They broke MW2 big time, there is no one online and no way to play a game! EPIC IWNet


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 16, 2006
Zero people are being reported online which doesn't mean there are, only private matches seem to work. Check it out yourself! Talk about EPIC FAIL for IWNet.

This started out slowly with people who bought the DLC not being able to play regular game modes anymore and now this all in 24 hours.

EDIT: Not raging to much, I still play MW2 and bought the DLC, but this is bad and PC gamers are getting no acknowledgment from Activision.
glad i got my MW2 for free with a graphics card

i would have never bought it otherwise
Seems to be working again, but ppl with the DLC still can't play in any other modes besides Stimulus and Stimulus Hardcore.
Can't say I'm surprised. IWNET has been down completely before.
I am not known for my graces nor social skills. I shall say it to whom I please, when I please.

Anyways it was a precursor for them fixing an issue regarding the DLC. They added the DLC maps to regular map rotation for all game modes on the PS3 on Friday, yet still nothing for the PC...I feel ignored.
I played this game during the free weekend on steam and it's a blast. WAY better then the first modern warfare. I honestly don't really have an issue with the whole matchmaking "issue" that everyone is talking about, it's really not that bad.
I played this game during the free weekend on steam and it's a blast. WAY better then the first modern warfare. I honestly don't really have an issue with the whole matchmaking "issue" that everyone is talking about, it's really not that bad.

for a casual player mabey, anyone who likes to find a server with good admins, pings and players appreciate dedicated servers alot more.

Last free weekend first game I played had a hacker, nothing we could do about it as there is no admins. Second came tons of tards running around swearing out each other and spewing a bunch of idiotic things you'd expect from Xbox live.

both problems I never encounter in games with good dedicated servers.
We don't say that anymore.

Please add "/thread" to the list of things we can't say (type) anymore. Funny thing is most people who use it don't have a clue where it comes from. Oh, and my favorite that I see is "/end thread".

guys, using "/" does not make you cool - sorry.
I am not known for my graces nor social skills. I shall say it to whom I please, when I please.

Anyways it was a precursor for them fixing an issue regarding the DLC. They added the DLC maps to regular map rotation for all game modes on the PS3 on Friday, yet still nothing for the PC...I feel ignored.

fourzerotard's twitter:

"The player base is slightly larger on the other platforms, so the matchmaking doesn't suffer from integration. PC is unique."

lol unique
for a casual player mabey, anyone who likes to find a server with good admins, pings and players appreciate dedicated servers alot more.

Last free weekend first game I played had a hacker, nothing we could do about it as there is no admins. Second came tons of tards running around swearing out each other and spewing a bunch of idiotic things you'd expect from Xbox live.

both problems I never encounter in games with good dedicated servers.

Most of the time you play on a server chances are there are no admins playing . There used to be alot back in the CS days but not now.
Most of the time you play on a server chances are there are no admins playing . There used to be alot back in the CS days but not now.

depends on the server, some servers have admins on lots (not going to say always, but most of the time). Just have to keep an eye out for them.

and even having an admin on 50% of the time is alot better than peopel know theres never an admina nd they can do whatever they like, the fear of an admin that might be there keeps alot of people at bay on good servers. My clan server the admins and most members dont use clan tags so people don't know they are watching lol.
did people forget about voteban or votekick? no matter which way you cut it, dedicated servers > that POS IWnet. end. of . story. there is absolutely no excuse to use that POS in place of dedicated servers...unless of course your reason for doing so is so that you can cripple the community and completely destroy the mod and map makers so that you yourself can control and release content and charge for it.
...unless of course your reason for doing so is so that you can cripple the community and completely destroy the mod and map makers so that you yourself can control and release content and charge for it.
But MW2 isn't the only one's who done this, BC2 is the same way in this respect. Both games killed the mod/map making communities. So in the end neither game will last as long as games like CS:S and the likes, but that may have been the plan for them BOTH.
I played on the Steam free weekend as well, and enjoyed it at first. Then we got some hackers who we couldnt find, who were shooting people through the mountains and to the other side of the map. Then a new match started, lagged out for a moment, and suddenly we had some popup saying we were on Mad Matt's custom server with zero gravity and everyone was max level with all achievements unlocked. Then the server crashed and for the rest of the weekend I was max level with the best weapons etc. The cheating seems pretty rampant on the pc side, not so much on the xbox side, but I cannot do very well with a controller compared to a mouse and keyboard.
I played on the Steam free weekend as well, and enjoyed it at first. Then we got some hackers who we couldnt find, who were shooting people through the mountains and to the other side of the map. Then a new match started, lagged out for a moment, and suddenly we had some popup saying we were on Mad Matt's custom server with zero gravity and everyone was max level with all achievements unlocked. Then the server crashed and for the rest of the weekend I was max level with the best weapons etc. The cheating seems pretty rampant on the pc side, not so much on the xbox side, but I cannot do very well with a controller compared to a mouse and keyboard.

Wow, I'm loling at this post. Mad Matt, bwahahahaha
I played on the Steam free weekend as well, and enjoyed it at first. Then we got some hackers who we couldnt find, who were shooting people through the mountains and to the other side of the map. Then a new match started, lagged out for a moment, and suddenly we had some popup saying we were on Mad Matt's custom server with zero gravity and everyone was max level with all achievements unlocked. Then the server crashed and for the rest of the weekend I was max level with the best weapons etc. The cheating seems pretty rampant on the pc side, not so much on the xbox side, but I cannot do very well with a controller compared to a mouse and keyboard.
So you had "some" hackers on one server and that's "rampant"? Sorry but it sounds more like they was already on the server when it started and got max everything with zero gravity so they tore it up, custom server is all that was.
i played on the free weekend.. saw a few hackers but they sucked so bad that not even the hacks were going to help them.. but some of their kills made it to obvious they were cheating.. 12 hours of playing i went from level 1 to level 40 then i got bored and quit playing..
used to quit rust because I thought it was a hacked lobby but now I just take a beating in it. 170 hours of MP so far and still have yet to witness this rampant cheating.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Ya i stopped playing this game when they repatched it and fawked up my eyefinity... I will not play a game that will not support eyefinity...

Sorry I ever spent $$ on that game:mad:
I haven't seen any hackers for a while. Though new DLC coming soon so probably a few patches jsut before it if you're having problems with hackers again there may be a "quiet" period again.
So you had "some" hackers on one server and that's "rampant"? Sorry but it sounds more like they was already on the server when it started and got max everything with zero gravity so they tore it up, custom server is all that was.

Sorry I should have been more clear. Alot of games I got into later in the evenings lasted all of 10 seconds then got wiped out by a nuclear strike, multiple missiles incoming, or more than 5 harrier jets. Now I know alot of people are better than me by alot, but I honestly do not see how you can nuke the map in less than 10 seconds. Maybe it was just the time of night I was playing, but watching kill cams after getting killed, alot of times it was some guy sitting behind a wall shooting through the mountain or through multiple buildings.
I may have just had bad luck due to the weekends bringing out the idiots, if this is honestly the case I will seriously consider buying the game tomorrow, as I really enjoyed it when the above problems didnt happen.