Trading my 5700xt for a 6700xt

Rev. Night

Mar 30, 2004
Yep you heard that right. I saw a thread on /AMD reddit yesterday where gamers are trading their 5700xt to miners for their 6700xt. Apparently the 5700xt is better at mining, and we all know the 6700xt is better at gaming, so it's a win-win for both parties. My only question is the reliability of the 6700xt that was previously used for mining, presumably, 24/7. If you don't use it for 24/7 gaming, and in my setup the whole pc will be sleeping for 80% of the week, is this truly a bad deal? You would think with great air flow, that card will still last several years.

Assuming the 6700xt you get isn't a PowerColor grenade, why wouldn't I take this deal?
ive contemplated it too, with my 5700, but then id have to put it back together...
I've considered this too. I was going to make the swap, but was hesitant for a number of reasons.

I've decided that when I complete my playthrough of Psychonauts 2 I'm going to sell my 5700xt outright.

From there, my daughter will get a handmedown 1600X to upgrade her 2500K w/ RX480.

Then I'm gonna take a long break, either until the market cools off or I get the itch again.
Curious, what forum would you all make the swap? FS/FT forum here? FB Marketplace?
Wonder if gamers would trade 5700 XTs for 6600 XTs, given the slight edge.


The 6600xt is a great little card, should be 300 but hey let's be real..I paid 450 each with tax and ship for 2 of them. Can't beat the efficiency for mining....but from a 5700xt not worth the move at all, 5700xt hashes nearly 80% more and the gaming lift isn't significant, RT on the 6600xt is more of a checkbox for some titles until FSR matures significantly.
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I traded a asus tuf 6700xt straight across for a reference 5700xt. I did this trade at the time for the better mining performance of the latter. This sort of blew up in my face a bit as the reference card I got didn't overclock well nor was the bios flash stable on it. Ended up taking it back to stock where it was stable and left it there.
How exactly would I get into contact with a miner to do this trade? I did a FT listing here, but I guess ill just google 'cypto miners' and see what I get. Time to go down another rabbit hole
Id do the trade, but I've only got 6600 XT's coming in. :banghead:
Wait.... This is really possible?! Hmm I think my 5700xt is gonna be on the market tonight, I need something a bit more powerful for my widescreen monitor.
I'd do the trade but definitely not straight up, the 6700xt does 47 mh/s at 95w with tuning, the 5700xt does 54 mh/s at 110w, gaming performance is about 50% better on the 6700xt though. Once the mining craze dies down, the 6700xt will hold value far better than the 5700xt since cards will take a year or more to come down to MSRP levels, just my 0.02. GLTA.
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Wait.... This is really possible?! Hmm I think my 5700xt is gonna be on the market tonight, I need something a bit more powerful for my widescreen monitor.
Yeah try it out. I created a FT listing here, and I was told by the /AMD subreddit that you want to go to:

I will be posting up there soon. Let me know if you get yours traded, and i'll do the same. This is amazing good luck to be in right now
I'd do the trade but definitely not straight up, the 6700xt does 47 mh/s at 95w with tuning, the 5700xt does 54 mh/s at 110w, gaming performance is about 50% better on the 6700xt though. Once the mining craze dies down, the 6700xt will hold value far better than the 5700xt since cards will take a year or more to come down to MSRP levels, just my 0.02. GLTA.

I'll give you tree fiddy. But anyways PM me
Let's take three similar cars.
Which one will last longer, the car that is constantly being kept in the garage, the car that's being driven on a racetrack, or the car driven at constant 40mph on a highway?
Car 1 probably won't start after a few years. Car 2 will eventually burn out because it's being maxed out, while Car 3 will last you for a long time.