
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Wendell from Level1Techs has released a new video where he discusses the one Windows kernel policy and scaling, AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX performance regressions in some programs under Windows, Coreprio testing anomalies, more Epyc 7551P testing, NUMA, UMA and more. His contacts within Microsoft say the problem is being seriously looked at to find a proper fix to the issue. It would certainly make Windows look bad if Linux was faster with the future of computing on these 32+ core, super-high-density CPUs. Wendell takes a very technical issue and explains in layman's terms that anyone can follow and understand. Check it out!

Wendell of Level1Techs explains, "NUMA is only really meant to make things better from a program performance perspective. It's not worse. And Linux is well engineered enough that in Ubuntu, NUMA on the 2990WX is squeezing all of the performance out of the platform; out of everything that it possibly can. And you have to concede that Windows and uniform memory access (UMA) mode is basically fine. So its not just the Windows bloatedness and overhead. Its not just differences in the Windows platform. I think that's sort of the final nail on the whole NUMA versus uniform memory access (UMA). And its also not being a hardware thing."
I really wish people produced written articles rather than videos. I can't watch a video at work, but I can easily read it on a second screen. Is this going to be the norm? Having to waste 15 minutes watching a video for the information that you could read in 2 minutes?
Video material is pretty much always less dense with information just compare TV news and written news since forever.
I like having the audio, as I'm too busy at work for either and off work I enjoy the option of not reading anything off a screen.
All these people bitching about a video all the time, dude, I can listen to what he is saying while doing other shit. Quit yer bitchin', want it done your way here's a thought, do it yourself. Then you can have it however the hell you please to have it.

This guy is amazing, I really love the work he does, his forums are full of extremely useful information too, especially if you're a linux guy. Kyle you spoken much to Wendell, curiously? Bet you two have a lot of stories would be interesting to hear about.
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I really wish people produced written articles rather than videos. I can't watch a video at work, but I can easily read it on a second screen. Is this going to be the norm? Having to waste 15 minutes watching a video for the information that you could read in 2 minutes?

It drives me INSANE too. I'll see an interesting headline, click on it, and a stupid video starts playing with absolutely no written article to summarize it. I end up closing it and googling for the info.
This guy is amazing.
I really wish people produced written articles rather than videos. I can't watch a video at work, but I can easily read it on a second screen. Is this going to be the norm? Having to waste 15 minutes watching a video for the information that you could read in 2 minutes?

Yep. I rarely "read" news, 80% of what's written is bloat. Skim it fast picking out the important parts. Having to watch a video takes far too long. And even then, if I do end up watching them, I turn the speed up to 1.25, sometimes 1.5 to burn thru all the hot air.
All these people bitching about a video all the time, dude, I can listen to what he is saying while doing other shit. Quit yer bitchin', want it done your way here's a thought, do it yourself. Then you can have it however the hell you please to have it.

People complain about video not just because they don't want to watch it, but because they cannot watch it. Some places of business block streaming of videos, but they do allow reaching the sites and reading material on the site. Also some places, people can't watch the video because of sound issues, not just streaming issues. Again, something easily rectified by having an written article. And then there are the other complaints, where you have to sift through an entire video just to get to the interesting information. Perhaps at some point providing an overview that includes timestamps of topics will become more commonplace.

That said, people could just watch it at home.
I love Wendell!
Its a shame his co-hosts put me off of watching L1 Techs normal content. But every once in a while they let him nerd out and we get some good info!
People complain about video not just because they don't want to watch it, but because they cannot watch it. Some places of business block streaming of videos, but they do allow reaching the sites and reading material on the site. Also some places, people can't watch the video because of sound issues, not just streaming issues. Again, something easily rectified by having an written article. And then there are the other complaints, where you have to sift through an entire video just to get to the interesting information. Perhaps at some point providing an overview that includes timestamps of topics will become more commonplace.

That said, people could just watch it at home.
Don't forget that more than of a few of us can't watch it because we have shit-tier internet as well... Unless it is something that benefits from video as part of the story or explanation, it can fuck off. Adored TV is about the only one I put up with because I can cook while it's on and he rambles for half an hour usually (and he featured one of my posts here in his video once lol).
I like Wendell. I think he presents his findings very well and I am glad someone is looking into the Threadripper, Windows issue. I hope MS offers a fix.
I like Wendell. I think he presents his findings very well and I am glad someone is looking into the Threadripper, Windows issue. I hope MS offers a fix.
He inspired me to give Linux a try with his enthusiasm for the platform.
People complain about video not just because they don't want to watch it, but because they cannot watch it. Some places of business block streaming of videos, but they do allow reaching the sites and reading material on the site. Also some places, people can't watch the video because of sound issues, not just streaming issues. Again, something easily rectified by having an written article. And then there are the other complaints, where you have to sift through an entire video just to get to the interesting information. Perhaps at some point providing an overview that includes timestamps of topics will become more commonplace.

That said, people could just watch it at home.

See below.

Quit yer bitchin', want it done your way here's a thought, do it yourself. Then you can have it however the hell you please to have it.
Vercinaigh the only one that reads like a hissy fit is you dude.

They complained but not in the way to fully remove your way but that having back the option of written text would be nice and I get them, being on mobile some data plans are very strictly capped over here so I get them, I would enjoy something I could read while working on whatever In the field, but well, it's what it's.
Quit yer bitchin', want it done your way here's a thought, do it yourself.
We stopped using that as an argument after kindergarten.

So you can't complain about your car unless you build a better one?
Or you can't complain about the service at a restaurant unless you do it better?

