
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Vox Media is leveraging copyright strikes against YouTube channels that mocked The Verge's infamous PC build video. The company has allegedly manually filed a copyright strike against Kyle of Bitwit for creating a parody video of The Verge PC build video. WCCFTECH says that this will create the Streisand Effect "whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the internet." It is obvious that a parody is considered "fair use" so more than likely Vox Media will lose the case. But not before reminding the entire tech industry how bad that PC build video really was.

Welp, @voxdotcom just removed the "Lyle Reacts to the Verge's PC Build Video" claiming copyright violation and @ Youtube, without warning, felt that was deserving of a strike against the channel. Watch out @ScienceStudioYT @TechYESCity @KristoferYee
What a bunch of clowns. Read today that folks were unsubscribing from the Verge, hopefully that trend continues.

Paul had a well worded reply as well

Edit GN posted on this, calls out Verge/Vox using their own words (about abusing the YT copyright takedown service of all things) against them.

Fuck Verge & fuck Vox.
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That guy building the PC is a total retard, he has no business working in that industry, it's like he's reading off a script that a 70 year old guy and a 5 year old wrote, neither knows exactly what they are talking about but LED in the RAM are COOL, so that's why we chose it, oh and it has a pretty large number of MEGA hertz in it!

FFS ROFLMAO, and WTF is up with OoS in the video? Out of Sync
I warned that would happen. I warned that companies would use DMCA to go after critics and competition through shutdown notices. I warned that government was overstepping its bounds with DMCA, and it would favor big corps with lots of lawyers. So may people told me I was overreacting. This is just going to get more widespread, until we won't be able to criticize any big company, for the very mention of their name in a negative context could bring crippling lawsuits, or, worse yet, law enforcement arresting people for "copyright infringement". Don't allow government to take so much power. They will abuse it.
I warned that would happen. I warned that companies would use DMCA to go after critics and competition through shutdown notices. I warned that government was overstepping its bounds with DMCA, and it would favor big corps with lots of lawyers. So may people told me I was overreacting. This is just going to get more widespread, until we won't be able to criticize any big company, for the very mention of their name in a negative context could bring crippling lawsuits, or, worse yet, law enforcement arresting people for "copyright infringement". Don't allow government to take so much power. They will abuse it.

They’ve been doing it for years, and unless YouTube has changed their system (unlikely) its 3 strikes and you’re out guilty until you prove yourself innocent. Jim Sterling has some videos exactly about YouTube DMCA copyright take downs. It’s not a good system.
I warned that would happen. I warned that companies would use DMCA to go after critics and competition through shutdown notices. I warned that government was overstepping its bounds with DMCA, and it would favor big corps with lots of lawyers. So may people told me I was overreacting. This is just going to get more widespread, until we won't be able to criticize any big company, for the very mention of their name in a negative context could bring crippling lawsuits, or, worse yet, law enforcement arresting people for "copyright infringement". Don't allow government to take so much power. They will abuse it.

What doesn't make sense is why are they doing it now? The verge video is 6 months old and everyone has forgotten about it. Unless they are planning to release a new video and don't want people to confuse to two. This is just a odd move this long after the original release.
I like listening to The Vergecast, but man their corporate culture is just trash. Between shit like this and their racist former writer that they all got together to defend, not sure if I can even continue listening to the podcast.
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The verge installing a CPU. Ah oh, I'm gonna get a copyright strike now.

The verge installing a CPU. Ah oh, I'm gonna get a copyright strike now.

View attachment 141771
It gets worse the longer I stare at it. What's going on? Why is the thermal compound going on before the cpu? Where is the ram? Who advertises a NB heatsink as Ultra Durable? Why is the thermal compound mayonnaise? Is everything mayonnaise?
VOX was started by Ezra Klein who is a DC elitist liberal douche so what did you expect? Seriously, I read an interview with him and the guy looks down upon anybody that doesn't live in a major city.

This is more about the First Amendment than anything.

Moving forward, I'd like to see [H] do a PC build video :)
cageymaru I wonder if this fiasco will have a butterfly effect of Wal-Mart lawyers eyeing GN over their review of that online pre-built with glued connectors.
I wonder who at Vox did this. It seems they do not know either of the Streisand effect nor of the fact that it is fair use. I can't believe that the person or people involved actually use the internet like we do. I browse several web sites as well as YouTube for my tech news and reviews. It doesn't take long to understand the fine line YouTubers walk with fair use and potential copyright strikes, as well as the difficulty of getting back on YouTube's good graces once you're flagged as having crossed it.

I wonder what happens now. I have heard of other channels getting copyright strikes against them for other reasons, but I have never heard of how one gets the strike cleared. Is there anything we common folk can do to show our disapproval at Vox or at least show that their strike is invalid?
(Edit) Nevermind, I see the update that the strike was negated. I wonder if it is because Kyle, or more generally tech YouTubers are a much larger audience which can influence and accelerate a positive decision.

Further, is there any penalty for submitting invalid copyright claims against channels? If not, whose to stop someone from doing the same thing right back at Vox?
Surprised accusations of racism didn't find their way into this. You know that was certainly part of the discussion at Vox HQ.
The Verge and Vox infest the internet. Who reads their garbage?
apparently enough people so that they have the money to waste on:
Hiring someone to do videos who has no idea what they're doing
Spend ~2K on a PC that almost didn't work
Produce a video that was so bad, that they almost killed their computer more than once
have enough admin staff to start hunting down reaction videos and make a list
enough to pay a lawyer to draft multiple letters to youtube to get all of those videos / channels strikes

So.... too many people?
I thought the original video by the Verge was a parody, since no one could be that incompetent, lol.

Oh but they can be.

What doesn't make sense is why are they doing it now? The verge video is 6 months old and everyone has forgotten about it. Unless they are planning to release a new video and don't want people to confuse to two. This is just a odd move this long after the original release.

That's the part that gets me. No one really remembered that until they brought it up again. What's even worse is that now they are adding fuel to the fire by acting like completed douches. They are just stirring up shit that's backfiring on them already. Not only are the people at The Verge incompetent, but they are assholes as well. This isn't going to end the way they think it will.