Wanted: Surrogate for Neanderthal Baby

I'm envisioning hot dog down a hallway scenario after that action. :mad:

And who's fault is it that the hot dog isn't big enough? :p

Anyhow, this is stupid. Whoever signs up for it is going to get every camera and probe shoved in everywhere for however long the bun is in the oven just to bring back something that should have stayed as extinct as a floppy diskette. Losers! Call me back when they figure out how we can do this with kittens instead. Kittens are a lot cuter, after all.
Its a comical exageration, but how is the scenario in Idiocracy implausible? If you constantly breed the smallest wolves with one another, sooner rather than later you end up with toy chihuahas. Likewise, if you constantly breed the dumbest people with the dumbest people, you'll end up with Idiocracy. And Gattaca by contast is less likely considering the history of politics and easily resolved with simple laws.

If you breed small wolves for long enough, you end up with small wolves (you need to focus on many other traits to effectively change a species). If you breed dumb people, you don't always end up with more dumb people. Smart people have always been in the minority, and at no point were outbreeding dumb people. Dumb people have been having smart babies since the dawn of mankind. Society is not getting more stupid as a whole. People are more well educated now than at any point in our history.

Mike Judge is an entertaining guy, but he is not a scientist or a philosopher