You see how that logic is completely flawed?

We have an epidemic of video content, for materials that are more suited for written articles, and I'll continue to complain about that until it goes away. If you don't want to show anything but your face, you should write instead of recording a video about it. Unless it is for entertainment purposes and not for informing people. Videos are the least efficient way to convey information.

I'd rather scan read an article in 2 minutes for the information I'm looking for, than watching some guy babble on for 20 minutes, where I have absolutely no idea where the relevant bits will be hidden in that twenty minutes. So I have no choice but to waste 20 minutes on something I should be able to learn in 2.
Again, we're talking about informing people here. If the purpose of the video is entertainment that's entirely different, but I don't consider a nerdy guy talking on screen entertainment.
We stopped using that as an argument after kindergarten.

So you can't complain about your car unless you build a better one?
Or you can't complain about the service at a restaurant unless you do it better?

You see how that logic is completely flawed?

We have an epidemic of video content, for materials that are more suited for written articles, and I'll continue to complain about that until it goes away. If you don't want to show anything but your face, you should write instead of recording a video about it. Unless it is for entertainment purposes and not for informing people. Videos are the least efficient way to convey information.

I'd rather scan read an article in 2 minutes for the information I'm looking for, than watching some guy babble on for 20 minutes, where I have absolutely no idea where the relevant bits will be hidden in that twenty minutes. So I have no choice but to waste 20 minutes on something I should be able to learn in 2.
Again, we're talking about informing people here. If the purpose of the video is entertainment that's entirely different, but I don't consider a nerdy guy talking on screen entertainment.

Well, this is 2 minutes of my life I will never get back.
We stopped using that as an argument after kindergarten.

So you can't complain about your car unless you build a better one?
Or you can't complain about the service at a restaurant unless you do it better?

You see how that logic is completely flawed?

We have an epidemic of video content, for materials that are more suited for written articles, and I'll continue to complain about that until it goes away. If you don't want to show anything but your face, you should write instead of recording a video about it. Unless it is for entertainment purposes and not for informing people. Videos are the least efficient way to convey information.

I'd rather scan read an article in 2 minutes for the information I'm looking for, than watching some guy babble on for 20 minutes, where I have absolutely no idea where the relevant bits will be hidden in that twenty minutes. So I have no choice but to waste 20 minutes on something I should be able to learn in 2.
Again, we're talking about informing people here. If the purpose of the video is entertainment that's entirely different, but I don't consider a nerdy guy talking on screen entertainment.

This x 1000.

When I read an article (for example, a video card review), the very first thing I read is the conclusion and then after that, I flip back to the benchmarks to see if I agree with the conclusion. I can read the entire thing in a couple of minutes. And even when I read regular pieces, I can quickly skim it to get to the parts I care about. I don’t have time to watch a video where it seems half of it is the host babbling on and repeating the same stuff for 10 minutes. It’s another reason I absolutely despise 99% of he podcasts out there - it seems most of the hosts are trying to put on a (lame) comedy show and socialize with their cohosts instead of getting to the material.

And to the guy who says “Do it yourself if you don’t like it,” I suggest that you follow your own advice and if you don’t like our comments, go set up your own site and forums so you don’t have to read what we say.
This x 1000.

When I read an article (for example, a video card review), the very first thing I read is the conclusion and then after that, I flip back to the benchmarks to see if I agree with the conclusion. I can read the entire thing in a couple of minutes. And even when I read regular pieces, I can quickly skim it to get to the parts I care about. I don’t have time to watch a video where it seems half of it is the host babbling on and repeating the same stuff for 10 minutes. It’s another reason I absolutely despise 99% of he podcasts out there - it seems most of the hosts are trying to put on a (lame) comedy show and socialize with their cohosts instead of getting to the material.

And to the guy who says “Do it yourself if you don’t like it,” I suggest that you follow your own advice and if you don’t like our comments, go set up your own site and forums so you don’t have to read what we say.

The guy who was commenting on the complaints is mostly correct. This is clearly a thread about a specific topic, Threadripper regression, and it was clearly marked as a video. The video maker knows his stuff and represented it pretty well. Guess what? Complaining that it is a video has had zero effect on the fact that is it is a video. Do you want an article? Go to his site and search, I am sure he has also made an article or document of some sort.
The guy who was commenting on the complaints is mostly correct. This is clearly a thread about a specific topic, Threadripper regression, and it was clearly marked as a video. The video maker knows his stuff and represented it pretty well. Guess what? Complaining that it is a video has had zero effect on the fact that is it is a video. Do you want an article? Go to his site and search, I am sure he has also made an article or document of some sort.

The title of the thread didn't mention the video, so most of us came in ready to read a good article and behold, it was a video. It's unfortunate that so many topics are posted in videos only, which is the point many of us were making.
The title of the thread didn't mention the video, so most of us came in ready to read a good article and behold, it was a video. It's unfortunate that so many topics are posted in videos only, which is the point many of us were making.

Has released a new video, the first line of the first post. Please take about thread ripper regression, which is what this thread is about.
The guy who was commenting on the complaints is mostly correct. This is clearly a thread about a specific topic, Threadripper regression, and it was clearly marked as a video. The video maker knows his stuff and represented it pretty well. Guess what? Complaining that it is a video has had zero effect on the fact that is it is a video. Do you want an article? Go to his site and search, I am sure he has also made an article or document of some sort.
He is exceedingly active on his forums and this is no doubt a video update on a a ongoing board discussion. But they don't want to go see that no, they just wanna bitch they didn't do it -their- way.