Who to Follow on Twitter for PC News?

Feb 27, 2011
Hey guys, sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forum but I get a lot of my news about Macs and iPhones (jailbreak mostly) and stuff like that through twitter feeds because it's easy and I had have to go typing in search bars (easy for browsing through class) and over the past few months I have really gotten into PC News and updates and was wondering who to follow on Twitter? I myself don't tweet or do anything of the sort I primarily use it for updates and news and stuff but I realized I don't have anything about PC stuff or new reviews on the latest and greatest or any quick info and was wondering if anyone could help me out.
All right thanks, I looked around and only found anandtech on twitter, I guess that's good enough. Thanks for the help.
I only care about overclocking.net, [h]ardforum, and anandtech really and 2/3 don't have an official twitter feed.