During today’s Direct presentation, Nintendo revealed The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, the franchise’s first game to follow as Princess Zelda herself as she embarks on an adventure to save the world from destruction...after Ganon bests Link in battle, Zelda is left to her own devices to battle hordes of monsters that descend upon the game’s take on Hyrule (which seems heavily inspired by 2019’s Link’s Awakening remake)
According to series producer Eiji Aonuma, Zelda will navigate and fight through the world somewhat differently in Echoes of Wisdom as she wields a magical staff known as the Tri Rod with the assistance of a fairy named Tri
Echoes of Wisdom hits the Switch systems on September 26th...
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94RTrH2erPE
According to series producer Eiji Aonuma, Zelda will navigate and fight through the world somewhat differently in Echoes of Wisdom as she wields a magical staff known as the Tri Rod with the assistance of a fairy named Tri
Echoes of Wisdom hits the Switch systems on September 26th...
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94RTrH2erPE