Whoa! the 2684 bigadv work unit points have been revised up!!!


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 27, 2004
Folding1(Bloomfield) just dumped a 2684 and I was very surprised to notice that Stanford revised the points upward for it. My [email protected] ghz just manages to sneak in a couple hours before the 4 day deadline, and usually yields around 70k points for nearly 4 days worth of work. I was very surprised to see that this latest one yielded me 85500 points. I ended up checking out the project server summary page and the base points were bumped up to 12790!
...where have you guys been :D its been like this for just about a month i think....big thread about it somewhere :D

but yes, very good to know
I never pay attention anymore to how many points i'm getting for a given work unit so long as it "looks" about right. It is pretty refreshing to see that they've actually listened to all of the criticism as i've never heard of them revising points upward on any work unit.
Yeah they've been revised up for a while now, however they're still the worst bigadv you can pull...