held up by the carrier often.
I dont get this whole hate on apple hype.

Android is for the geeks that want to play around with stuff, Apple is for those who want a stable out of the box device and dont plan on using it for anything other than what it was intended for.

Apple is known for the "old technology" but making it stable. Sure Android phones have come out with the technology first but a lot of the time its very unstable and has flaws.

I have had the iPhone since the very first. I have changed to the HTC Evo which I enjoyed, Galaxy S7 Edge which was complete crap, and now I am back to the 7 Plus and I will be getting the new iPhone if all the rumors are true about the screen/bezel.

I use the phone as a phone. I send texts, take pictures, make phone calls, browse IG and FB, and use it for google maps. I dont need any of the widgets or other little items that everyone mods their phone to do.

My parents, my GFs parents all have the iPhone because its easy to use. No bugs or issues. We tried Android with her Dad and it was a nightmare.

I use apple because its stable and it works.
I dont get this whole hate on apple hype.

It goes both ways, there are ruthless Apple fanboys out there that will bash every Android device to kingdom come just because it isn't an Apple product.

I buy what fits my needs and iPhones have been that for a good part of the past decade. But now I'm getting an Android device in addition to the iPhone X since Android is a lot less "dull" than iOS.

LOL you guys kill me... is this what you call "first world problems"?

Congratulations, you're on a technology enthusiast board. Not sure what else you were expecting...:meh:
I heard the iphoneX will have a dedicated analog port for headphones and what not.. substantially raising up the clarity, depth, and experience over digital bluetooth headphones. ;)
I am not out to bash the iPhone here, no. I think the iPhone X will be an amazing piece of new technology, just a great smartphone.

But...I just would have liked iOS 11 to have more revisions or a new UI with the introduction of an all new groundbreaking design in the X. But it seems I fall into a very small minority.

And then the price, starting at $1,000 !!! wow. That's a hell of a lot of money for a smartphone. And I agree Samsung charging what $900+ for the Note 8, that too is crazy.

I remember when flagship phones launched at the $650 - $700 price range for years, only until recently did they start going higher.
I am not out to bash the iPhone here, no. I think the iPhone X will be an amazing piece of new technology, just a great smartphone.

But...I just would have liked iOS 11 to have more revisions or a new UI with the introduction of an all new groundbreaking design in the X. But it seems I fall into a very small minority.

And then the price, starting at $1,000 !!! wow. That's a hell of a lot of money for a smartphone. And I agree Samsung charging what $900+ for the Note 8, that too is crazy.

I remember when flagship phones launched at the $650 - $700 price range for years, only until recently did they start going higher.

I don't think you'll see a significantly new UI until Apple has 'settled in' to the new design and had a chance to see what it can do. I'm reminded a bit of when the Power Mac G5 came out: it shipped with a version of OS X that was only slightly tweaked to support 64-bit apps. It wasn't until later OS releases and more widely available 64-bit hardware that you saw Apple really stretching its legs and taking advantage of that extra power.

Not that you'll necessarily see Apple completely revamp the UI with iOS 12 or later, just that its strategy could shift from "make sure it actually works" to "let's see what we can do."
It's 2017 and I still can't move an app icon to the bottom of the screen. It's had plenty of time to settle in.

This is assuming that it's really a glaring, horrible problem for Apple, and I'm not convinced it is. I would like to have more customization myself, but nor do I panic because iOS locks the ordering of apps. It doesn't matter nearly as much as enthusiasts think it does.

Besides, in many cases it feels like people are really arguing for conformity more than anything. "Make it like Android. Exactly like Android. In fact, just make an Android phone."
We're on [H] -- And quibbling over SOFTWARE differences between iOS and Android. Use what you prefer between the 2 like installing Linux or Windows on your PC...

But have you seen the rumored CPU specs on the "iPhone X?" It looks like it will put any Snapdragon to shame...

In fact, when talking about hardware, there doesn't seem to be any love for Apple on them being at the forefront of mobile CPU performance and Flash Storage performance.

Android folks seem to always point to OLED! and MicroSD! -- But things that actually make the device FAST, like CPU and Flash are ignored sometimes.

And that my friends, is what I feel the [H] is all about. Even though we can't OC these CPUs :cry:

Edit: Regarding the price... I think the iPhone X buyers are getting hit with an early adopter tax. Apple is beholden to Samsung for procuring OLED at quantity. Until they can diversify their supply chain for OLED, the high end hardware features won't move downstream in order to keep their margins. In respect to how the iPhone X sells -- If its a smash hit, I think it would behoove Apple to keep a high-end SKU around for future generations a la segmenting the Mac and iPad lines with "Pro" models.
Can you not install your own ringtone from just downloading the from the app store on an iPhone ? really i do not know. With Android you grab any sound file, or ring tone app, and install the ones you like. No computer hookup or anything else needed, can do it all on the fly.

Or this, a lot of times I use my nexus 6P or Pixel XL as a portable harddrive, I have a big PDF I downloaded on my PC, I just plug my phone into the PC, and grab the file and throw it onto the phone, within seconds, unplug the phone, and the PDF is there on the phone for me. Easy, no big deal. Can this new file system in iOS 11 do the same now ?

