Tomb Raider Underworld


Sep 23, 2007
I want to like it, the mechanics seem very well made and the controls are good. The graphics are actually really impressive and her animations are very good as well. The problem is the camera is unbelievably terrible. I was looking through the patch notes and there is absolutely no fix for this right now. Has anyone found a way to deal with this absolutely horrible camera?
I have tried a few of the latest Tomb Raider games and I dont see how in the hell people play those games. the camera is so freaking annoying that I have never made it more than 15-20 minutes into any of those games. you try to look around and the next thing you know the camera is clipping your damn head from behind. even swimming was annoying as hell. I dont have issues like that with any other game that I can think of. :mad:
It's really a shame because I like the environments and the mechanics seem solid. Also the puzzles have been pretty great as well, but I'm just so annoyed.
I beat it without any major problems to be honest. The only tricky thing I found was wall-run jumping at certain points but once you figure out the camera has to be in a certain position corresponding with your key presses it's not so bad. Hope you get it worked out, it's a fun game.
it took a bit to get used to but if you give it a little time and go into with an open mind, you should be just fine. I loved the game frankly, I was quite impressed with the job that Crystal Dynamics did on it and hope that their next installment is even better. I also hope that they continue with this laura model as they have finally made her more classy, less pornstarish.
The camera is really no worse in this game than other similar titles like the modern Prince of Persia series. I beat the game without too many camera-related incidents and found it an enjoyable experience - much better than Anniversary and the dreadful Angel of Darkness.
No matter what they say they are going to do/change, Tomb Raiders are always more of the same. Shitty controls and even more shitty camera angles. I swear they are still using the same engine from 1996.

Tomb Raider is just like Wet. Take a piece of shit game, throw in some tits and all the monkeys run out and buy it. They just hope mom doesn't walk in while they're playing it.
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Tomb Raider Anniversary was fantastic. Controls and graphics were top notch. Give it a try if you haven't (its essentially the 1st Tomb Raider recreated with new engine/controls). Pretty much the only Tomb Raider I actually enjoyed... other than the first one :p
The thing is I liked the camera in Tomb Raider Legend a lot, and I don't remember having any problems with that game at all. Aside from the combat being boring, I really enjoyed Legend. I do think this game is impressive, it just has some issues that are really holding it back for me.
I'm used to enjoying games with a bad camera.... maybe I should pick this game up if that's the main con.
If you enjoyed Tomb Raider: Legend, do yourself a favor a get Tomb Raider: Underworld. It's a perfect continuation of the series.

I can appreciate the fact that Crystal Dynamics wasn't trying to reinvent the wheel when they decided to help resurrect the near-dead franchise.

However, I would recommend those who haven't played TR:Legend to pick it up first as the story in TR:Underworld picks up right after the events in TR:Legend. Not 100% required, but the plot might make a little more sense when going through TR:Underworld.
Yeah I beat Underworld without too many issues. It is annoying at times but for me, these annoyances only popped up maybe like 5% of the entire time I was playing. After I beat Underworld, I was inspired enough to go back and beat Legend and Anniversary, back-to-back. I agree that Crystal Dynamics have done a great job with their renditions of the Tomb Raider franchise and am eagerly anticipating more future titles. So hopefully you'll somehow find a way to make through to the end, because it certainly was worth it. :)
Yeah I beat Underworld without too many issues. It is annoying at times but for me, these annoyances only popped up maybe like 5% of the entire time I was playing. After I beat Underworld, I was inspired enough to go back and beat Legend and Anniversary, back-to-back. I agree that Crystal Dynamics have done a great job with their renditions of the Tomb Raider franchise and am eagerly anticipating more future titles. So hopefully you'll somehow find a way to make through to the end, because it certainly was worth it. :)

