
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Today Pearl Abyss, the Korean developer behind Black Desert Online has opened its first North American office in Manhattan Beach, California. This coincidences with its first global release of a new class; the Archer. Today the highly requested male Archer class becomes the 16th class in the MMORPG Black Desert Online. Black Desert Online is currently on sale for 50% off.

The Archer uses his Crossbow for his stylish ranged attack and skill combos. In addition, the Archer has an assortment of magic skills at his disposal that assist him in combat by upsetting the opponents' balance, and wreak havoc by unleashing a flurry of arrows with his Crossbow from afar. He is never flustered nor disoriented even in the thick of the battle.The Archer can easily escape without breaking a sweat even when he is outnumbered by countless foes. This brand new male class is set to receive a rich storyline in which its background will be fully explored when he gets added to the current roster of available characters.
Whoa didn't they always have an Archer with a bow maybe and not a crossbow.
Whoa didn't they always have an Archer with a bow maybe and not a crossbow.
Female Ranger class is what you're thinking about. The male version called the Archer plays differently though as it has completely different skills.
This game was fun until level 50....then it's grind weapons, what the heck kinda end game is that!
wow seems to look like mhw archer.

BSmith ultima online was a blast without grinding from 1997-2000 when your just having fun, before you learn all the meta and all that. it was more about roleplaying and having fun. things change but those days were great.

for instance fallout las vegas, i roleplayed and loved the story. fo76 feels like "the fun starts when you hit level 50" and really there just isnt alot of content (not trying to be one of those guys).
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"I can't say I fancy Elves myself, too thin. They're all high cheekbones and creamy skin. Although, that one there's not bad."

"That's not an Elf Maid."


I had a feeling that pic would turn out to be a male after reading a bit about the game, seems they try to balance by having comparable classes for male and female.