What type of games do you put on SSDs


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
I started putting Multiplayer online games on my SSD and all single player games on my HDD.
If I had all my games on my SSD it would be full. I don't mind waiting that few extra seconds for single player games to boot up.
Ones that I'm playing and even then, only those that take a while to load or that cause stutters during the game while loading.
Theres no need to keep all games on the SSD, a hard drive is better for storing them when you wont play them for a while.
I've still got over 100GB free on my 256GB SSD, only 70GB is occupied by games.
I put all my games on my SSD. I delete all my single player games after I beat them, but I'm more of an online gamer.

Next time around I'll just keep upgrading my SSD capacity since they are cheaper and cheaper.
I usually just test the difference if I'm hard up on space. Some games load a lot faster on SSDs compared to HDs, while others barely change at all.
I started putting Multiplayer online games on my SSD and all single player games on my HDD.
If I had all my games on my SSD it would be full. I don't mind waiting that few extra seconds for single player games to boot up.

I myself do pretty much he same thing. The only twist I add to it is that I still try to keep the games HDD fast as possible. On Gaming systems I build for clients, I use a pair of drives mirrored by the OS (Dynamic) which gives up to twice the read speed which helps with bigger loads. This is done purely to keep costs down and provide some safety for the those who have game folders bordering on or pass the 1TB size.

My personal system, I have a SSD for the OS/Programs and a SSD purely for games and Adobe Audition (I do music work as well). All docs/data is kept on a 4-drive double-mirror array (Storage Spaces) which gives good speeds.
Pretty much MMO's exclusively.

The near total elimination of popup problems or porting into an area with 50+ people and not having the game effectively stall out until it loads everything is hard to give up.
I put my current multiplayer games I am playing on the ssd, bf3, bf4, cod black ops 2, CS:S.
Does origin allow different install locations for games like steam does.
Both Origin and Steam are like any other game, you can put them where ever you like.
The difference is though, Steam and Origin don't support having their games folders split across different locations.

The plus side though is, if you need to move them to another system or reload current system or even just to another drive, you pickup the whole folder (Steam/Orgin including games folders) and move, just reinstall Origin/Steam client. Games, just either run or you click "Download/Install" in Origin to put back any DLL's or the likes.

I have found that if you have a fark load of games but dont play them all that often, I move the big shitters off to another locations and put it back if I want to play it. Avoids the need for huge SSD's. Handy also if you are running a RAM-Drive.
My main game drive is a RAID0 of 4 300gb velociraptors. So I can get 450mb/s+ on all my games.

I experimented with the Samsung 840 pro to see if it was faster, and it did help very slightly in some titles but not many.

In ME3 when you change rooms in the ship the loading screen would flash for less than a second lol (on the hard drives).