Where are the 8K Monitors?

Online games buffer frames locally and on the server. In the case of valorant, which is a 128tick server with modern net code, it's 2 frames on the server and 3 frames on the client. So say 7.8ms x2 and 7.8ms x3 buffered on each end. If you are using DLSS + Frame Generation, you are also seeing imagined frames separate from what the server decides is happening that you are acting on, and you are also buffering a frame there as well.

Games like modern Battlefield games do use a different method of determining "who shot first" for the occurrences where both people shoot on the same tick (the same tick as the server sees it) more or less, but considering all of the above, you don't see where the other player is temporally, accurately down to small ms levels when you are playing online games. So you don't see in sync what, where to aim at and thus when you decide to shoot to begin with before that "who shot first"calculation comes into play (most obnoxiously visible and made aware of this happening as peeker scenario, but it's a temporal gap/rubberband all of the time, the lack of sync is just more obvious and in your face in certain scenarios).

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not that experienced in online gaming but from what I did play what I noticed the algorithm games settled on is: if you see shooting someone down then no matter where he is he will die unless server decide you die first.

That's not true. You are out of sync with the game server so you can shoot someone on your local screen who "isn't there anymore" as far as the server is concerned. Peeker's advantage shows this clearly, but the whole game world is out of sync, peeking just highlights just how much that is and with obnoxious results.

emphasis/bold lettering added by me in the quote below the link.

"To help visualize the improvement, let’s look at how far a player who starts fully behind cover is able to peek around a corner before their opponent sees the movement. We’ll assume that the peeker is running at max speed"

If they can peek in that far, then the reverse is true - they can get behind the corner for cover and from your perspective will still look like they were still standing there with you shooting them. The server sees them as having dodged behind the corner. This kind of thing, being out of sync with the game world is affecting the entire game world and gameplay, it's just most obvious in certain things.


This can lead to unrealistic situations where you see you managed to take cover but still die but also situations where you kill laggy player which obvioussly isn't where they are but still get fragged by you where you see them.

It's not just input lag. In online games, you always see yourself ahead of where you actually are on the server, and you always see your opponent behind where they actually are on the server. The server goes back in time using the buffered frames system in an attempt to grant successful shot timing and other actions like player movement compared to (what your machine simulates to the server based on) what you saw locally. However different game's server code use their own biased design choices to resolve which player/action is successful, usually in regard to who's ping is higher or lower than the other - it's an interpolated/simulated result. As i said, the client also uses predicted frames in the online gaming system while it's waiting on the server's ticks.

A difference of a few ms of local input lag - operating on predicted frames since you are ahead of the server's tick rate, plus buffering on both ends, and then the server determining where everyone actually was at a lower rate and taking input lag compensation into account - is probably not an impactful difference. What makes a big difference is the length of the rubberband between you and the server, aka the amount of "peeker's advantage". Differences there of 10ms to 20ms would make a huge difference (e.g. a 60fpsHz player on a 128tick server would get 100ms of distortion, a 128fpsHz player would get 68ms of distortion on that same server) - - so your best case scenario is exceeding the tick rate as your fps lows and minimums (i.e. 128fps minimum, not average on a 128tick server) to reduce the peeker's advantage to the lowest the tick rate is capable of. Even then, "the move may arrive mid-frame and need to wait up to a full tick to be queued or processed" (+7.8ms), and also " may take an additional frame to render on the client" (+7.8ms), so it's sloppy there too.

That kind of meaningful gap reduction in online gameplay hinges on your fps vs the tick rate. However, a lot of game's tick rate is much lower than 128 tick , some are in the 20's ! .. so they would be much higher ms peeker's advantage gap ~ temporal distortion (and players thus being shown more predicted frames by the client etc.). Even if players are all experiencing the peeker's advantage gap more or less evenly on lower tick servers due to more achievable frame rates vs tick rates, that kind of huge gap in lower tick servers makes things much more wacky compared to the local predicted frames of gameplay you have being displayed your end while your client waits for the server's next interpolated tick. Things like teleporting around, rubberband "rewinds", and high fire rate weapons landing fewer shots as "super bullets" instead of peppering multiple lower damage shots throughout (among other things)

