The relic Trophy has come home...

marty9876 said:
Your just going to confuse folks again, the red and green stuff did not work out with the fart-o-meter, think it's gonna work any better here?

Amazing the things they can do with Photoshop eh? j/k But being an Austrailian graph does that mean we're looking at it upside down?!?

a bit of trivia... what team actually started out as a group of teams put together to try to take the [H]orde down? ;)
KodiakStar said:
a bit of trivia... what team actually started out as a group of teams put together to try to take the [H]orde down? ;)
oooo...ooooo....I know!
peeps looking at the stats we starting to slip or im reading it wrong.. come on get em boxen folding :)
Papa-Ming said:
Denial is a river in Egypt.

Did I win 1st place? :p
there's no such thing as egypt.

and hey, they have the advantage anyways... summer (spring anyways... still warmer) here and winter there...

sceggs isn't working out so well for you, though... is he.

i just wish i could go borg some computer labs again... we'll see this summer.

it ain't over til the fat lady's dead.
no... we dont want them to return the fat lady... remeber.. we said no return deliveries?
well, when the fat lady is dead, we don't have to worry about her anymore. it'll finally be over then (or never over... she can't sing when she's dead)

wierd. my brain hurts now... >.<