What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Grandia II Anniversary Edition.

So far, so good. Considering it's been 14-15 years since I played it on Dreamcast, it holds up fairly well.

Grandia II Anniversary Edition.

So far, so good. Considering it's been 14-15 years since I played it on Dreamcast, it holds up fairly well.


I never had a dreamcast but I bought Grandia II on the PC and it still is one of my favorite games of all time.
I lost intrest in alot of gaming after BF4 flop.
Looking to play some new games in the next few weeks and get back into it
Really haven't played anything. Built my new gaming rig, sans the monitor and m.2 SSD that aren't released yet. I finished The Witcher 3 last weekend, and now nothing really interests me. I might try to get into MGS V again, but the microtransactions really put me off. Still waiting for Arkham Knight to get 100% patched so I can start on that.

Seen some positive stuff on here about Mad Max. May pick that up and see how it runs on my 980ti Classified SLI setup.

I'm looking forward to TW3 expansions. Also have quite a few "?" left in Skellige I need to get cleaned up. About 50 smugglers caches surrouned by those stupid sirens.
Until Dawn.

This is a surprisingly good party game being single player. We've allocated a select few characters for each person to control and we hand off the controller when the game switches to a different character. It's funny to see what choices each person makes, haha.
Binged on Shadowrun Returns over sunday, finished it.

Going to start on Dragonfall, and probably buy Hong Kong after I finish that.

(It's unfortunate that there is no OST for Returns though).
Until Dawn.

This is a surprisingly good party game being single player. We've allocated a select few characters for each person to control and we hand off the controller when the game switches to a different character. It's funny to see what choices each person makes, haha.
Sounds like an absolutely phenomenal idea lol.
I'm going to play like 20 games once my ROG Swift gets here I figured the IPS would be out of my league money wise 800.00 going to try my favorites list with it to see what it looks like in 1440P =)
Really interested on how RPGs like Divinity Original Sin and FPS like Battlefield 3 NOSHAHR CANALS will look with it.

Hope I get a good one.....
Until Dawn.

This is a surprisingly good party game being single player. We've allocated a select few characters for each person to control and we hand off the controller when the game switches to a different character. It's funny to see what choices each person makes, haha.
... I'm stealing this idea :D.
After all these years having never played a Civilization game in my life, I'm gonna sit down and try to figure how to play Civ 5. So far my experience can be summed up as follows:

After all these years having never played a Civilization game in my life, I'm gonna sit down and try to figure how to play Civ 5. So far my experience can be summed up as follows:


12 hours later....

"My God! I was suppose to go to the bank today. Why do the Romans have to be such dicks! Oh, Turkey thinks it's going to send its people into space? Not on my watch. Send in the Dutch!"
Going to open my fresh copy of Tony Hawk's 5 for XB1. One of my childhood favorites :)
Finished Tomb Raider at 84% completed. I'll go back, maybe this weekend to finish it up 100%. I might play some XCOM :Enemy Unknown, Far Cry 4, Rocket League, and some Borderlands 2 and Pre-Sequel.
Played a little Mad Max last night. I need to learn the combat and driving controls better. So use to playing Souls games, these controls are foreign to me. But I can see after getting a handle on all that, the game flowing along much better and being fun.
Anyone played Shadowrun Hong Kong? Finished both Dead Man's Switch and Dragonfall, was wondering how does HK compare to those two.
Nothing. Haven't gamed in years. Just stopped by to see if people still built boxes and played online games. May have to get back into it if I don't have to build a new box.
played a lot of SOMA on the PS4... and ESO - getting back into that with some friends.
Will continue blazing through the Uncharted Collection. Having a total blast.
I have my gaming schedule planned out for the next few weeks...SW: Battlefront beta until it ends tomorrow...then the Nathan Drake Uncharted Collection remaster...then Arkham Knight (which will hopefully be re-released on PC in the next week or so)...then Fallout 4
SOMA and Until Dawn... and probably ESO. I think I might be a console convert.. whoa.
What is the PS4, a small form factor Radeon 7850 system? Not awful. Though they sell for $55 now discrete and it's so easy to replace a video card. PS4 price dropped but not like that.

Didn't Until Dawn get developed for years and years?

Does anyone play Toxikk?
Just found out this week that Guid Wars 2 went free to play. I played a few hours and am already hooked so I anticipate playing a lot more this weekend.
I haven't picked SOMA up yet. Really want to play it. Nearly done with System Shock, but had to take a break and get some hobby-second-jobby stuff done. I should be able to finish it up this weekend, and then I'll buy SOMA.