video games don't breed violence

Mar 25, 2004

found this interesting, but not surprising. Just some nice things to know next time you are told that violent games are the downfall of human existence.

I especially like to shoot people down when they say that I should "play less video games and get out and make friends" by telling them that some of my best friends I've met from LAN parties.
i believe when people say you need to get out, they mean meet chicks...friends are much easier, can do that online. Now can you meet hot chicks at lan partys? remember the hot part because there can be some pretty hideous shemales, they dont count. :eek:
Minishark said:
I especially like to shoot people down when they say that I should "play less video games and get out and make friends"

My friend and I did a project for statistics last year about "do video games cause violence?" We wrote in our conclusion that they didn't. Now we got an MIT professor to back us up! w00t. :D
I'm glad more articles such as this one continue to come out. Since when has PBS been so cool :p (I feel really bad saying that).

I've always found it quite unbelievable how the only people who say video games are bad/violent/anti-social are the ones who have never played games. Whenever those people hear about stories involving video game violence (like the one with William and Joshua Buckner) they never think "hmm... maybe they would have been UNABLE to SHOOT people if they never had access to those GUNS," but rather they think "it was the games! The games reward you for killing people! AAAAAAAAH WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!!! THE SHARP EDGES ON GTA'S BOX CAN BE USED TO BRUTALLY STAB PEOPLE." (Don't get me wrong, I like guns, I have three, but people need to be responsible with them.)

I can't wait until the day politicians start blaming Sim City for screwing up their views of the economy.
In my school....

They started this whole thing where some kids were playing GTA Vice City and then after they played one night, they went on a "rampage" The kids took guns and went and killed 2 people and he said that the kids shot the people who died in between the eyes. I went online and checked out the stories and it turns out he COMPLETLY changed the story. I printed out the article, I came in the next day, I gave him the article and I said "Was this what you were talking about?!!?" I then made him read the true story to all the kids that he mislead. I completly pawned him that day and basically said "**** You."

I tried to find the article but the website I found it off of took it down.

Personally, I think people are thinking that we are way more stupid then we anticipate. I'm a gamer and I'm in the honor classes in High School and get straight A's. Hopefully this article will shed some light on the issue.
bah, when is the rest of the world gonna realize that it's just a different form of any kind of other gameplay. how is any of this fundamentally different from playing cops and robbers? kind of reminds of Bowling for Columbine, but i digress. in a game like CS or CoD, i'd be just as satisfied if i "tagged" my opponent and started him over, versus blowing his head off, and i think 99% of the gaming community is the same way the kids who want to see that head blown off, probably also have videos of it and laugh at it, those are the ones that need help.