What is the best AntiMalware that is light on system resources and still good


May 30, 2016
I am looking for a good free one. Or maybe a paid one as well.

And more so light on CPU or at least optimized on CPU usage across P and e cores of an Alder Lake. RAM usage matters to, but less so as RAM is so plentiful these days if you have 32GB or more. Though something using more than 1 GB is still a turnoff. But not concerned if it uses 400MB instead of 50MB for example as long as system slow down impact is no greater.

Want 3rd party as I disable Windows update and manually install them as Windows Updates often reset custom settings I use to harden Windows from the bloat and Spyware that I hate and have disabled in WIN11. And Windows Defender depends on auto updates.

I have heard good things and had some good experience with Kaspersky free, but scared of them due to Russia invasion of Ukraine and its ties to Kremlin so it is out. I Fear since Eugene Kaspersky is CEO and he was in Soviet Army back in the day, he would cooperate in putting in a backdoor to destroy millions of PCs as Russia is our enemy and what better way for Putin to do cyber warfare on us than destroy data on millions of American and Western country PCs running it. So sadly despite it being good and lite on usage, Kaspersky is ruled out now from my PCs.

How is Panda compared to NOD32??

And how about Avira compared to Avast and AVG.

I have read that Panda and NOD32 are light on resource usage and have good detection rates overall where as BitDefender and McAfee and Norton are heavier on resource usage??

I do not need a firewall as Windows firewall is more than enough Just basic protection with some website filtering marking what is safe or not like what Kaspersky had when I felt safer using it.
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Use your brain(think before loading unknown programs) as a primary virus filter and use Win defender it is fine. Never had issues as long as you update MS virus definitions patches as they come out.
This. Windows' built in stuff is solid nowadays. Add in "using your brain" as drutman puts it, bridges the rest of the gap, mostly.
Ya'll are telling someone to use their brain... but that someone is intentionally running their Windows install in a compromised way. I think "using your brain" is out the window, here.
Best bet, unplug the ethernet and disable wifi. When you get tired of that, re-enable the basic security you've disabled, including Defender.
just run windows defender and let it update. will be fine enough for what you are doing.
^^that. no need for all that crap anymore.
lol "scared of kaspersky 'cause putin" come on man...
I've seen other threads about this issue, and I'm not going to argue here one way or the other. Just keep in mind that there are plenty of good alternatives.
^^that. no need for all that crap anymore.
lol "scared of kaspersky 'cause putin" come on man...
I've seen other threads about this issue, and I'm not going to argue here one way or the other. Just keep in mind that there are plenty of good alternatives.
exactly. Kaspersky was terrifying long before putin.
McAfee and Kaspersky were once seen swapping briefcases on a sand dune in Belize. An obvious plot to destroy Western faker nudes propaganda! Hope it works :D
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Windows defender plus pi-hole blocking ads/dns filtering for malware sites etc..
I'm not sure who is more terrifying. McAfee is a nut bar

I'm pretty sure that McAfee has not been associated with the company he founded for quite a while now, even though they continue to use his name. To be clear, I'm not recommending McAfee software. Windows Defender is usually enough.

The only thing that sort of pisses me off about Windows Defender though is that it often finds things that have nothing to do with Malware or Viruses. In many cases these are "Programs" that Microsoft might not approve of, but aren't actually dangerous in any way. Windows Defender will label them as a "HackTool" and automatically remove them. So while I do think Windows Defender does a good job providing adequate virus and malware protection, I think there is also a bit of over-reach going on with with Microsoft also using Defender as a sort of virtual bouncer so that they can have veto power over what files you are allowed to have on your computer.
I'm pretty sure that McAfee has not been associated with the company he founded for quite a while now, even though they continue to use his name.
Still, he's a nut bar. I can't imagine the company he founded isn't built on a foundation of nut bars.

And yes, don't be stupid, also use Windows defender.

