this has got to be the most inflated GPU price yet!

And I quote:

Half of my profession is speculation.

I didn't get where I am today by being wrong.

Planes crash and burn less frequently....
Unregulated, no sacttion monopoly - 50% lost basically in the last month has happen. It is in a crashed state right now. Crypto currencies rountinly crash and one can still make a good profit right now

With unregulated markets they also recover fast.
Regarding the GPU shortage, I just learned some things about cryptocurrency mining that puts things in an interesting light.

Most of you are probably unaware that mining difficulty increases over time, and the more computing power is collectively is put into mining, the faster that difficulty increases. This is a serious problem for miners, this problem is so severe for Bitcoin, the oldest cryptocurrency on the market, that it is no longer cost effective to use GPUs to mine for bitcoin - ASIC's must be used, GPUs now are only used for "alt" currencies like etherium, and even they are rapidly becoming difficult enough to make using GPUs to compute the hashes unprofitable.

The long and short of it is that the reliance of miners on GPUs is likely shortlived, and things will return to normal.

(ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit, in this situation a CPU designed explicitly to do ONE thing, compute hashes for one specific currency.)

You haven't done your research properly.

There are quite a few alhorithms and a shitload of coins which are ASIC-resistant.
Now do that research and you'll sing a different song ;)