Valve Makes Games, Steam, And Crazy Prototype VR HMDs


May 13, 2013
A trip to Valve Software's about page will inform you that Valve makes games, Steam, and hardware. A more fitting headline would state "At Valve we make nearly infinite amounts of cash," but that's a different story. One interesting thing however is if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the about page, you will get to see a little looping video of all kinds of prototype VR headsets.

Neat stuff, gotta love a HMD that looks like it would electrocute you if you sneezed while wearing it. I question that "we've released dozens of titles" line though. Not including expansions and "source" games, I can only count 8.

Valve's debut title, Half-Life, was released in 1998. It won more than 50 game of the year awards, and PC Gamer even called it the Best PC Game Ever. Since then, we've released dozens of titles that changed the world (and one that didn't). Today, millions of people play our games every day.
More like we make Steam, contract out hardware, and sell hats.

Though I do wonder how much influence Steam will have going forward. It isn't doesn't have the hegemony it did 6 years ago. You can play a number of the most popular games these days and never realize Steam existed. Fortnite, Rainbow Six Siege, Overwatch, Battlefield and whatnot. Even the next CoD game isn't coming to Steam. I can see Ubisoft following soon and moving exclusively to Uplay. Ditto for Rockstar. Still a lot of games on Steam and it is still the go to place for indie games or middle of the road games like Nier Automata, but I do wonder how much of an influence it will have 3-4 years from now.

Game wise I'd love to see Valve bring out a good SP game again, or an MP game that isn't free to play / designed around micro transactions. Supported with a great engine that rivals UE4.
Game wise I'd love to see Valve bring out a good SP game again, or an MP game that isn't free to play / designed around micro transactions. Supported with a great engine that rivals UE4.

That would take them away from steam money counting duty. It really is a joke what they've become, a former top games developer that now is just a pack of people that can't be fucked to make games anymore. If steam hadn't taken off like it did i have no doubt valve would have delivered hl3 and whatever was meant to come after. Now they're just a platform for unfinished "early access" games for the most part. :mad:
That would take them away from steam money counting duty. It really is a joke what they've become, a former top games developer that now is just a pack of people that can't be fucked to make games anymore. If steam hadn't taken off like it did i have no doubt valve would have delivered hl3 and whatever was meant to come after. Now they're just a platform for unfinished "early access" games for the most part. :mad:

Nail on the head with that post. Steam is a money printing machine, they can't be bothered to fuck with anything as petty as a "game" now. Psshaw.
via Imgflip Meme Generator
Would be nice if Steam would let part of themselves out to actually make a proper game again. It's sad to think about when EP3 was supposed to come out :(
Would be nice if Steam would let part of themselves out to actually make a proper game again. It's sad to think about when EP3 was supposed to come out :(

It doesn't help when anytime they're asked about it they respond with something like "the number 3 shall not be spoken" or some sad, pathetic shit like that. It's like they've been on a decade plus long troll which they think is amusing. Just seems to be a big "fuck you" to fans of the series, without which they wouldn't exist. I'd love to see an interview with a reporter going off on Newell about this shit just to see his reaction to it, for some fucked up reason they just refuse to comment on it, apparently saying "yes its in the works or no it's not" is a bridge too far.

It really has got to the stage where its a total farce what they're doing, leave us on a big cliffhanger for over a decade, then seemingly a lot of the people involved with the game and its story have wtf?