What 5900 was it that can mod?


Dec 6, 2003
What FX5900 was it that could do the soft-mod or whatever into the 5950? I'm considering ordering one, so help would be appreciated. Also, what is the best one to buy for what I want to do?
·PitBuLL· said:
What FX5900 was it that could do the soft-mod or whatever into the 5950? I'm considering ordering one, so help would be appreciated. Also, what is the best one to buy for what I want to do?
Virtually any regular 5900 can be modded to a 5950U. All it takes is a BIOS flash. A few 5900SE/LE models also work at default 5950U speeds after flashing.

It's not a true 5950U modification since real 5950Us have 256MB, faster memory and better cooling, but it's a nice hack to get higher GPU and memory speeds.

My 5900 runs at 475/950 with the stock BIOS (and stock cooling), which is faster than 475/950 with the 5950U bios. I'vr tried it both ways. I can get a little high core speed with the 5950U BIOS, but it doesn't make a big difference overall.
I did the mod to mine and things are runnin stable at 525/950
I did add the Zally heatpipe and fan and did a lap dance on the gpu
Just make sure that the card is running at default speeds before you flash
For a good while many online vendors were selling the BFG FX5900 (not XT or SE) for about the same or lower than the SE/XT (around $170) Now they have caught on that it was actually a stronger card than the XT/SE and charge more for them ($200+) if you can still find one. That is the card you are probably thinking about.
I've got a Chaintek 5900 nu, it has a lower default speed than the others. Can it still be flashed to a 5950? (400mhz)
joemama said:
For a good while many online vendors were selling the BFG FX5900 (not XT or SE) for about the same or lower than the SE/XT (around $170)
That's what I have. It was $172 shipped a few months ago. :D It's an awesome card and has VIVO.