Wait or buy? Video card recommendations


Limp Gawd
Aug 16, 2004
I currently have a 1060 3GB and an RX 570 4GB. They both run most of the games that I play pretty well at medium or high settings. However, I would like to upgrade for when Cyberpunk is released.

I think some new video cards are just around the corner, so I should probably just wait it out and see what gets announced, right?
Simple answer, just wait until the game is out because new cards will be out and you can see reviews with those cards. Prices are odd right now also because of many factors so unless you find a really low deal used just wait.
Yeah, wait. I only bought because my GTX 1080 is moving on to the wife, which means I needed ~something~ for my new system I'm building. I'd have waited otherwise.
Crypto mining is heating up again. May want to weigh that in.
I concur with the waiters. Doesn't make sense before the game/3080 series comes out.
Crypto mining is heating up again. May want to weigh that in.

its still not terribly profitable for gpus. you really only see the run on gpus when it gets profitable and holds that level for a few months
its still not terribly profitable for gpus. you really only see the run on gpus when it gets profitable and holds that level for a few months

Agreed. ETH will switch to staking next year (so bye bye GPUs), Monero already switched to favor CPUs, so GPUs are really left in the dust and only OK for very low cost power places.
Agreed. ETH will switch to staking next year (so bye bye GPUs), Monero already switched to favor CPUs, so GPUs are really left in the dust and only OK for very low cost power places.


Just putting it out there. We will have another GPU crush here soon enough and it'll be open season on miners again.
Agreed. ETH will switch to staking next year (so bye bye GPUs), Monero already switched to favor CPUs, so GPUs are really left in the dust and only OK for very low cost power places.

Just putting it out there. We will have another GPU crush here soon enough and it'll be open season on miners again.

equihash already has decent enough asics for it and there really arnt any decent algos that gpus do too terribly much better on. asics also hit the point where you can just about beat a gpu on memory or compute bound tasks so gpus can never really stay profitable for too long.

we may see profitable cpu (cache) bound cryptos but honestly unless somthing stupid happens to the price (and all the whales cash out) the day of profitable mining is pretty much over