WannaCry Evolves to Uiwix RansomWorm


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
In-house HardOCP security analysts have passed along some very interesting information this morning. It would seem to them that first and foremost multiple Bitcoin keys are being noted in new versions of the WannaCry RansomWorm which has evolved into what is being billed as the "Uiwix RansomWorm." It is using the same vulnerabilities that WannaCry did, however the killswitch has been removed from this variant, making it not near as easy to shut down as the previous variant. Be advised that there are other variants of WannaCry emerging, but with new killswitches exposed that are being used.

So it looks as if third parties are getting hold of the WannaCry source and editing out the killswitch via hex. And our experts suggests that after looking over the code in some of the new variants is looks "very sloppy" compared to the original suggesting that more folks are showing up to expose this vulnerability, for fun, and not just for profit.

The only way to successfully stop this from happening is to make sure your Windows machines are patched.
Someone should create a variant that forces the OS to download the update.

Like a vaccine of sorts.
Microsoft did that already.
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I'm sitting here, drinking a can of Code Red, and thinking, didn't something like this already happen, and what did we learn from it?

Someone should create a variant that forces the OS to download the update.

Like a vaccine of sorts.

Better not relate it to a vaccine. We'll have anti-vaxers claiming Windows Updates gave them autism.
The article suggests regulation, but actually mentions in passing a better method: insurance. If you don't have a maintenance contract, your premiums go up to reflect the higher risk.
Anyone who has SMB ports wide open to the internet, along with the usual suspects who click/run anything they're sent, deserve what they get.
i wonder if you could get this new one on top of wanacry, and if you do pay this one and they decrpyt it would that wanacry still be ontop of it..

probably no to all of that.
Internet here is so slow at sometimes single digit kb/s speeds that I doubt that WannaCry and it's variants would work here on this island.
Imargine if MS patches things that don't work and introduce things that works as quickly as they do.