Tuniq Ripper 1000W Power Supply @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Tuniq Ripper 1000W Power Supply - While Tuniq is not a very well known name in the PSU market, many of you modders out there are very aware of Tuniq\'s sister company, Sunbeamtech. Tuniq is a subsidiary and looking to move into the very lucrative market space of high power computer power supplies. So, do the Tuniq have what it takes at 1000 watts?

The Tuniq Ripper 1000W is the most recent addition to a long line of 1000 watt units we have reviewed and at the end of the day was a very middle of the road kind of unit. The voltage regulation of the unit was good, the efficiency was very good but the unit was ultimately hampered by ATX12v specification limit ripple/noise values and only mediocre component selection. On top of all of this, the unit was a touch loud, but it is nothing that would drown out a good round of Left 4 Dead in my estimation.

Update: Speaking to Newegg about stocking and MIR, it had this to say, "...it will be in stock after 2/16. The MIR is valid till 2/28. We should have MIR promotion in March as well..."
Thanks for the review [H]. :)

$90 after MIR for a 1000w PSU is hard to beat. The only part that I would be worried about is the 12v ripple worsening over time during regular use. Because of this one thing, I'd rather put the money to good use on a better power supply with lower ripple.
The only part that I would be worried about is the 12v ripple worsening over time during regular use. Because of this one thing, I'd rather put the money to good use on a better power supply with lower ripple.
If I bought this PSU, I wouldn't run it at anywhere near 1000W load to avoid any issues of that sort. It's still a very good price though.
It's a damn cheap 850W unit which can overclock to 1000W pretty well. You can't complain too much about such a bargain, but if Tuniq needs a flagship power, this rippler isn't enough.
Well the price has dropped considerably since I first wrote the article. At the time it was going to be a street price of $169-199. The recent MIR and price drop was a surprise to me. At $90 it is possibly a bargain, but the TRE/REC capacitors are still a great unknown.
y did u guys go from silver/gold/etc to pass or fail? i think you guys should use both :)

Do you think this PS would adequately run a 4850x2 crossfire-x configuration?
Good enough! I just needed a little boost in confidence. When you see a $90 (with MiR) 1kW PS you start to question, ya know?
It's a damn cheap 850W unit which can overclock to 1000W pretty well. You can't complain too much about such a bargain, but if Tuniq needs a flagship power, this rippler isn't enough.
"overclock to 1000W" :rolleyes:

A PC P&C 750W is only $80 at newegg & we know what they can do! :)
"overclock to 1000W" :rolleyes:

A PC P&C 750W is only $80 at newegg & we know what they can do! :)

Travis' first language is not English so his use of idioms to make a point might be a bit off and he is well versed in SMPS design so I would not be so quick with the eyeroll. ;)
Travis' first language is not English so his use of idioms to make a point might be a bit off and he is well versed in SMPS design so I would not be so quick with the eyeroll. ;)
Thank you for the "heads up", I didn't know about the language barrier, English is very difficult if it is not your first language.

My apologies Travis, My Bad. :(