What are you nerds playing this weekend?

Aww geeze I wiped my party out this morning. Wiping in Dragon Quest VIII is nasty, nasty business. It's not so bad early on, but later in the game it becomes a major hassle. I was at least a couple of hours from my most recent save, all that gameplay is lost. Plus you lose half of all your gold. I really wasn't expecting to get wiped. It wasn't even a boss encounter, just a random fight.. but it was at night when the real baddies come out!
Believe it or not, I'm going to play "The Movies" with the expansion this weekend. Old but still really, really fun imho. :p
May do some flatout UC, and probably LoTRO or DC Universe for my MMO fix.
May dabble some on my backlog also....
Just finished The Last of Us Remastered. Great game. Great story. And an ending I was not expecting! I haven't really played such a plot driven game since Mass Effect. I wish more of these kinds of games existed.
YOU'RE THE NE...oh, we already did that.

CS:GO this weekend. I still think I prefer Source, but this is a little easier on the eyes.
I uninstalled GTA: Vice City after the crappy controls for the remote controlled helicopter mission. Played GTA: San Andreas. Rhythm games, eating pizza and fries and working out in a gym... ho hum ( who comes up with this shit? ). Stealing an ambulance and delivering patients to the hospital was a fun side quest. Uninstalled GTA: San Andreas. Installed Machinarium - collector's edition. Nice game, but it is for people who are really into point-and-click adventure games. I started playing Bioshock 1 and I'm in awe.
Well, another weekend is upon us. A busy one for me.
I am still playing WOW and that is nearly all consuming. As long as I am still having fun I will keep playing.
I may play some Hot shots Golf on the PS3 havent' played that in a while and it is a great relaxing game I can squeeze in between chores.
I'm still playing Dragon Quest VIII. This is one of the most popular games in Japan and I can see why. I am about 60 hours into it and my party is around level 28. The game keeps coming up with surprises and different things to do. I think the only game I have played with more content than this is a MMO.
I'm trying to play 1 level of Bioshock a day. I really dislike the death-respawn mechanic in Bioshock 1. I'm playing on the hardest difficulty level and Big Daddy's are built like tanks. I'm halfway through the game but it's die-run back-die-run back tedium ( all so I can drink some little girl's juices ).

I bought a joystick today: "Thrustmaster T16000m" , so I'm re-downloading "Wing Commander IV" from GoG.com.

I ordered a CH Throttle: http://www.amazon.ca/CH-Products-300-122-Pro-Throttle/dp/B00006B84Z

I might buy a Beta of "Elite: Dangerous" or just wait and play oolite: http://www.oolite.org/

I dunno, I'll see how my willpower goes.
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Thinking of getting a month of World of Warcraft. Been having the itch to play lately.
Played a bunch of Destiny. Reached level 12 now.

Played a bunch of Forza 5. Purchase cars for at least 5 more series now; opted for a Ferrari Enzo, Aventador, Diablo SV, Ferrari 458 and some others that I am forgetting now. Love this game. If I didn't get 3 million credits for playing original Forza games, I would have completely hated this game.

Played a bunch of Saints Row 4. Rescued Big Ben/King whatever and Pierce. Did some loyalty missions as well.

More games, more weekend, NO TIME! :mad:
Just finished Destiny main storyline, got to 20, did all the strike missions with a few friends, reached 21 for now, got a lot more left to do!
Nothing at all, which makes me sad. Got rid of my rig, now I'm considering grabbing another set of parts to make a new one when the 980's are out. I miss gaming and free time... :(
Destiny for a few hours I over did it last week eyes hurt at work =( I think I played way too much last week.
Why did you sell it?

There was a period of 2 months where I never used it, so I just got rid of it. I saw myself not having any free time after that so I thought, meh, at least someone will get to use it. I see NOW that I'll finally have a better schedule in the next month or so and onward, so now I regret that decision of letting it go.
Just got Deus Ex Human Revolution for $4.99 on Steam special yesterday from it's original $20. I'm a fan of the old one from 2000 so I will see how this is.
GTA:Vice City and GTA:San Andreas for the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Quantum of Solace for the Wii
You should get Max Payne for android as well.

Do you play with a controller on your SGN3?
I was thinking about trying out ArcheAge but that most likely wont happen if I have to wait 5-10 hours just to get in.
Nothing at all, which makes me sad. Got rid of my rig, now I'm considering grabbing another set of parts to make a new one when the 980's are out. I miss gaming and free time... :(

you got rid of the rig in your sig?

Try saying that five times fast.
New version of Unreal World is out (3.19) so I fired that up, haven't played it in a while. It's an indie survival sim, pretty roguelike, haven't seen it mentioned here.

And some Cataclysm-DDA (zombie survival sim roguelike), the latest experimental builds added some new starting scenarios I've been trying...