Couldn't agree more. I am playing it on the 360 and while there has bee a few frustrating spots they have been few and far between. For the most part it is a pretty fun game with just the right amount of challenge. Most of the challenge is puzzle solving and environment based. My 8 year old daughter loves to watch me play and since there is very little violence I have no problem with it.
I purchased the Prince of Persia pack during the Steam winter sale and started re-playing The Sands of Time because I wanted to go through them in order before playing the newest one. I can say without a doubt that the camera in TSoT is much more infuriating than the one in Legend or Anniversary (haven't played Underworld yet). It was the same way on Xbox, but less of a problem because of the controller. I guess I could try to use my 360 pad because it can be incredibly frustrating to miss a jump or die because the camera gets stuck on something (in the case of TR) or suddenly changes perspective (my main gripe with Prince of Persia).

I remember having more problems with the camera in the PlayStation versions of TR so maybe they've tweaked/optimized it a bit in the newer games.
No matter what they say they are going to do/change, Tomb Raiders are always more of the same. Shitty controls and even more shitty camera angles. I swear they are still using the same engine from 1996.

Tomb Raider is just like Wet. Take a piece of shit game, throw in some tits and all the monkeys run out and buy it. They just hope mom doesn't walk in while they're playing it.

There has never been a TR games as bad as WET. Not even close.
There's a couple spots in underworld where I'm doing acrobatics and I wish the camera was different. But it's fine 95% of the time when doing acrobatics.

I think what I find most annoying is when Laura is running, the camera likes to settle in a very low position. Ironically, when using a gamepad it's annoying since you have to keep the right thumbstick at a steady angle to keep the camera higher. However, when using the mouse that's not the case since wherever you move the mouse the camera locks there.
I have gotten used to the camera at this point and am actually starting to really enjoy the game. It really took off for me once I entered Mexico. I'm curious to know what everyone thinks of the anniversary edition. I'd love to play one more TR game if it's worth while after playing Underworld.
TRU has great graphics and the animation and controls are good. I personally preferred TRL's enivornments though. TRU as the name sort of suggest is very dark and its a shame because most of the levels are too dark to enjoy the graphics.
ok but seriously i sold the game because the fighting...... yeaaa. they need to hire someone to do the games shooting aspect
Typical PC gamer complaints, there are ppl complain POV, camera, control. How about this: get used to the game! No wonder pc gaming is dying!
Just tried the demo. The camera is wild and crazy. I could see some people getting dizzy at first. Watch out if you get inside a corner of 2 or 3 walls! Definitely should have been some improvement there. Then the game got buggy when I got into a certain area. Sound started cracking and the frames dropped.

It is a demo afterall, I hope the normal game is patched well and won't do that on my system. Other than that, game looks pretty cool. I might get this. I can probably get used to the camera and only minorly annoyed with certain areas. I just hope that glitchiness isn't in the normal game.
Typical PC gamer complaints, there are ppl complain POV, camera, control. How about this: get used to the game! No wonder pc gaming is dying!

Absolutely. We should put up with flawed game design and support devs who don't bother fine tuning things.

This isn't a PC only thing...plenty of console games have camera problems too.
Just tried the demo. The camera is wild and crazy. I could see some people getting dizzy at first. Watch out if you get inside a corner of 2 or 3 walls! Definitely should have been some improvement there. Then the game got buggy when I got into a certain area. Sound started cracking and the frames dropped.

It is a demo afterall, I hope the normal game is patched well and won't do that on my system. Other than that, game looks pretty cool. I might get this. I can probably get used to the camera and only minorly annoyed with certain areas. I just hope that glitchiness isn't in the normal game.

I didnt experience a single drop of glitchiness in the game and the camera took me about 5 mins to get used to. TRU is an extremely solid game.
I agree, it's a very beautiful game with beautiful environment, Lara is looking sexier than ever, but the camera thing really need some getting used to, I uninstalled the game at the early 2009 due to this exact problem,

but I'm picking it up again last holiday, and it's quite enjoyable once you get used to it.