Wait for Crucial C400 or buy a C300?


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 23, 2000
I sold off some SSDs to purchase a Crucial SSD but I am wondering what everyone's opinion is in regards to purchasing a C300 or wait for the C400?

I want to purchase the 128GB version of the Crucial drive.

I sold off some SSDs to purchase a Crucial SSD but I am wondering what everyone's opinion is in regards to purchasing a C300 or wait for the C400?

I want to purchase the 128GB version of the Crucial drive.


I asked something similar a couple weeks ago, and the majority said to wait. The C400 will be faster and cost less. So I'm waiting for them to release it. They need to hurry, as my HD is the slowest component in my computer now.
I asked something similar a couple weeks ago, and the majority said to wait. The C400 will be faster and cost less. So I'm waiting for them to release it. They need to hurry, as my HD is the slowest component in my computer now.


The C400 will be faster and cost less.

The specs Crucial has posted show that the C400 WILL be faster -- the sequential write speeds have increased.

But I have seen nothing about the C400 prices. Where do you get the "cost less" part from?
is the C400 going to be a worthwhile upgrade from the vertex 2?performance wise
If you're using it for compressible data then the C400 should be a bit faster and it would probably be worth buying the C400 over the Vertex 2, but not so much worth upgrading. If you're using for incompressible data then C400 should be a lot faster and would be worth waiting for and worth upgrading to.

Or that's what seems likely to me, anyway. We'll see when retail products are benched.
Okay, but what are the 1000 unit prices for C300 now? Without knowing either that, or what the current retail markup is now, it is difficult to compare current prices (about $260 for a 128GB C300).

Look it up. You're apparently trying to justify purchasing a C300, and I'm not gonna debate it with you. :D
those with sf-1200 based ssd
are you gonna upgrade to intel g3 or sf-2000?
Look it up. You're apparently trying to justify purchasing a C300, and I'm not gonna debate it with you. :D

No, I was not trying to justify anything, just trying to find out. The 1000 unit prices or the retail markup is not something that I can look up, since that information is generally reserved for distributors and retailers.

Anyway, I doubt that the C400 will be much cheaper than the C300 when it comes out. I do agree that it will probably be faster, though.
No, I was not trying to justify anything, just trying to find out. The 1000 unit prices or the retail markup is not something that I can look up, since that information is generally reserved for distributors and retailers.

Anyway, I doubt that the C400 will be much cheaper than the C300 when it comes out. I do agree that it will probably be faster, though.

The move to 25nm NAND gives us one major improvement: cost. The 512GB C400 will be priced at $825 in 1,000 unit quantities - that works out to be $1.611 per GB. The 256GB drive will go for $425, the 128GB at $210 and the 64GB somewhere above $100. As 25nm production ramps up I wouldn’t be too surprised to see SSD prices drop down to the magical $1/GB price point.


article from less than a month ago
Yes, that article was already pointed out. But we are still missing the equivalent 1000 unit prices for the C300 products.
Yes, that article was already pointed out. But we are still missing the equivalent 1000 unit prices for the C300 products.

At a minimum you're gonna get a faster drive for the same cost as the current drives. They wouldn't talk about them being "cheaper" if they were going to cost more than the current drives. At least that's what common sense tells me.
Does anyone know when these new SSD's will come out? From the posted link the C400 should be out in Feb (anyone know if it's early, mid, or late Feb?) but what about the new Intel ones? Around the same time maybe? Is there anything else coming out soon? I have everything needed for my new build except for an SSD so I'm kind of getting a little antsy haha.
Does anyone know when these new SSD's will come out? From the posted link the C400 should be out in Feb (anyone know if it's early, mid, or late Feb?) but what about the new Intel ones? Around the same time maybe? Is there anything else coming out soon? I have everything needed for my new build except for an SSD so I'm kind of getting a little antsy haha.

Maybe use that Raptor until the new SSD's come out. That's what I'm doing. New build, but using an old HD until the new ones come out.
Yeah I was thinking about that. But that Raptor still has XP and files from my old rig on it. Is it possible to build the new rig and use the Raptor as my primary drive again and just use XP and everything else on the drive without a problem? Obviously I don't plan on keeping it for a while but I'm curious.
Yeah I was thinking about that. But that Raptor still has XP and files from my old rig on it. Is it possible to build the new rig and use the Raptor as my primary drive again and just use XP and everything else on the drive without a problem? Obviously I don't plan on keeping it for a while but I'm curious.

Would probably cause some issues with all the new hardware. Your best bet would be to back everything up, and reinstall Xp on the drive once it's in the new comp. Or even better, get a new copy of Windows 7 for it. ;)

The Corsair drive he linked above has some performance increases, but I think they have them marked up since they were out first. I'm willing to bet Intel and Crucial's offerings will be better. And the competition will drop the prices to what they're supposed to be.
yeah overpriced as hell,. Damn have some common decency!

WAIT, you will be sorry if you dont. i guarantee it :)
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The next gen prices will be higher than current gen prices when they're both in the market at the same time. That doesn't mean current gen prices won't drop as production stops and vendors are eager to clear out inventory.
I am not too sure the Crucial C400s will be cheaper than the Corsair Performance 3, a $210 price per 1000 units could easily translate to a $300 retail price depending on the demand, but at least there would be more competition, so both Crucial and Corsair prices are likely to drop after the C400s hit the market and as the new generations replace the old ones.

About waiting for the Intel, is there any rumor of a new generation coming up any time soon? I thought the X25-M was introduced only about 2 months ago. But if I have to take a guess, I'd say that whatever Intel is working on, they probably still planned on using SATA 3 Gb/s and are probably reluctantly working hard on moving to SATA 6 Gb/s to be on a par with their competitors. They don't seem to be leading the pack anymore.
The prices on them will go down when they've been out for a bit. Corsair/Newegg can charge a lot without any competition from this generation yet.
you're Intel is only Sata II.

the Crucial models are Sata III. double the throughput.

Let me clarify. My 120GB Intel outperforms the 64GB Crucial c300 in terms of writes on the SATAII controller.
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