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The difference in ms between players who exceed the tick rate in fps and those who are beneath the tick rate in fps is - how far off what they are seeing is from what is happening as far as the server is concerned, rather than how fast the player can act input lag wise. Reaction wise, players react with 150ms to 180ms human reaction time plus their input lag chain, but they are reacting on predicted frames they are being shown by the client that don't correspond 1:1, and across peekers advantage distortion to how, when, and where things are on the server to begin with before they decide to act. Even with both players exceeding 128fpshz as their frame rate minimum on a 128 tick server, there will still be 72ms of distortion/"peekers advantage", plus a frame delay on the server and/or the client at times. "Frames of movement data are buffered at tick-granularity. Moves may arrive mid-frame and need to wait up to a full tick to be queued or processed." . . "Processed moves may take an additional frame to render on the client." (another frame, I believe he meant "frame" as 128tick peak, is 7.8ms)

The point I'm making is that - in online games - +2ms of input lag isn't going to make a difference overall, and on the 900D you'd still get something like 6ms input lag at over 200fpsHz, and 5ms at 240fpsHz. Such low input lag numbers won't have appreciable difference in online games for the above reasons, especially the fact that you aren't being shown were someone actually is temporily to react to compared to the server for several reasons. Local games, and LAN competitions, sure some appreciable gap in already low input lag numbers between player could make a difference in top skill level players if averaged out because all of the lower tick rates, buffering, prediction, biased interpolated results/compensation, etc won't be involved.

Online gaming displays to the player and resolves "fuzzy" to put it mildly. In order to get the lowest rubberband/peeker's advantage in online games you'd have to exceed the tick rate as your real frame rate minimum (not frame generated), and even then you are still experiencing some distortion of at least 72ms on a 128 tick server, with a lot of games way worse than that with much lower tick rates.
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I like the idea of 8K as a sort of "do it all" screen, as 8K resolution can integer scale to just about ANY modern resolution. And we're seeing 4K screens that can integer-scale down to 1080p to allow for higher refresh rates, which is really the ONLY option for 4K screens, whereas 8K screens can do so much more.

1x1 ratio: 7680x4320
2x2 ratio: 3840x2160
3x3 ratio: 2560x1140
4x4 ratio: 1920x1080

Imagine having a screen that can do 8K at 120FPS, 4K at 240, QHD at 480Hz or 1080p at 560Hz+

Want to play Elden Ring with the graphics maxed? No sense having a higher refresh as the engine is locked to 60 FPS, so go ahead and enable FG and run it at maximum res!

Want to click heads in CS2? lower that bitch down to 1080p and pull in 500+ FPS

Have an urge to run Forza with RT? Run at 4K and get beautiful detail while still having great speed.

A 40+ inch 8K OLED screen with this kind of usability would be amazing.
I like the idea of 8K as a sort of "do it all" screen, as 8K resolution can integer scale to just about ANY modern resolution. And we're seeing 4K screens that can integer-scale down to 1080p to allow for higher refresh rates, which is really the ONLY option for 4K screens, whereas 8K screens can do so much more.

1x1 ratio: 7680x4320
2x2 ratio: 3840x2160
3x3 ratio: 2560x1140
4x4 ratio: 1920x1080

Imagine having a screen that can do 8K at 120FPS, 4K at 240, QHD at 480Hz or 1080p at 560Hz+

Want to play Elden Ring with the graphics maxed? No sense having a higher refresh as the engine is locked to 60 FPS, so go ahead and enable FG and run it at maximum res!

Want to click heads in CS2? lower that bitch down to 1080p and pull in 500+ FPS

Have an urge to run Forza with RT? Run at 4K and get beautiful detail while still having great speed.

A 40+ inch 8K OLED screen with this kind of usability would be amazing.

Some of those are a matter of personal taste. To me, 1080p is out 😁

Elden ring's max fpsHz can be unlocked with a simple mod. You can also adjust the FoV.


4k gameplay with DLSS quality + frame gen for sure, RT can still be a big hit though depending on the game. I prefer over 100fpsHz or more I think it would be nice if like improwise wanted, samsung could do non-native resolutions 1:1 with black bars, so that you could play forza in 21:9/10 or 32:9/10 ultrawide resolutions for things like racing games.

