What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Hmm... Borderlands the Pre-Sequel just hit a price that I feel is reasonable. That may end up being what I play this weekend.
Far Cry 4; mami wheel, poster, and mask hunting. And will do some of the side missions too, if I can be arsed. About 1/2 way done with all of the side missions.
Dragon Age: Origins and Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons. Picked up for $4.99 and $2.40, respectively.
I want to replay Fallout New Vegas with a few light mods, maybe ill give Project Nevada a shot! The changelog for that mod looks interesting!
I want to replay Fallout New Vegas with a few light mods, maybe ill give Project Nevada a shot! The changelog for that mod looks interesting!

Holy crap, never heard of Project Nevada and looked it up. Going to be re-installing New Vegas next weekend and trying it out. Looks amazing!
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Sailing and blowing up other ships are literally the only good things about this overrated pile of bullshit.
I have 38 hours into my second run of Mass Effect 3. My wife asked if I was almost done. I finished Rannoch--all missions, and Tali :( Anyway, I told her I'd be at it for another 10 hours. It's been a long time since I replayed a game.
I know I totally should be studying Japanese and CG... but... how often am I gonna get two weeks off?

Went through MGV: Ground Zeros for PC. Gonna boot up Strider or do some work...
1st Christmas off In like 7 years...

Going to try Battlefield 3 with Noshara Cannals see how the input lag in on my new 144hz monitor once it arrives.
Currently going through the Assassin's Creed series on PC. I played the first 2 on Xbox 360 originally. I want to start off right on the PC platform by playing through from the start. There is an amazing amount of draw-in with lighting and shadows in the first game on PC that is sometimes distracting... Currently about half-way through the first one. Could probably get through 2 and Brotherhood over Christmas.

Man, my PS4 and XBONE have been utterly ignored this last quarter...
Played some Saints Row IV last night and wow I forgot I barely got into that one and it's pretty fun! And the Christmas DLC looks very festive.... I think that's going to be my game for the next week.
I've been playing a fair bit of D3:ROS again, after being sorely disappointed with FFXIII-2 and Lost City.
Might fire the PS4 back up and give Styx another shot as well.
Stayed up last night playing Fables:Wolf among us. On the last episode now. I've had it for a while but put it off because it started out kinda boring. My roommate finished it all in one go a couple days ago and convinced me to give it another shot. Much better than I thought it really picks up after the first episode. I think I felt the same way about TT Walking Dead.

These telltale games seem to always need the first episode to establish characters then they're great after that. I feel obligated to recommend them and tell people to give it til the end of the first episode.
We got my son a Wii U for his birthday a few days ago. We've been playing Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, and new Super Mario. Such a great purchase. Haven't had this much fun in years.
We got my son a Wii U for his birthday a few days ago. We've been playing Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, and new Super Mario. Such a great purchase. Haven't had this much fun in years.

It's quite a fun console. I'd also recommend the Wind Waker remake. It's gorgeous and fun, and they refined it to perfection. I'd also pick up Bayonetta 2 (though maybe not for your son depending on his age.) Super Mario 3D World is also top notch. :cool:
Bioshock Infinite. I'm very impressed so far. Definitely has its flaws, but the atmosphere and general polish makes me love the crap out of this game.
Street Fighter IV, and Pokemon Omega Ruby! :D Also potentially going to play some LoL and hate my soul.
Finished " Wolf among us" good game but having went back and read the first couple volumes they really dumbed it down. At least with Walking Dead it's a different story completely so you don't feel like they trashed the actual story. 80/100

Started playing "Evoland" but about an hour in I've realized I've lost all patience with JRPGs no matter how straight forward they try to be.

Starting "Wolfenstein: new order" now.
Just finally got around to playing Gone Home. I sat down expecting to play for 30min or so and ended up playing all the way through. Although it's short (about 2 hours or so) it was amazing. I don't even really know how to describe it. Any other games similar to this I should check out?
Well, have a nice long weekend before me. Probably play some TLOU, or may go back and restart tomb raider. Hell might restart UC2 or 3.
Rimworld! Its a simplified dorf fort but with actual graphics and a UI.

Also plants vs zombies garden warfare which that wonderful company EA gave away free on PS4 for their birthday. Its the best TF2 style MP game I've played in years, and a testament that having the Frostbite engine locked away from modders blows ass.
I'll probably get started on Styx: Master of Shadow's this weekend, probably starting tomorrow, I picked it up early on in the steam sales when it was a daily deal.

Last weekend I played Kerbal Space Program (career mode), managed to get a ship 95% orbit around the earth but ended up getting fustrated and rage quit, I will probably go back to it though soon. I also played quite a bit of Plague Inc: Evolved (around 20 hours this weekend into the week).
Just got ARMA 3 for $30 as part of the Steam daily sale. Definitely going to mess around in that.

Planetary Annihilation - so addictive!
I've got a nice long weekend starting this afternoon. Kicking it off with a Burlesque show, Champagne, and probably a little Absinthe. So no gaming tonight. The rest of the weekend, it Zelda games, Borderlands games, and I imagine a spot of tipsy-Nidhogg at some point. If I'm feeling ambitious, I may start Divinity: OS finally.
Insurgency, tomb raider (new one), fallout 3 goty, skyrim

Going to try out day-z soon for the first time
Just beat Farcry 3 today.

Will probably play a mix of Zelda A Link Between Worlds and hopefully play Assassin's Creed IV when my wife can pry herself off my new Xbox one, lol.
Upgraded my 120G PS3 to a terabyte hybrid drive.
Installed Destiny, I'm hooked.
Battlefield 3 Team Death Match

Only spent two hours on this game till last week it's awesome with a 144hz

Maybe some wasteland 2
After finishing the main story of TLOU I am definately playing through LEFT BEHIND.
If I finish that Maybe a bit of the swapper, which is free on PSPLUS and kind of cool. Would be cooler ont he projector so maybe I will get my shit together and set that up again.

Not much going on this weekend so I might get more downtime. Not to mention it is cold as a witches tit in a brass bra. yippie.