Team Fortress on Steam is pretty fun


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
I never tried the game due to the graphics very cartoony but I just tried it for 20 minutes I see some people have 2,000+ hours in the game so there must be something to it.
The last Team Fortress game I played was the Quake I version =)
This game really peaked a few years ago, long before "hats" and going F2P, both of which were ploys to keep the community around. Still though, its a pretty iconic game.
Omg. I'm guessing you're a bit older based off the Quake comment. How did you never play the Half Life 1 version of Team Fortress????

So confused....
Steam tells me that I have 2512 hours in TF2, although I've only played here and there over the past couple of years. The game can certainly still be very fun and competitive, but it has become a dumping ground for unbalanced and/or gimmicky weapons, which has somewhat sullied the experience. While the updates have largely kept the game alive, Valve basically jumped the shark with the War! Update and power creep spiraled out of control from there.

Still, a night of TF2 on my favorite servers is usually a damned fun time...I just wish Valve would pump out some more official map content and be more proactive with weapon balancing.
ahh Quake 1 TF > all ftw

I miss grenades and bunny hopping :(

TF2 is... sort of fun, but nothing will capture the magic of the original, for me.
Omg. I'm guessing you're a bit older based off the Quake comment. How did you never play the Half Life 1 version of Team Fortress????

So confused....

Yea this TF was the one I played. Fuckin amazing game!

Tried to play #2, but the graphics are just too retarded for me to handle.
Yea this TF was the one I played. Fuckin amazing game!

Tried to play #2, but the graphics are just too retarded for me to handle.

Man, of all things, the graphics were what kept you from playing it?!

At least we didn't end up with this instead:
I miss TFC. Grabbing the flag and narrowly escaping via a well timed conc-jump was one of the most satisfying feelings. I wonder if anyone still plays...
Ah, the classic Comixbooks smiley face =) =)

I think you mean to say Team Fortress 2 and not regular Team Fortress when you say cartoony graphics. You should have experienced the game when it didn't have hats and extra weapons. Not that the new stuff is bad or anything, I love the humor they put into some of the new items.

Anyone who still plays know if there are Classic Servers that only allow default loadouts? I don't mind the million new items but i was just curious.
Man, of all things, the graphics were what kept you from playing it?!

At least we didn't end up with this instead:

lol i would have actually preferred that. Something about the cartoony look just turns me off. Same reason Borderlands never kept my interest. Looks like you're playing The Incredibles.
I put quite a bit of time in this before it became a little kiddie decoration contest, haven't touched it since a week after the hats were released. It was the best game to play with my family members that don't have the best net connection.
TF2 is still very fun despite what people say.

at this stage of the game though, I wouldn't want to play with 100% vanilla weapons on all classes (except maybe for scout/demo) against people who may have an advantage.
TF on Quake was fun but I was a bit too young for it. TFC is what I played the most. Fortress Forever was fun but TF2 was a good successor. Different style and I do miss aspects of the first 2. I didnt mind some of the items they added but it just went bonkers. The unlock able weapons were balanced and fun IMO. Now they are just not balanced or well thought out for the characters.
It sure is but "Hey guys do you have this *insert pay for junk skin here* for trade or sale? PM" that dumb market for crappy skins for weapons and hats "HEY GUYS I JUST WANNA TRADE PM ME FOR GREAT DEALZ!!" so it gets a little annoying when "JESUS GUYS TRADE HATX WIT ME!! PM!!!"" you're just trying to play the core game..

I stopped playing it shortly after going F2P and them going ridiculous with crates and keys. Now that they added Steam Community mods the whole thing just got so convoluted. Saves 30GB of hard drive space not having it installed, though. I think my profile only shows around 1000 hours for me, but it's lying because I was playing pretty much non-stop since the beta up until it went F2P.
TFC was great for its time but I moved on to TF2. Love it and don't get the hate. Shame people are quick to judge it from its "cartoony" style. Looks better than CoD IMHO.
TFC was great for its time but I moved on to TF2. Love it and don't get the hate. Shame people are quick to judge it from its "cartoony" style. Looks better than CoD IMHO.

After 7+ years I don't think I've ever seen more than a handful of complaints about the graphical style of TF2; most people love the "highly stylized retro" look, particularly since the game has so much character.

The "hate" generally comes from the stuff they added later in the life of the game, such as all the hats and trading. This pic pretty much sums it up:

After 7+ years I don't think I've ever seen more than a handful of complaints about the graphical style of TF2; most people love the "highly stylized retro" look, particularly since the game has so much character.

The "hate" generally comes from the stuff they added later in the life of the game, such as all the hats and trading. This pic pretty much sums it up:

Guess I'm just good at ignoring it. If they want to strut around like a peacock, let them. I got an objective to focus on.
It sure is but "Hey guys do you have this *insert pay for junk skin here* for trade or sale? PM" that dumb market for crappy skins for weapons and hats "HEY GUYS I JUST WANNA TRADE PM ME FOR GREAT DEALZ!!" so it gets a little annoying when "JESUS GUYS TRADE HATX WIT ME!! PM!!!"" you're just trying to play the core game..