I'd agree and say 8k oled for gaming but OLED takes some of the desktop/app usability out for those of us who take precautions like black wallpaper, no icons on the screen, make sure to time out the screen when idle/paused for awhile, have to use dark themes, hide the taskbar, swap to using a lower nit mode or profile when using one for static desktop/apps, etc. etc. Using HDR injection methods on SDR games like using nvidia RTX HDR will also boost the color nits/brightness of HUD elements in games, which is a bad scenario if you play hundreds of hours of a particular game with static hud, or even without HDR injection some game's static elements can be fatiguing to an OLED screen. I'd stick with a 4k for oled gaming at this point personally, but I'm the type of person to not use my oled for desktop/apps for the above reasons. I just use a different screen for that. OLED "monitors" also sometimes have lower nits than oled gaming tvs, most likely because they are geared more for desktop/app use part of the time so have to be toned down a bit. A FALD LCD has it's pros and cons as does an OLED.

What would also be great is if the 900D's screen tech and nvidia's 5000 series allowed for 8k 120hz. Then you could at least run windowed resolutions on a desktop at 120hz rather than 60, avoiding full screen upscaling that samsung otherwise forces, as well as getting higher fps in the windowed resolutions and the ability to do uw resolutions, etc.

I agree with the overall sentiment. More options the better.
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I like the idea of 8K as a sort of "do it all" screen, as 8K resolution can integer scale to just about ANY modern resolution. And we're seeing 4K screens that can integer-scale down to 1080p to allow for higher refresh rates, which is really the ONLY option for 4K screens, whereas 8K screens can do so much more.
Imagine having a screen that can do 8K at 120FPS, 4K at 240, QHD at 480Hz or 1080p at 560Hz+
If it could do 8K at 120Hz it could also do 4K at 480Hz. 8k has 4x pixels than 4K. Same with 4K and 1080p - you could do 960Hz at 1080p if you can do 4K at 240Hz.

Where it comes to integer scaling so far the only display that I know of which intentionally did integer scaling is Eve Spectrum which was crowdfunded monitor (which BTW used the same panel as my LG 27GP950.. so it was fairly good monitor for the time but not the best) and otherwise... imagine dry atmosphere with lots of dusty sand and tumble weed rolling... and so better stop this dream of yours before you realize in the future that the monitor with specs which are comparable to what you wrote doesn't do integer scaling because 'reasons' and your fancy 480Hz mode has blurry scaling for no good reason.

But hey, chances are it might have AI in it to detect if you play FPS or RTS game to choose between corresponding profiles with all options locked because of course we gamers are too stupid to choose our own settings.
If it could do 8K at 120Hz it could also do 4K at 480Hz. 8k has 4x pixels than 4K. Same with 4K and 1080p - you could do 960Hz at 1080p if you can do 4K at 240Hz.

Where it comes to integer scaling so far the only display that I know of which intentionally did integer scaling is Eve Spectrum which was crowdfunded monitor (which BTW used the same panel as my LG 27GP950.. so it was fairly good monitor for the time but not the best) and otherwise... imagine dry atmosphere with lots of dusty sand and tumble weed rolling... and so better stop this dream of yours before you realize in the future that the monitor with specs which are comparable to what you wrote doesn't do integer scaling because 'reasons' and your fancy 480Hz mode has blurry scaling for no good reason.

But hey, chances are it might have AI in it to detect if you play FPS or RTS game to choose between corresponding profiles with all options locked because of course we gamers are too stupid to choose our own settings.
In theory, yes, but unfortunately there exist 240Hz 4K OLED panels today that can "Only" do 480Hz in integer-scaled 1080p today, which tells me that the bandwidth isn't the limiting factor for refreshing the screen. these OLEDs have such a high response time that they can probably to 1000Hz+ without blur at the panel level, but there's some issue with the LVDS or EDP or other signalling limitation.
In theory, yes, but unfortunately there exist 240Hz 4K OLED panels today that can "Only" do 480Hz in integer-scaled 1080p today, which tells me that the bandwidth isn't the limiting factor for refreshing the screen. these OLEDs have such a high response time that they can probably to 1000Hz+ without blur at the panel level, but there's some issue with the LVDS or EDP or other signalling limitation.
It is not integer scaling but some kind of "we deliberately made it blurry so it doesn't look too good" scaling.
Also bandwidth is limiting factor. With DSC over DP 1.4a you can only do 3840x2160 at 240Hz at industry standard 10bpp.
While you could quadruple that for 1920x1080 up to 960Hz you need panel that can push that many pixels so in this case this is the limiting factor.

