SyncMaster 214T, to sell or keep?

Jul 9, 2009
So I just pulled the trigger the other day and bought myself a Dell UltraSharp U2312HM for about $250 after taxes (should be delivered by tomorrow :D). I currently own a Samsung SyncMaster 214T (Silver) that has been an all around awesome monitor. It is a PVA panel and still functions perfectly. The only downside is it's 4:3 aspect ratio. The 1600x1200 resolution was awesome, but for gaming I prefer either 16:9 or 16:10 ratio with 1900x1080 or 1900x1200 resolution.

I was originally thinking of just buying another used one so I could have one Syncmaster on each side of my new Dell, but after looking online I see used ones going for $200+, some over $300. For that price I may as well pick up a second Dell U2312HM and call it good.

So my question is, should I just sell this monitor? Am I holding onto some rare sought after monitor that is too good to sell for what they are going for online? I see new ones still going for over $700 :eek:! I am not extremely attached to it and wouldn't mind a second U2312HM. Suggestions?,5-inch-4x3

Your old monitor is still very large, as you'll see when your new one arrives. It's up to you, but I'd try to sell it (eBay, here, Craigslist) for a set price you would be willing to take. If it doesn't sell, just keep using it. If it does sell, you got rid of a 4:3 monitor while there's still a demand for one. The ONLY reason I'd keep it is for its S-Video and composite inputs, though.
Ya, I realized I would be losing vertical pixels when buying the 16:9 monitor, but the 16:10 IPS displays are just too pricey. I have never and will never use the S-video and composite inputs so that's no big deal to me.

My new monitor should get here today and will also help me decide whether to sell the old one or not. I am leaning towards selling since the 2 next to each other would not match/size up right. Thanks for the suggestion, and the link to Displaywars! Awesome tool!