That's why you find a good server(s) and play on them exclusively. Who just hops on and randomly picks a pub (in any online game)? That's like asking for trouble.
Good times, gonna have to try this again.

To me the more "pimped-out" a character is the bigger the target they are for me.

Unless I'm playing engineer in which case I mostly just see a closeup of my dispenser anyways. :D
That's why you find a good server(s) and play on them exclusively.

This for sure. I've been playing on the same group of servers since 2009 and never have to worry about griefers, mic spammers, trade spammers, racists/bigots, etc.

There are so many terrible servers out there with pop-up ads, paid in-game perks ("buy admin privileges for $20!"" :rolleyes:) and all sorts of other crap that Valve chose to direct all "quickplay" traffic to official servers only (because the new player experience had become so poor), but the official servers don't offer an admin presence or even guarantee that you won't be stuck with a bunch of players that just want to trade hats because they just got the game that day.

Who just hops on and randomly picks a pub (in any online game)? That's like asking for trouble.

Unfortunately for most newer games, that seems to be exactly what the devs want us to do as they launch game after game without dedicated server support, admin tools, etc. There are reasons that TF2 is still flourishing even when it's so long in the tooth, and one of the biggest ones is that communities have had to the tools to build around the game.
That's why you find a good server(s) and play on them exclusively. Who just hops on and randomly picks a pub (in any online game)? That's like asking for trouble.

Blame Valve as they push harder and harder for their matchmaking system. Finding a good server without 10 people talking about trading hats or whatever is not that easy. Especially not so if you are coming back to the game after years of hiatus.

TF2 is a shadow of what it use to be. Now its just a glorified marketplace for item skins that also happens to be in a team based shooter..
It took me a long time to get over the fact I bought the game full price and a couple weeks later it went F2P with no notice and all we got was a stupid hat. I literally stopped playing for 2 years out of protest. Didn't dig the cartoony version, but it did grow on me. I fully concur the F2P users have lessened the game experience before it went F2P. The amount of kids and idiots running around is ridiculous. It makes it very difficult to play as an everyday game like I used to with TFC 1.5. I wont even start with the cosmetics, weapons, and drop system which again makes it nothing like TFC 1.5. At the most the game shares 10% of what that game did and that's being overly generous.

Just hearing and dealing with people it's like you are playing a game that is now meant for people 16 or younger. I'm glad Valve made out like bandits, but it's this reason that I'll never buy another TF sequel.
TF2 used to be so great... and then it went F2P and it's almost impossible to find a decent PUB where people actually care about playing the game instead of standing around talking
Yeah. Before it hit f2p the game was pretty damn good. Now its still good, but annoying as hell with its trading simulator.
I miss TFC. Grabbing the flag and narrowly escaping via a well timed conc-jump was one of the most satisfying feelings. I wonder if anyone still plays...

TF2 pretty much cannibalized the remaining TFC player base. There are probably servers but don't expect to find anything but bots.

At least we didn't end up with this instead:
<old TF2 image>

We kind of did end up with that game except it was published by EA and called Battlefield. The only thing Battlefield lacked that TF2 was originally supposed to have was a spy class. I'm glad Valve changed directions instead of releasing a me-too game, but I'm sad that it isn't just a prettier TFC.

That's why you find a good server(s) and play on them exclusively. Who just hops on and randomly picks a pub (in any online game)? That's like asking for trouble.

Finding a server that doesn't suck can take a very long time. During that time you're kinda stuck randomly picking pubs.
TF2 used to be so great... and then it went F2P and it's almost impossible to find a decent PUB where people actually care about playing the game instead of standing around talking

Totally this.

Everyone wants to trade, and they all jump around, not giving a care.
I was testing an old Pentium 4 with a Radeon X800 and installed TF2 to see how it would run. It ran surprisingly well and it got me addicted to TF2 again for a brief period. Was gaming on it for hours every day for probably a week or two.
I can never really get into this game no matter how many times I give it a try.
Totally this.

Everyone wants to trade, and they all jump around, not giving a care.

not really. and i've been playing the most pug servers you can think of (valve servers)

and you can get into some good, moderated, skilled servers too
TF2 is fun on a buzz after a few drinks. Especially Pyro Vision on a buzz.
I really hated TF2 on release. It was just too boring. Slow movement but huge maps, crits, fucking 30 second respawn timers, etc. Absolute clusterfuck.

What made the game fun for me was Payload. That and a TDM map (DM_Store) are literally the only things that bring me back to the game. They're so much fun.

I just can't stand respawn timers longer than 1 or 2 seconds. Worst idea in gaming EVER.

Back when that screenshot was released, those graphics looked amazing.

No, it didn't. This is how TFC looks ffs.
The original TF was loads of fun. Heck, I even enjoyed TF Classic. I put a load of hours into TF2 but I couldn't play once all this hat and items business started. Just ruins the immersion if you can believe that.