So if panel is 4K @ 480Hz and then fastest connection only allows 4K @ 240Hz it makes perfect sense to see 1080p mode at 480Hz as an additional feature to convince more people to buy it.
Maybe next years models will use DP2.1 and the same panels but then supporting 4K @ 480Hz with no gimmicky dual mode.
What's the point of 8K monitors when most GPUs cant even handle 4K? I really don't want to play games at 15FPS on a 8K monitor.
What's the point of 8K monitors when most GPUs cant even handle 4K? I really don't want to play games at 15FPS on a 8K monitor.
Very sharp desktop UI/text with lots of desktop space (depending on the size of the display), integer scaling at lower resolutions for gaming.
So I went and looked it up, and my oneplus n200 has 405 ppi, or nearly 4x the pixel density of a qn900d.

Granted I probably would sit more than 4x the distance from the sammy, but that's still pretty stupid (the phone's resolution, that is). I do appreciate the crisp text it delivers, for sure.
What's the point of 8K monitors when most GPUs cant even handle 4K? I really don't want to play games at 15FPS on a 8K monitor.

Like kasakka said. You get massive quad (4x) 4k of desktop/app real-estate with no middling bezels when you use a large 8k screen.

For gaming, the 900D can do 240Hz 4k. Unlike previous gens where upscaling was up from much lower resolutions, 4k is a high rez starting point providing a lot more detail, and maps to 8k cleanly.

Potentially, (perhaps wishful thinking) a 900D could do 8k 120hz off of a nvidia 5000 series gpu using DSC too. If it could, then you could also play games in windowed resolutions at 120hz. Windowed resolutions 1:1 in smaller tiles like 4k, 5k, 6k, , or a big 21:10 or 32:10 uw window across the bottom or middle, etc. while having other windows around the gaming window. 240Hz 4k for games where you can get over 200fps average would be nice though for full screen gaming. Samsung screens automatically scale non-native resolutions to full screen unfortunately. Otherwise you'd be able to do similar to what I outlined by pumping those 4k, 5k, 6k, and uw resolutions to the screen with black letterboxing around and still get 240hz. Major complaint of the user improwise in these threads, and I agree with him.

So I went and looked it up, and my oneplus n200 has 405 ppi, or nearly 4x the pixel density of a qn900d.

Granted I probably would sit more than 4x the distance from the sammy, but that's still pretty stupid (the phone's resolution, that is). I do appreciate the crisp text it delivers, for sure.

Yes as you are intuiting/suggesting, the distance is what determines your actual perceived pixel density in the end, so your phone is nowhere near 4x the perceived pixel density of a 900D when each are used at reasonable viewing distances.

The human central viewing angle, where both eyes see the middle area and the sides of the screen aren't pushed into your farther periphery making a lot more pixels off-axis from you, is about 60 to 50 degrees.

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A 65" 8k at around 4 feet away screen surface to eyeballs, as a reference point for a foundation to work from, you'd get a 61 deg horizontal viewing angle and 126 PPD.

If you have a 24" deep desk and your eyes were right up at the leading edge of the desk, that would require a 24" gap behind the desk to the screen if the screen was it's own stand/mount. If you had a 30" deep desk, it would be a 18" gap. If you tend to sit leaning back from the keyboard a little, say 6" shy of the leading edge of the desk, that that would be 18" behind a 24inch desk and 12" gap behind a 30" deep desk desk. You might choose to sit a bit closer (e.g. 70 deg or so) while using one for desktop/apps as a multi-monitor like environment though, requiring some head turning, but unlike multi-monitor setups where you can angle the side screens to point at your head and eyes, if sitting too near to a flat screen the sides get far off axis from you which exacerbates uniformity issues and distortion.

4k screens compared to 8k screens of the same size get half the PPD of any given 8k at the same distance, or 8k double the PPD depending how you want to describe it. So a 4k at ~ 60 deg viewing angle will get around 64 PPD on a 4k of any screen size. At 55 deg they get about 70PPD. and at 50 deg they get 77 PPD.

