Teach me how to be a jet master (BF3)

only way to get good at it is to use them.

player dogfights or join servers with instant vehicle respawns.
Step 1. get in a time machine and go back to october 2011, because BF3 will continue becoming a ghost-town in a few more weeks when BF4 releases. Sure there will be latecomers like the humble bundle kids playing for a while as the servers die but most people have moved on.

Step 2. Bind spacebar to up

Step 3. Maintain 310-315 when dogfighting by tapping afterburner a few times when going up and holding S a few seconds on way down. Practice this on an empty server until you can maintain that speed looping in any direction without even having to think about it.

Step 4. Put several hundred hours in and get 10,000+ kills in a jet to be able to beat most other people in a jet. Never use heatseekers because its a noob crutch and will get you killed faster than practicing aiming and placement with the all-powerful cannon.

But let's face it you're not going to do all that, I know because most people aren't willing to put the time in. It has by far the hardest learning curve in the game, in terms of being able to beat other jets and stay in the air. Speed control while dealing with other jets plus knowing how to read the air radar to get angles on the other guy are paramount. If I were you I'd start on the ground floor in BF4, it looks like they've made jets a little more ezmode or at least beginner-friendly. If you still want to practice jets in BF3 that are a zillion youtube tutorial videos.
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This is true, I should put this game down before it hurts my real world efforts any more.
Heh, didn't mean to sound harsh but thats the reality. I've tried to tutor friends in getting better with jets and they always give up because they'd rather play CoD hide and seek on the ground with an M16. You can still have some fun and rack up kills in a jet if #1 the enemy jets aren't very good and #2 you're focusing on air-to-ground attacks with the cannon and rocket pods. There are some people where that's all they do is farm kills laying waste to ground targets and strafing infantry.
No worries. I played CS from 6.1 to 1.6 competitively and spent 8+ hrs a day on it. I probably logged more than 10k hours with that one and it showed. Suppose the jet is the same way in this game.
Yes and no. You just have to be prepared for a lot of frustration initially because after 2 years of the game being out, if will feel like even mediocre jet pilots are killing you in no time. You'll hit many plateaus followed by "ah-hah" learning moments that make you better. Example most people start out flying around in first-person mode. The pros fly around in 3rd person and really only switch to 1st person to line up or execute the shot.

If you can get through a handful of youtube tutorial videos and are more intrigued than bored to tears then maybe give it a go. Start out on low-population servers, because fully populated 64-player servers are pretty much quick death for a beginner jetpilot. That way you can also work toward 1 service star which will mean all the jet unlocks -- and you'll want to go AIR RADAR, ECM or FLARE, ROCKET PODS for loadout. Thats pretty much what anyone competent flies with.
Step 1, find a macro that lock jet speed at 305.

Step 2, rape everyone.

Ps, i quit dogfight long time ago because there are so many jet cheaters.
Just practice .For some reason I like brazil servers (good ping since the server is in the us) for air combat. You can get good but sometimes you'll be wrecking infantry, tanks, heli's, gunship, whatever else, then a better jet pilot comes on and you can't get anything done. Check out some video's on youtube on how to lose jets behind you, also try to take out any air targets first especially other jets before going for tanks and stuff on the ground. Try to keep rockets for stationary ground targets and use the main gun for jets/heli's
Step 1, find a macro that lock jet speed at 305.
Step 2, rape everyone.

Ps, i quit dogfight long time ago because there are so many jet cheaters.

Then maybe you were never that proficient or at least committed to begin with (no offense, but your statement is a cop out and maybe you gave up too easily). Perfect speed control isn't everything. After enough hours in a jet you can easily spot who's using a speed control hack - they're the idiots that go around in the same circle and have no moves, have no concept of the angles game, don't even understand what 'cutting' means. I melt those guys in about 7 seconds because their loops are predictable. There is still no hack for skill in a jet.

Just practice .For some reason I like brazil servers (good ping since the server is in the us) for air combat. You can get good but sometimes you'll be wrecking infantry, tanks, heli's, gunship, whatever else, then a better jet pilot comes on and you can't get anything done. Check out some video's on youtube on how to lose jets behind you, also try to take out any air targets first especially other jets before going for tanks and stuff on the ground. Try to keep rockets for stationary ground targets and use the main gun for jets/heli's

Now this I can agree on - Brazilians are, for whatever reason, absolutely TERRIBLE at videogames. Great at soccer, but become five year olds in front of a videogame. And modern science still has no explanation. Its EZMODE target practice to join a brazilian server and just have a blast - literally.
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