threadripper or i9, who has a cooler box?


Feb 26, 2016
I'm never going to own either of these, but they look like they have the funkiest packaging. Who has the best box?
Honestly, I like them both in different ways I guess. That said, the newer style Threadripper boxes let me down, lol. The 2900x I think has the best box overall.

3000x series are... meh, kind of reminds me of a pencil sharpener meant to catch the shavings :).

I think first gen even looked better than current gen... but not as good as zen+

i-9 also went backwards in my view... current i-9 is stupid compared to the older one. Older i-9 box (only if you bought the collectors edition, otherwise you got a normal looking box):

And the "Special" i-9 10 series is... an advertisement, lol (it's this or a normal blue box, nothing special)

After looking at them again, my vote is 2000 series Threadripper for sure, followed by 1000 series, followed by i-9.
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I still like the hexagonal box of the i9's best but the internal casing of the TR are much more impressive while still having a very aesthetically pleasing exterior box.
The i9s were just kinda... sitting there in a standard cardboard box and plastic clam shell.
The dodecahedron box looks neat but is terrible from a opening and closing perspective as well as the covering bit barely staying on. The new 10900k i9 has a 3rd shell for no reason that I can tell as well, why pull it out the bottom the again out the left? lol

Only Threadripper one I've used I've opened is the first foam one which is kind of ugly imo but is easy to open at least.
I kinda want a threadripper, 75% because i just want to open the box.