VPN question


Apr 8, 2002
If I have two clients VPNing into a local LAN and they send data to each other, does that data need to go through the VPN device or can it be sent from one client to the other?
If they're on the same lan the it should send it over that instead of through
the vpn connection.
Two remote users. Each would be on a separate internet connection, but not on a LAN.
The data will go through whatever terminates the VPN connection.
Here's a quick diagram of what I've got in mind.


I'm trying to figure out if having four or so remote users, in different geographical locations, VPN into the local LAN for the purpose of simultaneously using a network application would put undue traffic on the limited internet connection at the main office.

From what I understand based on your posts the VPN device would need to accept and then resend all traffic send between the remote users?
That is correct. all traffic between clients has to pass through the central VPN endpoint BEFORE it routes to another client.