This is what not buying an RTX 2070 can do


Jan 1, 2014
Quick RAID 0 with new to me controller and expander from LSI and Intel. One with spinning disks and one with ssd's. The old controller was a 9265-8i and the new one is 9361-8i. Same disks and RAID 0 configs on each.

Before and After Spinner.jpg Before and After SSD.jpg
Wow, quite remarkable increase not something I would have expected. Have a storage project coming up so this is great to know thank you!
Yes, I was surprised the performance scaled that well literally just swapping out the cards.

From another thread regarding the new 20 series cards:

So far, the absolute best thing about the current 2080 / 2080Ti situation is it convinced me to spend my disposable income on other things. Specifically, in the last week I finished my M1A build, bought a bunch of storage to upgrade my NAS, build a new NAS media server and add more nvme and large capacity SSD's to my systems. I even splurged on some hardware RAID gear I had previously convinced myself I didn't want. I sure don't need it, but, I'm curious as to what 12GB network card and a 12 disk SSD RAID 0 will do. I'm going to find out.

I can't lay this all on Nvidia, though. Intel has a part to play, too. I see no reason to purchase any Intel based CPU's or mobo's anytime soon. Maybe I finally take the plunge into he AMD pool, again. Their stuff, specifically the 1st gen TR gear is looking like good fun for the money from where I sit.

So, I'm going to wait until the benchmarks come in and enough real world info is in the wild before I decide if I buy 20 series NV gear anytime soon. I can afford to buy whatever I want whenever I want, so it's really up to them to convince me I need or want their stuff. So far, they have convinced me to wait.

The RAID card and expander cost me about what an RTX 2070 is alleged to retail at.
I'm enjoying my new workstation 2990wx build. Using my old GTX 980 just fine. Woo boy!
This tempts me to go with a 2990WX build for my next upgrade. Also, RAID0 PM981s but still probably going to stick with my three 980 Tis in TriSLI. Maybe custom loop, probably not. Most likely air. My current system woldn't boot so I took it to a PC repair place so they could diagnose it. If it's the motherboard (X99 Phenonix) or CPU (2695v3), I might spring for a big upgrade.
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