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I usually hold a phone up relatively near when looking at detailed stuff on it. Probably around 10" to 12" away. I can shoot from the hip sort of and hold it lower at times but I find those nearer distances are common when using it more like a screen.

Viewing my samsung s20+ phone from 12 inches away to watch a video up fairly close without it being right at your face. That phone is 3200x1440. For the sake of argument let's say it's 6.7inch display. That would be a 30 degree viewing angle (spanning half of your central viewing angle in the middle of your FoV) and would result in around 112 PPD. Holding it any closer would be lower PPD.

Iphone 12 pro max is 2778 × 1284 at 6.1 inch so would get a similar 98 PPD or so at 12 inch view distance. Regular 12 pro would get around 90 PPD. Iphone pro max 14 is 2796x1290 at 6.1 inches so it still around 108 ppd at 12 inch view distance.

Your oneplus is 20:9 at 2400x1080, and it's a 6.49 inch device, so at 12" view distance, ~ 28 to 30 deg viewing angle (filling around half of your central viewing angle to your perspective), it would get 108 PPD.

If you held those nearer the PPD would drop, farther it would increase. Like say you had your phone held out with your arm bent a little but extended, maybe 20" away, your screen would get 143 PPD for example.

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So to put it all together, the comparison you were getting at. . .

8k 900D (or any 8k of any size) at 60 deg viewing angle = 128 PPD
8k 900D (or any 8k of any size) at 50 deg viewing angle = 154 PPD

Typical phones at 12" near viewing, ~ 30 deg viewing = 90 to 110 PPD
Typical phones at 20" loosely extended/curled arm length = 140+ (to 180 PPD or so on higher rez phones)

A nice PPD calculator here:
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For gaming, the 900D can do 240Hz 4k. Unlike previous gens where upscaling was up from much lower resolutions, 4k is a high rez starting point providing a lot more detail, and maps to 8k cleanly.
I guess you just worded it wrong but 4K to 8K was available on the previous versions as well, just not at 240 hz. The difference seem to be either true 4K at 120 hz or fake 4K at 240 hz from what I understand.

Still curious about the 144 hz mode on the 900C/900B, as that is not something that seems to map the DLG tech well.
I guess you just worded it wrong but 4K to 8K was available on the previous versions as well, just not at 240 hz. The difference seem to be either true 4K at 120 hz or fake 4K at 240 hz from what I understand.

Still curious about the 144 hz mode on the 900C/900B, as that is not something that seems to map the DLG tech well.

yeah idk if it's fake or just compressed enough to squeeze more Hz out of the screen.

What I was replying to was "why 8k at all when it would have slide show frame rates" sentiment from username "Hulk". What I was talking about was previous generations of 1440p and 4k monitors that were upscaling from lower resolutions and resolutions that didn't map as cleanly as 4 x 4k = 8k, not previous gens of samsung 8k screens. I was saying that 4k is a much higher starting point and detail level to upscale from.

That said, demanding games are often using DLSS so they are sort of upscaling already, just way better using machine learning almost like interpolated frames using the original frame as a reference and replacing it. Still, I wonder how the scaling looks when using DLSS (+ maybe even frame gen) to 4k at say 200fpsHz average, and then the 900c/d upscaling it again to 8k using "tv upscaling" w/o AI upscaling on the tv. Scaleception.

The Samsung QN900D has an excellent response time for minimal blur behind fast-moving objects. Unfortunately, the response time is slower when coming out of dark states, so there's some noticeable black smearing in dark transitions.

Here are the results when testing the TV with our monitor methodology for those of you considering using this TV as a monitor:

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They said the same thing about the 900C too:

The TV has an excellent response time, so motion is clear, and there's very little blur behind quick-moving objects. Unfortunately, there's noticeable ghosting in shadow details since the TV transitions from black to dark shades much slower. If you need a TV with a faster response time, check out the LG C4 OLED.

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The 60fpsHz solid vs. 120fpsHz solid pursuit camera photo vs the 240fpsHz solid pursuit camera photo posted on RTings review of the 900D :







239 fpsHz


*the 120 vs 240 is a very appreciable difference when viewing the photos full size
I guess you just worded it wrong but 4K to 8K was available on the previous versions as well, just not at 240 hz. The difference seem to be either true 4K at 120 hz or fake 4K at 240 hz from what I understand.

