Tiger handheld game systems coming this fall for $15


VP of Extreme Liberty
Jul 13, 2005


Hasbro is bringing back the classic Tiger Electronics line of handheld game systems.

Hearkening back to a time when you could buy a handheld gaming device that only ran a single game, the new systems are coming this fall in four flavors, all of which are up for pre-order from GameStop:
Each is priced at $14.99… batteries not included.

Man I must have had 20 or 30 of these back in the day. My dad played them as much as I did...on the one hand, these will have horribly dated gameplay and no one will ever really play them long enough to use up a set of batteries, but on the other hand, I spent more on lunch and that wasn't nostalgic-feeling at all.

I think they'll make a mint.
Pretty sure there is still a box of these in my mom's attic from when I was young

Man I must have had 20 or 30 of these back in the day. My dad played them as much as I did...on the one hand, these will have horribly dated gameplay and no one will ever really play them long enough to use up a set of batteries, but on the other hand, I spent more on lunch and that wasn't nostalgic-feeling at all.

I think they'll make a mint.

"pre-order from Gamestop". Just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
Yep had some of these and I don't think they will translate today. MOVE JUMP :bored:
I hope they sell like hot cakes, and then get shit-canned immediately. These things were horrible then, and they're horrible now.
These made a lot of business and personal sense back in the early to mid-1990s when handheld video game consoles were still very expensive, even for the time.
With how everything is now these days, though, kids aren't going to even understand the point of these without pointing out the historic significance, and even then, as the others have said, maybe 10 minutes of game play, and then done.

They might look nice on a shelf as a conversation piece for those who are over the age of 30, but beyond that, these were sub-par 8-bit systems, even in their heyday.
Any day now your Pog collection is going to be worth *millions*..........

Also, its kind of sad when all of those Tiger games came out in like the mid 80's through the mid 90's-ish I think......but the entire scene *peaked* with the release of this game back in like 80 or 81, when I owned one....
300_1228_1232027560167_Mattel_Dungeons_and_Dragons.jpg. I remember looking at those Tiger games and wondering what kids even saw in them because they were just terrible,
and they were out at a time when video games had progressed significantly even in the hand held areas.......like we'd all come from LED games like Mattel Football II, so LCD screens had actual PICTURES...so its understandable our Six Million
Dollar Man inspired minds were blown, but by the time the Tiger games came out it was like...really...who wanted that crap? :p
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i think they should have at least modernized them to be real games but kept the look. that would have been the way to go. add real sound as well, no more PC speaker sound.

or just made a few that had like 10 games on them.
Why? Who the hell is going to buy these? They were garbage back then.

Right? This is the kind of article I would expect to see on April 1st to be honest. I don't know who the target market is for these. I still have mine at my parents so I could go get them if I cared, and they are still easily available on ebay for $10-20.

Though I could probably get back into the old zelda hand held, but again that is like a 20minute nostalgia throwback, and then it gets lost in a drawer for a few years.
Never had a Tiger, had atleast 3 smaller form factor LCD games. A space racer type, a soccer game, and Airwolf.
Fond memories of pops telling me to mute it driving to the grandparents.....
Brother had the TMNTs one from Konami.
These LCD handhelds got you laughed at at school while other kids had Game Boys.

Forgot the old 70s LED based ones, including my TI Little Professor calculator.
In all honesty I think it makes more sense to release a emulated 'all-in-one' collection style software that can add more games later.
i think they should have at least modernized them to be real games but kept the look. that would have been the way to go. add real sound as well, no more PC speaker sound.
don't forget achievements, loot boxes, and other microtransactions for things like skins, unlockable levels, etc... all linked to your facebook account so the world knows how cool you are
my cousins used to get these because their parents didn't know what a console was

if you're really hurting to play them mame emulates them
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No one is nostalgic for tiger games.

That's not true, there was one I really liked.

I have no idea which one it was, though, and the two dozen others stood out for not being good at all.

I think it was Ghostbusters, actually.

And you don't think people can be nostalgic about stuff that's terrible? Have you been to a restaurant in the past five years? Everyone and their mom is all about brussels sprouts.
Interesting direct-to-landfill business model they've got going there. I do not have any fond memories of playing these things.

I really enjoyed the one Karnov actually, but I would play it again if I saw one, not spend money on it.
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If these were like $5-$10 I might be interested in picking up a couple, just to remind myself of what they were like. However, $15 is a bit much to go "are these really as bad as I remember".
"are these really as bad as I remember".

Half of the fun was not knowing how bad they were before you bought them. Also, I just checked, these cost $15-20 in 1990. I would have sworn they were like $5-10.
Half of the fun was not knowing how bad they were before you bought them. Also, I just checked, these cost $15-20 in 1990. I would have sworn they were like $5-10.

For reference: That's like $30-$40 in 2020 money.

I don't remember which ones I had, but I know I had a few as a kid.
I really enjoyed the one Karnov actually, but I would play it again if I saw one, not spend money on it.

I just find the whole thing curious. Like, why now? There's a smart phone in almost every hand and even an old hand-me-down phone or iPod Touch is like Star Trek tech compared to these shitty things. I've got plenty of room for nostalgia in my life, but these don't evoke anything of the sort for me.
I just find the whole thing curious. Like, why now? There's a smart phone in almost every hand and even an old hand-me-down phone or iPod Touch is like Star Trek tech compared to these shitty things. I've got plenty of room for nostalgia in my life, but these don't evoke anything of the sort for me.

I feel like Hasbro is going after the "nostalgic nerd collector" market with these. People that will buy them, throw them on a shelf ans forget about them. Or Youtubers that like to display their "nerd cred" on shelves behind them will buy these things, talk about them, then put them on display.
I had a Batman one that was pretty cool. Well, the gameplay sucked, but I liked it. But yeah, I mean Gameboy existed. Even back then these were pretty low quality.

I did have this submarine game, though, that was really fun. You could just move left or right and have to catch people falling. I spent a lot of time on that game as a kid.
I had a Batman one that was pretty cool. Well, the gameplay sucked, but I liked it. But yeah, I mean Gameboy existed. Even back then these were pretty low quality.

I did have this submarine game, though, that was really fun. You could just move left or right and have to catch people falling. I spent a lot of time on that game as a kid.

The Gameboy was also pretty expensive when it came out ($90 in 1989 or around $187 in today's money) so a lot of kids would end up getting these instead of a Gameboy.
And you don't think people can be nostalgic about stuff that's terrible? Have you been to a restaurant in the past five years? Everyone and their mom is all about brussels sprouts.

To be fair, they aren't boiled like everyone used to do pre-1990's. If you prepare them literally any other way they're delicious.

That said, Tiger games are/were still trash. They're better than nothing I guess, but people are going to be disappointed if they've played any video games since the 1970's.
To be fair, they aren't boiled like everyone used to do pre-1990's.

I read somewhere that someone found a way to breed out whatever it was that made them taste so nasty, so they're a lot better than they used to be.
I read somewhere that someone found a way to breed out whatever it was that made them taste so nasty, so they're a lot better than they used to be.

Definitely also possible. Although the last time I had boiled brussels sprouts they still suuuuucked :)