the strangest network issue


[H]F Junkie
Dec 29, 2000
So I have google Fiber. I use my own router. (Happens with their router as well)

Just started 2 days ago. On my desktop, if I ping any devices on the network, all I get back is the MAC Address. I power cycled everything. I reset the router. Called Google and they didn't see any issues.

Any ideas on what I can do?
Boot a linux live cd/usb and try it there--sounds like some sort of malware has compromised all the windows boxes. :( If that's the case, linux will work fine.
So I was wrong. I am not getting a MAC Address. It is an IPV6 Address. Not the IPV4 address. Just started 2 days ago
So I was wrong. I am not getting a MAC Address. It is an IPV6 Address. Not the IPV4 address. Just started 2 days ago
If you are getting a ping back, you should be good. 6 vs 4 isn't really important, as long as all your devices support the protocol being used or your router supports both in some way.
If you are getting a ping back, you should be good. 6 vs 4 isn't really important, as long as all your devices support the protocol being used or your router supports both in some way.
I thought so too...But my single issue with it being this way is the fact that I cannot connect to my NAS GUI because when I open a browser and put in the NAS IP, it claims it cannot connect..So not sure how to fix that issue..
I thought so too...But my single issue with it being this way is the fact that I cannot connect to my NAS GUI because when I open a browser and put in the NAS IP, it claims it cannot connect..So not sure how to fix that issue..
Enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets ("[ ]") when you put it in the address bar, no spaces. Might have to manually type the https:// part, too.

Edit, for example: https://[1111::77:8888]/
Enclose the IPv6 address in square brackets ("[ ]") when you put it in the address bar, no spaces. Might have to manually type the https:// part, too.

Edit, for example: https://[1111::77:8888]/
that worked. Thank you sir. I feel a lot better now.