Teen Playing New Pokemon Game On Phone Discovers Dead Body


Aug 20, 2006
…what kind of interesting things will YOU find while playing Pokémon GO?

Shayla woke up and began playing a game on her cell phone called Pokemon Go, a virtual reality game that encourages the user to capture as many Pokemon as possible. "The Pokemons are all over Riverton," she said. "I was trying to get a Pokemon from a natural water resource." She said that she jumped over the fence to go towards the river in search of a Pokemon. "I was walking towards the bridge along the shore when I saw something in the water," Shayla said. "I had to take a second look and I realized it was a body."
We finally got this installed today, the website had been down for a couple days. I do think there is some potential here for some cool gaming. It appears it's all random (?) placement at this point, but it would be cool to mix it with geo caching where other users could leave stuff in places (although I could foresee people leaving stuff in inappropriate places to be dicks).

Can the app be used with a non-cellular tablet?
I Found a $20 on the ground while out hunting pokemon this morning, so that was pretty exciting.
We found a gathering of the pokenerds (us included) last night. Somebody had set up a lure at a well known and well lit landmark in the downtown area, and it was luring people as well as pokemon. A real zeitgeist sense of community and excitement.

The whole group came stampeding down to the river's edge when a Dratini spawn was discovered, lol.

I have never played a pokemon game before this, but their premise is pretty clever and engaging. Assuming they can work out all the technical issues as well as continue to expand the game, they have a real winner here, IMO.

The location was here, btw: Google Maps
not a fan of pokemon at all really, but the game is defenatly fun and interesting
We found a gathering of the pokenerds (us included) last night. Somebody had set up a lure at a well known and well lit landmark in the downtown area, and it was luring people as well as pokemon. A real zeitgeist sense of community and excitement.

The whole group came stampeding down to the river's edge when a Dratini spawn was discovered, lol.

I have never played a pokemon game before this, but their premise is pretty clever and engaging. Assuming they can work out all the technical issues as well as continue to expand the game, they have a real winner here, IMO.

The location was here, btw: Google Maps

It would take me 2,142 km to reach that destination.
This game sucks. I have to drive around town to go to Pokestops and my wife bitches because I'm going too fast or refuse to stop in the middle of traffic so she can catch a Pokemon... I'm so glad she doesn't drive.
Just be careful where you go if your appearance might be disturbing to others; wouldn't want anyone to get shot just for playing this game.
Just go to the grave yard. It is easy to find and ALWAYS has a nice assortment of dead bodies!!!
News Flash: 10 year old accidentally walks in on massive warehouse drug exchange, leading to confusion and shoot-out leading to notorious drug lord dead, while playing latest Pokemon game. Child is physically unharmed but now in psychological recovery.
News Flash: 10 year old accidentally walks in on massive warehouse drug exchange, leading to confusion and shoot-out leading to notorious drug lord dead, while playing latest Pokemon game. Child is physically unharmed but now in psychological recovery.

Drugs are bad... Games are ok.. XD