Default app settings, let's say I prefer a different keyboard, or different Maps app, or different browser. I want the option to set defaults, not just be Safari only, or Apple maps, etc... I want the simple option to have specific apps set to default, and with my iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10, that was not an option, which I found extremely frustrating. Did iOS 11 finally change that, allowing user default setting options ?
Personally I don't use an iPhone because of the hardware.. Its because of that same boring old OS.. Its stable & fast.. Something that I dont find to ever be the case for Android (one or the other, but never both as soon as you start running apps).

Personally with rumors abound I cant say which I am really looking forward to.

the 8 or 7s whatever it is with wireless charging would be worth my effort in upgrading. Thats one of the few things I miss from Android

The X or 8 depending on which rumor you read for the name - Well I love the 18:9 ratio, but I am also not giving up Touch ID to get it. If the rumors claiming it'll be incorporated into the apple logo on the back are true then this will be the phone I get. But thats not the rumor everywhere so I doubt that will be the case.
Just my opinion or course, but Android was a mess until Jellybean. Now that it's finally polished and running really well, it's not exactly changing much either. The differences from Marshmallow through Oreo are mostly under-the-hood stuff. That's magnified when you factor in the heavy-handed modifications most OEM's make.

That said, I'm not exactly sure what Apple is going to do to try and justify the supposedly >$1000 price for the new iPhone. That's a pretty massive jump. I also hope it doesn't spur other phone makers to follow suit.

Except that there is a TON changing on the outside with Android O. Notifications themselves are getting a HUGE upgrade, the Ambient Display changes, the entire Settings Menu, Bluetooth Codec selection, the absolutely stunning colored Media notifications, Picture-in-Picture, and the AutoFill API allow apps like LastPass to not need the janky Accessibility work around. Those are just a few of the changes that are highly visible to the user.

The changes under the hood are anything but minor. Project Treble in itself is the largest re-architecture of Android ever.

The problem with Android is seriously updates. Aside from the Pixel and the Nexuses, you are pretty much forced to root your phone every two years (at best) if not every year (OnePlus, etc) or immediately to remove the OEM bloat (Samsung) or simply buy a new phone because you can't install custom ROM's due to the phone's encrypted bootloader. Talk about planned obsolescence...

The security updates are also held up by the carrier often.

While true what most people forget is that Joe Average doesn't give a shit about updates. They just get a new phone every 2 years (or less) and for them ignorance is bliss. Hopefully Project Treble can correct some of the OEM speed issues though.

But what I say about Joe Average not giving a shit goes for both iOS and Android. My wife and her friends (and many of my iPhone using co-workers) ignore the Apple warnings about updates. The only reason they ever update is because Apple eventually annoy the user enough to where they update the device.

We're on [H] -- And quibbling over SOFTWARE differences between iOS and Android. Use what you prefer between the 2 like installing Linux or Windows on your PC...

But have you seen the rumored CPU specs on the "iPhone X?" It looks like it will put any Snapdragon to shame...

In fact, when talking about hardware, there doesn't seem to be any love for Apple on them being at the forefront of mobile CPU performance and Flash Storage performance.

Android folks seem to always point to OLED! and MicroSD! -- But things that actually make the device FAST, like CPU and Flash are ignored sometimes.

And that my friends, is what I feel the [H] is all about. Even though we can't OC these CPUs :cry:

Edit: Regarding the price... I think the iPhone X buyers are getting hit with an early adopter tax. Apple is beholden to Samsung for procuring OLED at quantity. Until they can diversify their supply chain for OLED, the high end hardware features won't move downstream in order to keep their margins. In respect to how the iPhone X sells -- If its a smash hit, I think it would behoove Apple to keep a high-end SKU around for future generations a la segmenting the Mac and iPad lines with "Pro" models.

Honestly who cares how fast iPhone X will be or the next gen Pixel or the next OEM flagship device? They are all ridiculously fast now and synthetic benchmarks mean nothing and we all know it. Will the Pixel 2 be noticeably faster than the Pixel when checking E-mail or browsing the web? Not a snowballs chance in hell. Will iPhone X be noticeably faster than the iPhone 7? Not a chance. On paper everything is "faster" but speed is relative and means nothing during normal daily use anymore.
Can you not install your own ringtone from just downloading the from the app store on an iPhone ? really i do not know. With Android you grab any sound file, or ring tone app, and install the ones you like. No computer hookup or anything else needed, can do it all on the fly.

Or this, a lot of times I use my nexus 6P or Pixel XL as a portable harddrive, I have a big PDF I downloaded on my PC, I just plug my phone into the PC, and grab the file and throw it onto the phone, within seconds, unplug the phone, and the PDF is there on the phone for me. Easy, no big deal. Can this new file system in iOS 11 do the same now ?

Default app settings, let's say I prefer a different keyboard, or different Maps app, or different browser. I want the option to set defaults, not just be Safari only, or Apple maps, etc... I want the simple option to have specific apps set to default, and with my iPhone 7 Plus running iOS 10, that was not an option, which I found extremely frustrating. Did iOS 11 finally change that, allowing user default setting options ?

1: People still use ringtones? Are you 12? :p

2: I use an app called “File Browser” and I can copy files from my PC to my iPad. Why would I want the convenience of needing to use a cable for this?!?

3: You can use a different keyboard by default.