Warhammer Age of Sigmar Stormground

Ugh Age of Sigmar is like the Disney-canon SW - completely watered down and lame.
GW chose to throw away one of the most rich and well-developed fantasy worlds for new trademarks (LOL!) and because some new-age hipsters couldn't deal with original WH Fantasy being "too complicated".
Ugh Age of Sigmar is like the Disney-canon SW - completely watered down and lame.
GW chose to throw away one of the most rich and well-developed fantasy worlds for new trademarks (LOL!) and because some new-age hipsters couldn't deal with original WH Fantasy being "too complicated".

That's not really what happened at all. GW had fucked themselves into a corner for some time, and it had nothing to do with new age hipsters. Their simple reality was that virtually all the money they made came from Space Marines in 40k. Essentially for GW Space Marines are their profit, everything else just bleeds them money like crazy. That has been the case for some time now. For 40k you can make the argument that it's worth selling say Eldar or Tyranids because even though those things aren't making you money and actually cost you money you can make that money back by selling more Space Marines. For Fantasy there are no Space Marines to sell so the entire system has just bleed money for a long time now.

So a decision had to be made, cut the thing that's creating losses completely and never touch it again, or throw a hail Mary at it and see what happens. So the solution was pretty obvious, Space Marines in Fantasy. And that right there was how you got Age of Sigmar (aka the emperor in Fantasy) and Sigmarites (aka Sigmar Marines) along with circular bases. And that required blowing up the lore to do as well.

It had nothing to do with new-age hipsters or complications. It had to do with the fact that when someone walks into a GW Store more than 9/10 times they are walking out with Space Marines. So anything that does no support Space Marines had to go. Sigmarites have been a success here.

GW has been a victim of their own success in that one part of their portfolio has come to define them and eaten everything else alive.