What DPI setting do you have your G7 set to?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
I just got mine and it's set to the middle setting, seems a bit too sensitive, but I think I will get used to it.

also, does your wheel make a louder noise when going forward?
Its all a matter of preference, I set mine to 2000 DPI, and in all my games I have set the in game sensitivity to a low setting.
I have an MX518 but the concept is the same. I run at 1600dpi and set all my games to match the speed to one that I feel comfortable with at that dpi. I change dpi all the time in game though. Sometimes just to mix it up and sometimes because I'm trying to do something that requires precision like sniping.
For normal computing I have it set at the highest level 2000. In gaming I also have it at 2000, but when I'm playing 2142 I have to set it at the lowest when controlling the tv missiles.
1200 most of the time. 400 for photoshop and maya, and close in shooting in games.