I was shopping for two computers to act as a data archiving system for the office and came across these on eBay, and thought it was a fantastic deal and figured I would share.
Supermicro 24 Bay SATA 4U AMD DC 2.0GHz 8GB H8DME-2 SC846TQ Server
Includes all Trays / Dual Redundant PSU / Opteron Motherboard / RAM / RAID cards to support 24 drives / IMPI / etc.
I picked up two units for the office but figured others may equally be interested for a home file server setup (or equally office storage). I should note though, that supermicro gear like this has pretty loud fans, so you'd need to put it in the basement to not hear it running.
Dual Core @ 299.99 - [url]http://www.ebay.com/itm/Supermicro-24-Bay-SATA-4U-AMD-DC-2-0GHz-8GB-H8DME-2-SC846TQ-Server-/151088979758?pt=COMP_EN_Servers&hash=item232d9adf2e[/url] [B](new links in-stock 7/25/2013)[/B]
Quad Core @ 349.99 - [url]http://www.ebay.com/itm/Supermicro-24-Bay-SATA-4U-AMD-QC-1-8GHz-8GB-H8DME-2-SIM1U-SC846TQ-Server-/171078773991?pt=COMP_EN_Servers&hash=item27d516ece7[/url] [B](new links in-stock 7/22/2013)[/B]
I picked up two of the cheaper units myself and 5 of these CPU's [url]http://www.ebay.com/itm/130804591027?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649[/url] as I have a higher end need then a basic load that would be on a file server, still need to find some cpu fans and some extra ram, but all in all best deal on server gear I've seen in a while.
I should note, just the chassis sells new for ~$1200 new on Amazon.com, and that's without motherboard/cpu/ram/raid cards/etc.
Supermicro 24 Bay SATA 4U AMD DC 2.0GHz 8GB H8DME-2 SC846TQ Server
Includes all Trays / Dual Redundant PSU / Opteron Motherboard / RAM / RAID cards to support 24 drives / IMPI / etc.
I picked up two units for the office but figured others may equally be interested for a home file server setup (or equally office storage). I should note though, that supermicro gear like this has pretty loud fans, so you'd need to put it in the basement to not hear it running.
Dual Core @ 299.99 - [url]http://www.ebay.com/itm/Supermicro-24-Bay-SATA-4U-AMD-DC-2-0GHz-8GB-H8DME-2-SC846TQ-Server-/151088979758?pt=COMP_EN_Servers&hash=item232d9adf2e[/url] [B](new links in-stock 7/25/2013)[/B]
Quad Core @ 349.99 - [url]http://www.ebay.com/itm/Supermicro-24-Bay-SATA-4U-AMD-QC-1-8GHz-8GB-H8DME-2-SIM1U-SC846TQ-Server-/171078773991?pt=COMP_EN_Servers&hash=item27d516ece7[/url] [B](new links in-stock 7/22/2013)[/B]
I picked up two of the cheaper units myself and 5 of these CPU's [url]http://www.ebay.com/itm/130804591027?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649[/url] as I have a higher end need then a basic load that would be on a file server, still need to find some cpu fans and some extra ram, but all in all best deal on server gear I've seen in a while.
I should note, just the chassis sells new for ~$1200 new on Amazon.com, and that's without motherboard/cpu/ram/raid cards/etc.
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