What is you go to launcher as Nova is now dead to me!

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Jun 12, 2001
I have a Google Pixel 6 Pro and I need a new launcher now as my previous go to Nova Launcher paid! is now acquired by Branch

So what are some good ones to try? I didn't mind the pixel launcher except not enough space to put all my apps, with the Nova Launcher I could customize the grid that is all I really want/need

LawnChair has been my go to the last few years, it used to be Nova forever, but then all I wanted was just a tweaked more option stock Pixel launcher, and Lawnchair does it.
I've used Nova exclusively for so long that I don't know how many other launchers are out there. Heard good things about LawnChair and it has the Z seal of approval. I'll give it a shot, but won't quit Nova until/unless it just goes FUBAR after the acquisition.
The Microsoft Launcher is one of the finest pieces of software they have ever made for another company's platform. It's been my daily for... years.
Where the heck have I been?!? the MS launcher feels much more responsive and configurable than the vanilla android UI Great tip [H]!
Just went back to Android after years with Apple. First thing I did was ditch Samsung for Microsoft Launcher.

Where the heck have I been?!? the MS launcher feels much more responsive and configurable than the vanilla android UI Great tip [H]!

Happy to spread the word. :D I honestly think the MS Launcher is one of the main reasons I have been able to remain happy in Android-land; it's incredibly clean, it's not a resource hog, it's very logical to navigate, and it integrates extremely well with services like OneDrive, Office... etc.

It started out as an indie project within Microsoft, originally called Arrow Launcher. When MS embraced it and decided to take it into the fold fully, I was worried that it would result in worse quality. Has not happened.
Happy to spread the word. :D I honestly think the MS Launcher is one of the main reasons I have been able to remain happy in Android-land; it's incredibly clean, it's not a resource hog, it's very logical to navigate, and it integrates extremely well with services like OneDrive, Office... etc.

It started out as an indie project within Microsoft, originally called Arrow Launcher. When MS embraced it and decided to take it into the fold fully, I was worried that it would result in worse quality. Has not happened.
Yeah. Remember trying arrow launcher a long time ago and then switching to Microsoft launcher. Another nice feature for the launcher was putting it on my kids phones enabled me to track their location easily. Peace of mind when they were riding their bikes around.
Wait what is up with Nova?
It's on all my devices but always restored and yes I bought it a decade ago!
Wait what is up with Nova?
It's on all my devices but always restored and yes I bought it a decade ago!
They got bought by Branch I panicked but I am still using it as I could not find anything as good as it and I don't feel like buying yet another app only for it to disappear like so many of my paid apps have done so in the past! I do use the APK backup feature a lot as you never know when an app is going to get booted off of the play store!

I actually kept the Microsoft Launcher just for the daily Bing wallpaper I also use it (Bing wallpapers) on all of my Windows 10 devices as I love the daily wallpaper changes.
Am staying with Nova Launcher since discovering how to get Google Discover that is usually accessible by swiping right from the home screen, but is not available on Nova Launcher from the get-go for many people.

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