When was the last time you paid full price for a game?


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
Ever since Steam has come around with Steam Sales there seems to be no reason to pay full price just see it as a unnecessary waste of money. For a period of time every game I would buy was bought at Retail level for full price. I wish I could get my money back for a lot of them.

The last game I paid full price for is Dark Souls II
before that was Call of Duty Ghosts which never goes on sale unless it's 6 months later.
Same boat with Dark Souls 2 .

Having never played Demons Souls or DS1, I was slightly worried I wouldn't get my money' worth (friends were raving about the game).

Damn did I certainly get my money's worth. I have now completed ds1 and demons because of this. Something about these games is freakishly addictive.
Q4'13 - Q3'14 (that I can remember):

The Last of Us: Remastered (PS4)
Wolfenstein: New Order (PC)
Forza Motorsport 5 (XBONE)
Dark Souls II (PC)
Dark Souls II (PS3)
Titanfall (PC)
Infamous: Second Son (PS4)
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD (PS3)
Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4)
Call of Duty: Ghosts (PS4)
Assassin's Creed IV (PS4)
Battlefield 4 (PS4)
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix (PS3)

And I don't regret any of them because I got my money's worth out of them all.
Watchdogs (PC) big disappointment, haven't even touched it since the first week
Gran Turismo 6 (PS3) I didn't regret buying it, but it's not as big of a leap from GT5 as I hoped.
Beyond : Two Souls (PS3) One of the best experiences I had with a vg, no regrets here
Splinter Cell: Blacklist (PC) I still haven't gotten around to actually play it. And not because I didn't like it, just somehow wasn't in the mood.
Last of Us (PS3) Really good game, it was well worth the price.

But I have to admit I purchased all these games as pre-order with quite large discounts. I wouldn't pay 60€ for any plain game.
Half-Life 2

I made the foolish mistake of buying the $90 collector's edition. It had drawings, posters, soundtrack CD, hint guide, and a bunch of other useless stupid stuff that ended up lost or tossed in the trash.

I learned my lesson well. Haven't bought a game at full price since.
Divinity Original Sin, and all the other titles I kickstarted (which I'm waiting on) ....
I pay full price for indie games on occasion as they're fairly reasonable in the first place. If I just HAVE to have a game right away, I'll try to get it for a few $ off on an introductory sale. Otherwise I hold off for whatever price point I think is fair for the game. I'll occasionally pay full price, but it has to be something that I've been waiting for a long time. I will buy Doom 4 at full price most likely. I still play quite a few games, but not as much as I used to. I've become a bit more patient and selective.
I really do not know. But years. Even titles I bought on release or as pre-orders, DCS FC3, BF4, ME3, were discounted.
i run an ssd on my ps3 so, tlou, gt6 and gta V.
been thinking about getting a bigger ssd, but im saving money for a ps4 + ssd, maybe a 1tb ssd. Its going to be awhile but there arent many ps4 games anyways.
TF2, i think it was $30? or maybe that was for all of the orange box. was the orange box ever on steam? oh and star citizen i backed for $70 or $75 although that is a backer pledge to support the development and not technically a game purchase.
These are the most recent ones I bought at full price.
Battlefield 4 Deluxe + Premium $120
CoD Ghosts
CoD Black OPS 2
Diablo3 Reaper of Souls
I can't even remember...I think it would have had to have been a console game, since PC games are almost always discounted even before release.

That said, I may have paid full price for some indie titles that were only $15-20 in the first place.
On PC....

Dark Souls 2
ArmA 3 if you count the $33 during alpha

Wii U-
Mario Kart 8
Mario 3D World
Zelda WindWaker
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

Have on preorder from Amazon for price guarantee, but still keeping an eye on them to decide if I want to cancel before release -
Witcher 3
Hyrule Warriors
Yoshi Woolly World
Mario Party 10
Mario Maker
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Super Smash Bros.
Bayonetta 2

Still debating on cancelling Bayonetta 2, but the rest will probably stay. Other than those listed above, I haven't paid full price for a game since maybe 2010ish. I bought plenty on release day, but only if I could get at least $20 knocked off the initial price, so I wouldn't count those.
Probably Diablo 3. Everything else I've had pre-order discounts, Kickstarter backer discounts or have gotten the game on sale. MSRP is no longer important.
I can't even remember...I think it would have had to have been a console game, since PC games are almost always discounted even before release.

That said, I may have paid full price for some indie titles that were only $15-20 in the first place.

Probably Diablo 3. Everything else I've had pre-order discounts, Kickstarter backer discounts or have gotten the game on sale. MSRP is no longer important.

These. Everything else was 20% off on GameFly or Greenmangaming if I can find it. Preorder discounts on Steam don't even excite me nowadays.
I only pay full price for games worth to me full price. Only a handful in the past few years. Everything else I wait for Steam sales.

Only games I'm paying full price this year is Dragon Age Inquisition and maybe assassins creed divinity, maybe.
Dark Souls 2...which was also the first time I bought a Collector's Edition of a game...no regrets though- the 12" Knight Figurine alone is bad-ass
let me see.. last time paid full price for a game? humm Fallout 3 and actually got that one on sale at wally world.
Just this morning I pre-ordered Diablo III on PS4 at full price... which I'm really looking forward to. Prior to that was The Last of Us: Remastered. On consoles if I really want a game, I'll just pay full price. I'm doing all digital on the consoles, so I know I'm not going to catch a price break any time soon.

On PC, Watch Dogs, which I regret. I like the game, but not enough for it to be worth $60. Prior to that, I don't know actually. I've only pre-ordered a handful of things, and almost all of them have been at a discounted price.
This year-

Last of us Remastered
inFamous Second Son
Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes

I have no idea. Even with pre-orders I tend to pay less due to promotions or discounts. It's been a while.
Dark Souls, then a steam sale happened two days later at 75 % off. :(
i dont buy brand new games(60$) very often, although i did grab wildstar in the the beginning of july, and having fun playing it.
I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I bought a new PC game on release for the full MSRP. The last console game would have to have been GTA5.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, it might have been Fallout 3. Darn my desire to have that lunchbox! :p
Witcher 2 pre-order
Last of Us Full Retail from Best Buy (got in the car and drove to get it)
Witcher 3 pre-order

That's it. Otherwise, I am a year behind gamer. It's cheaper and the games are mostly fixed by then.

Except for one thing I forgot to mention, Star Citizen...
I don't even know how to classify the level of retard I'm at with that game.
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For PC I think I paid full price for WoW, Starcraft, and Titanfall.

For console Assassin's Creed IV and Watch Dogs. I tend to get more console games for full price then PC.
Startcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. Yup, last year. I actually buy most games at full prin my library is the new Shadow Warrior. It's amazing if you're not a 20 something console noob.
Every September I buy FIFA on PS4 (formerly PS3). That's pretty much the only time I pay full price for a game.
Pretty sure it was the new Wolfenstein..but it was a gift for someone else. Most of the new games haven't really interested me, and I've either been playing Diablo 3 or revisiting older games like Fallout New Vegas.
Diablo III
Soon to be GTA V for PC

Before Diablo? I dont even remember...Fallout: NV?