Where to install Kraken x72 360mm in Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL? Top? Side? Bottom?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
It's my first build in many, many years... I bought the Lian Li O11 Dynamic XL along with the Kraken x27 360mm AIO.

Where should I install the radiator and should the fans be on the inner side or outer side of the case?

AND, should the fans PULL or PUSH the air INSIDE or OUTSIDE?

AND, should I install it on the TOP or VERTICALLY INSIDE or BOTTOM?

Any help will be appreciated. I want to finish the build this weekend.

Thanks guys!!! Will post pics when finished :)
inside sucking in fresh air. fan location is up to you, wanna see the fan or the rad? then exhaust out the top and back. it will raise your case temp slightly but will give much better temps for the cpu.
inside sucking in fresh air. fan location is up to you, wanna see the fan or the rad? then exhaust out the top and back. it will raise your case temp slightly but will give much better temps for the cpu.

Awesome... thanks, Pendragon! It's my first build in years and my first AIO water cooler, hence the lack of knowledge. I've seen photos and all, but didn't want to make the wrong decision. Will definitely put in a few hours into making it a nice build. It's my stress reliever and a nice way to get away from everything for a few hours. But, also want to make sure I do it correctly.