Still curious about the 144 hz mode on the 900C/900B, as that is not something that seems to map the DLG tech well.
What is the source of this clain that QN900D uses DLG?
I apologize for the lack of updates. My rig is back to thin client mode, still don't have the cable I need for PC to TV. (not hard to find, I'm just lazy)
No biggie though, Fate has intervened on my behalf.
-My LG g2 phone is having difficulties, I suspect it's dying. (hahahah)
-On Tuesday I managed to dump my coffee into my lap and truck console. This killed the USB ports for the truck stereo, which I use for music. All of a sudden I need bluetooth, my phones bluetooth is toasted too.....
-My provider just informed me that 3G is done next year and I need to get a new phone.( ahaha again)
I'm gonna buy a Samsung S24 ultra since I have to and all that :D
It shoots 8k video ! (and does 200MP pictures !!!!)

Ski season is just starting and it looks like I should be able to generate 8k content !!

It's funny, these monitors sound good when you are reading the sales pitch, but eeeesh.
I've never liked one I saw in person.
I bought the new phone, s24 ultra. I've never bought a phone before so I went allaway. (always hand me downs)
Very impressive. films 8k, shoots a 200MP photo !!
no kidding : 16,320x12240 pixels !!!
Best part : the Samsung phone autoconnects with the Samsung QN900D if you allow it.
I'll need to upgrade my dropbox and vimeo accounts lol !!

I look forward to producing some 8k content. I'm totally in love with the QN900D, fantastic !

It's funny, these monitors sound good when you are reading the sales pitch, but eeeesh.
I've never liked one I saw in person.
I bought the new phone, s24 ultra. I've never bought a phone before so I went allaway. (always hand me downs)
Very impressive. films 8k, shoots a 200MP photo !!
no kidding : 16,320x12240 pixels !!!
Best part : the Samsung phone autoconnects with the Samsung QN900D if you allow it.
I'll need to upgrade my dropbox and vimeo accounts lol !!

I look forward to producing some 8k content. I'm totally in love with the QN900D, fantastic !

Yeah, loving the S24 Ultra. Samsung Dex is pretty useful, too. I'm almost always using it on vacation where I VPN into my home network and RDP to my computer. Only problem is connecting any external monitor to it caps it at 60Hz. Recording 8K is capped at 30FPS (but 8K is mostly landscape videos, anyway, so 60FPS+ isn't really needed). Still, 4K 60FPS HDR is nice. The problem with the 200MP photo is it's really 150MP if the aspect ratio is 16:9. It's only 200MP if the aspect ration is 4:3. Still, the level of detail is pretty good for a phone.
The 800R makes it one of the better ultrawide formats in my opinion. That 800R(radius) makes the center of curvature as 800mm or ~ 31.5 inches. So if you sit 31.5" away, all of the pixels are pointed directly at you and you'll get 77PPD.

The vast majority of other ultrawide don't really allow for sitting anywhere near the center of curvature, because it's so far from smaller monitors that it would shrink them to a short belt to your perspective. E.g. 1000R(radius) = 1000mm = around 40 inches away to the center of curvature, 1800R ~ 70.8 inches to center. The 45" 800R screen should allow you to sit ~ 30 to 32 inch away where the screen's height will still be tall to your perspective. (That, or a bit closer for immersion in some kinds of games, with the ends of the screen pushed out in your peripheral somewhat, at the cost of some PPD and of putting the farther away pixels off-axis by some degrees).

A 42" or 48" 4k screen set back gapped slightly from a desk on it's own stand can get 64 PPD at 60 deg and 77PPD at 50 deg viewing angle, so the 45" 800R screen, when sitting around 30"+ to 32" away is getting the higher end of a 4k's PPD range*

(*in scenarios where the 4k screen fills your central viewing angle without being pushed into your greater periphery too close, or the 4k is shrunken smaller than your central 60 to 50 deg viewing angle).

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So to me, that curvature-to -PPD, viewing angle/seating distance it allows, and it not to extremely beyond 4k rez vs GPU power, along with it being OLED . . Makes it look like a good gaming monitor design to me. I'm still not really comfortable using OLEDs as static desktop/app displays though so stuff like that would never be an all-in-one solution to me. There is also the potential con that, even if dedicated to gaming, that OLED monitors sometimes have lower brightness peaks, sustained, etc. as opposed to OLED gaming TVs - for the obvious/likely reason that will will be used for static desktop/app material a much larger percentage of the time compared to a gaming TV.

