Wanted: Head of Battlefield Game Division

German Muscle

Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 2, 2005
Were gearing up for stuff and are looking for someone with alot of exp managing Battlefield gameservers. The more BF games youve ran and for how long the better. Versatility, open minded, willing to learn and teach is a big plus. You must not be apart of another clan or community to become the Battlefield Admin.

Just shoot me a PM and LocoLaptop and i will go over it.
Is this for BF3 or BC2. I have ran servers on 2142 and BC2 in the past, but with as much stuff as I do I couldn't do it full time.
Part time as in a few hours after the work day a couple days a week.
running a bf server is easy it gets tricky with mods is all and part time should be enough after startup.
Is it necessary to have one guy for each game? Most places I've seen have a few dedicated admins who just idle in an admin Vent channel during prime time in case there's an emergency. Otherwise they pretty much run themselves, no?
Is it necessary to have one guy for each game? Most places I've seen have a few dedicated admins who just idle in an admin Vent channel during prime time in case there's an emergency. Otherwise they pretty much run themselves, no?

We arent most places is the thing. Quality is my number one priority with servers. The set it and forget it plan is a great way to introduce server decay. Its not a hard job but its certainly not just sitting in a vent channel. By admin i mean backend. Not in game moderating.

Also most of us do have lives so we cannot sit idle and wait for trouble. I do have tools to do quick fixes on my phone though. The more experienced the person is the less trouble the server will be in the long run as well.

Also i have never ran a BF server so i dont feel comfortable or that its fair to try and wing it. If we get someone who does know we can cross train each other and be more efficient.
I would definitely be willing to help out if necessary, but I don't think I could be a head of the servers. I haven't been an admin for a BF server since BF2. I would be more than willing to donate some time to help moderate/maintain servers if needed.
I've ran a couple custom BC2 Servers(stream PBbans/custom settings/announcements etc.) awhile ago... Not terribly difficult, I can lend a hand if needed.. Let me know. Personally I'd rather roll with [H] than another clan when BF3 comes out. I've managed several clans/groups in the past.

also.. Is [H] going to get a dedicated box or just rent space for each individual game? Last time I checked BC2 required a certified server company.. But most other games don't.
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I'd be up for volunteer admin within individual games. I've been in far too many BC2 and BF2 games where some dude is griefing his own team and no one is online who can boot him due to FF being off.