If don't be stupid isn't possible, look into enterprise solutions for filtering the stupid off the internet and blocking access to sketchy sites.
I use ESET Nod32. I recently decided to just do 10 licenses for 3 years so I don't have to keep looking for deals every year and activating and sending the key to everyone.
I use a combo of Bitdender and Malwarebytes on my main PC and just BD on all my others. I have never had any issues with viruses that were not the fault of my own. The main reason I used BD is that I was able to buy a large bulk of non-expiring licenses for BD about 5 years ago. Each key is valid for life and does not start its expiration until its activated (unlike the current purchase model were the license start when purchase vs when you activate the key). I still have like 3 keys left from that bulk purchase. I think I paid less that $10 a key. Its fairly lightweight for AV and has some good features I like. I was able to score a lifetime license for Malwayebyes a while back that they still honor so I have an indefinitely sub so I used it as well. It's a bit overkill these days with how much Windows general security has improved, but I like the extra security features of the software and both are fairly decent on resources for AV software. Once my final keys expire in about a year I will probably just move over to using Windows Defender and Malwarebytes since Avangate no longer offers this type of bulk purchase.
Nod32 for me. Been running it for many years and have been pretty happy with it
I bought the 3-pack of NOD32 and use it on my main rigs. Free BitDefender on the others.

I don't get why people keep recommending Microsoft Defender. I've never seen it catch a thing, and I were to think like a virus writer, it would be the first one I'd try to bypass.
I tend to just use Windows Defender and not click on bullshit that looks sketchy. I also don't let other people use my computer.
I bought the 3-pack of NOD32 and use it on my main rigs. Free BitDefender on the others.

I don't get why people keep recommending Microsoft Defender. I've never seen it catch a thing, and I were to think like a virus writer, it would be the first one I'd try to bypass.
People recommend it because it works fine. See https://www.av-comparatives.org/comparison/

For something free that is already installed it is hard to beat. I honestly cant remember the last time I had a virus pop up from normal web browsing. The last thing Defender picked up was a file in a Vulnhub collection I had on my NAS, and I'm not at all surprised about it. In this day and age if I have any files I'm worried about I just throw them in VirusTotal and see what just about every antivirus company has to say about it. I have no need for anything else besides Defender.
People recommend it because it works fine. See https://www.av-comparatives.org/comparison/

For something free that is already installed it is hard to beat. I honestly cant remember the last time I had a virus pop up from normal web browsing. The last thing Defender picked up was a file in a Vulnhub collection I had on my NAS, and I'm not at all surprised about it. In this day and age if I have any files I'm worried about I just throw them in VirusTotal and see what just about every antivirus company has to say about it. I have no need for anything else besides Defender.
Hey I have MalwareBytes Pro, and I get warnings only like all the time about dangerous websites. Very few from NortonLifelock.
Hey I have MalwareBytes Pro, and I get warnings only like all the time about dangerous websites. Very few from NortonLifelock.
That's because it uses a blacklist, not scanning, when you first enter to go to a site. You must be going to lots of naughty places.
That's because it uses a blacklist, not scanning, when you first enter to go to a site. You must be going to lots of naughty places.
No naughty sites for me :LOL:. But I do go to a lot of sites to download this "interesting, new" utility or news site. Ya never know.
As said Defender just works.

I also would add use a standard user account for day to day usage and also install Unchecky, cos we don't always get those sneaky little tick boxes.
As said Defender just works.

I also would add use a standard user account for day to day usage and also install Unchecky, cos we don't always get those sneaky little tick boxes.
I personally hate how Windows accounts work. Epic ass pain compared to Linux. At least on the home editions. Do you know of a reliable guide for setting up users on multiple PC's on a home network?
I personally hate how Windows accounts work. Epic ass pain compared to Linux. At least on the home editions. Do you know of a reliable guide for setting up users on multiple PC's on a home network?
+1. I would be very interested in how I can set up accounts on all the Win 10 Pro systems from my system since I'm the "IT guy" in this house.