That said, and 8k gets twice the PPD of any 4k at the same aspect + distance/viewing angle. E.g. any 4k screen viewed at ~ 60 deg viewing angle to 50deg viewing angle gets around 64 PPD to 77PPD, and any 8k viewed at ~ 60 deg viewing angle to 50 deg viewing angles gets around 129PPD to 154PPD.
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How do we not have an 8K 120/144hz device available for consumers!

I'm using a 1440p 480hz OLED monitor for now, going to the extremes for frame rates until an 8K 120/144hz TV/Monitor actually becomes available.

I saw one TV from China advertised and available to buy with 8K 120hz but pretty sure it'd be 4K 120hz 8K 60hz if I took the risk importing it.
How do we not have an 8K 120/144hz device available for consumers!

I'm using a 1440p 480hz OLED monitor for now, going to the extremes for frame rates until an 8K 120/144hz TV/Monitor actually becomes available.

I saw one TV from China advertised and available to buy with 8K 120hz but pretty sure it'd be 4K 120hz 8K 60hz if I took the risk importing it.
theres nothing to display on them, and stupid high frame rates arent doing anything for you...
Perhaps someday we'll get more advanced frame insertion/generation of multiple frames. Might require vector information for objects/entities and forces in games plus vectors from peripherals to be broadcast to an AI frame generation system, so that it's a much more informed system rather than comparing two frames to each other and guessing all of the vectors.

Much higher fps+Hz would reduce sample and hold blur by a lot without reducing the brightness output or having other possible stroboscopic side effects. I'm not willing to trade off 4k or higher resolution and high+ to ultra game graphics for that (e.g. 360fpsHz to 480fpsHz) though. 4k+ includes upscaled to 4k, 4k+ via DLSS that is, to be specific.


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8k and higher is also going to be very beneficial for AR/MR glasses in the long run, for the ability to display high PPD virtual screens within a larger world resolution, more detailed virtual objects and text.


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8k rez on a big enough physical screen vs view distance can give 4x 4k worth of desktop/app real estate at high ppd without suffering middling bezels, so for pc use it has some advantages there compared to multiple monitors. A big field of 8k rez could also allow your gaming space to be of various aspect ratios that are still quite high rez and PPD when desired.


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What 8k (and quasi 8k content AI/machine learning upscaled from 4k) is not a big enough upgrade for to most people is in living room media use. That's because most people view their screens from relatively far away and at narrower viewing angles in living rooms than they do at PCs, with the screen and it's pixels shrunken to their perspective. My 77" 4k screen at around 9' away in my living room for example is already getting over 110 PPD, a 65" there would be ~ 131 PPD. A 4k viewed in the human central viewing angle at a PC gets around 64 to 77 PPD. (Most media is also in 4:2:0 chroma as well, but that's another topic).

8k gets double that ( ~129 to 155 PPD viewed in the central viewing angle) . . but you'd probably view it from a little nearer for multi-monitor replacement usage since you turn your head a lot less frequently and focus on things longer in static desktop/app use than gaming, and you'd also prob view it from a bit nearer when using it with an ultrawide resolution for gaming (racing/flying in particular) since you use the periphery for immersion without necessarily turning your head to see the parts of the scene on the far ends of the screen space.
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I pay real $ if they have actual 8K, 7680x4320 at 44 to 52" monitor at CES 2025. We have been stuck w/ these 4K monitor for at least 10 yr. reducing productivity
Costco had a ridiculously cheap offer for a new Samsung 55" QN700C 8K Neo QLED with a 5 year warranty. Mine arrives in a few days.

It's difficult to find information on this model. Does anyone know what the peak brightness and native contrast on this model is? I've seen both 1000 nits and 2000 nits mentioned without mentioning window sizes those nits are achieved in and 5000:1 native contrast ratio.

