What Games Do You Want To See Have An Event


[H] Movie and TV Show Review Guy
Jan 31, 2003
So, with a lot of stuff happening and going down, quite a few regulars are no longer regular. I don't know if this is because the gaming scene has changed and they would just rather play other games or what, but I need to know, what majority game do we have going on that we want to see a regular weekly event for?

I know I will be working on a Dota 2 night for sure, but do we have another game that needs a weekly night?
All I am playing currently is Path of Exile, but its not a huge multiplayer game...so that wouldn't be a good one...

But I def would go back and start playing TF2 ! Im no expert, but I had lots of fun :)
I will go with CSS, CSGO, heck even 1.6, BF3 and maybe some Day of Defeat.
STO, I am already in STO, can get ahold of me anytime, albeit, havent done much with Season 7 yet.

Heavens, we are shooting for Thursday nights as the DoTA2 night.

Also, we will be having a few BF3 nights as well. Aftermath brought back a few of the older-timers and End Game will most likely bring some peeps back in as well.