Went to a Garage Sale this morning...


Nov 5, 2002
Found a little old iMac sittle all by itself with a $50 sticker on it saying "needs repairs", got it, came with a Pro Mouse and Keyboard no software. Well brought it in this afternoon, started up to 9.2 just fine, and noticed it's a G3 400, Airport, 128MB, 10GB, and Slot-Load CD-ROM. I have a Family Pack of 10.3, I thought this was a pretty good deal personally, just had to share it.
Scratch that, now it has a 30GB HD and 512MB of RAM thanks to spare parts laying around the office :D.
absolutely none, installing 10.3 as we speak without any glitches, I'm sure the 512 is really going to improve on performance, pretty sweet deal, I'm thinking of selling the Airport Card to a friend for $50 :D.
...well, did find a problem with it, the built-in ethernet port appears to be fried, but on the bright side it does have the Airport card which I have an AEBS, so I guess I won't be selling the card, heh.