Apparently the panel is a VA type made by TCL CSOT so the contrast should be decent though I hope the motion isn't too bad.
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can you confirm that 5 yr. warranty? because someone told me Costco no longer offer extended "warranty" or in reality, "insurance". Instead they charge $100 or so for extended damage protection for say 5 yr. For e.g., if you drop a cup of coffee on your monitor, they cover it
In case you were wondering, the last 8k setup picture I posted in this thread was a 55" 700 series rather than the 65" 900 series. I posted it because it showed a clean window arrangement in 8k desktop/app real-estate. (A 65" distance adjusted on it's own stand would look similar).

I found that picture here, for reference. It's a 700B rather than C apparently. The 700B model got a lot of hate for bad text, but it was discovered that it required a workaround to get clearer text, where you had to be in VRR/game mode.


I am not sure I'd be able to actually see the content on the screen at 8K.
I am not sure I'd be able to actually see the content on the screen at 8K.

I think he's mapping 5k or 6k at high PPD in that 55" 700c setup I linked.

However it would be doable at 8k with 100% scaling 1:1 depending on your viewing distance, but could require some head turning. With static desktop/apps you are typically looking at them for longer though - rather than doing a tennis match head turn like you might while viewing a game up that close, so it could be usable with some head turning some degrees if close but not extremely close. Text size/readability wise - most browsers, as well as my file browser, etc can scale on the fly, other than right click and top bar menus, drop down menus, interface stats, etc. Distance/viewing angle wise - I'd prefer a 1000R curved option myself, to keep the "side windows"/desktop space angled at me, pixels on axis to my eyes like side monitors would be angled inward.

For reference:

. . a 55" 8k is like a quad of 27" 4k screens.
. . a 65" 8k is like a quad of ~ 32" 4k screens.

55" 700C (54.6") is 47.6" wide. Half of that is ~ 23.8" wide, which is similar to a 27" (27.3") diagonal screen.

65" 900D is 56.4" wide. Half of that is ~ 28.2" wide, which is similar to a 32" (32.5") diagonal screen.

I view three 4k screens in PLP (43" + 48" +43") from around 40" away depending on what I'm doing. I wouldn't sit so far away at 100% 1:1 scaling of primary interfaces that I would struggle to see right click menus, drop-down, menus, etc. I can see those fine at 100% with the three 4k screens, at around 64 to 70 PPD , but I do scale some things up with mouse wheel slightly depending what I'm doing/looking at, like my 3rd party file manager, web page depending on what page it is.

That said, even if the rez was higher than what you could comfortably use (personally screen size vs your view distance. eyesight, etc.) at 100% scaling 1px:1px mapping , you could benefit from the higher pixel density in (scaled) text and higher resolution imagery/rendering. In the long run, higher resolutions could allow interfaces to rely somewhat less aggressively on text sub sampling and anti aliasing. which are masking how low and granular the PPD actually is.

. .

A 65 inch 8k screen viewed from 45 inches away would be at a 64 deg viewing angle and would get 120PPD. You might sit a bit closer for multi-monitor replacement use (e.g. 40.5" view distance, 70 deg, 110PPD)

To see how dense the pixels would be on a 4k 42" screen at 120PPD you could sit one 64" away from you at a 32 deg viewing angle (or a 48" 4k screen 73" away from you at a 32 deg viewing angle).
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theres nothing to display on them, and stupid high frame rates arent doing anything for you...

My desktop experience would be incredible at 120/144hz

I genuinely detest 60hz now and it's way too noticeable.

And after using a 480hz monitor I can still perceive the difference especially for motion clarity in general even vs 360hz as an example. 480hz is that threshold crossover especially for FPS games.

I'd rather have the visual quality jump of going to 8K + a frame rate where my eyes aren't annoyed by the lack of responsiveness which is definitely 120hz

and with a 5090 on the horizon It would have been fun to see the limits of the card (G95NC lets you upscale to ridiculous resolutions to get an idea of the resolution increases possible) and the quality jump even on COD was a sight to see, shame about the fps drop to 10-20 :D

If I can't get 8K 120hz then an 8K Ultrawide OLED is my Dream CES 2025 SCENARIO.
can you confirm that 5 yr. warranty? because someone told me Costco no longer offer extended "warranty" or in reality, "insurance". Instead they charge $100 or so for extended damage protection for say 5 yr. For e.g., if you drop a cup of coffee on your monitor, they cover it
I'm in the UK and purchased it for a total of £699.99 although price has now gone up. The 5 year warranty is confirmed and mentioned on the product listing page.

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