Sync phone over wifi?


Feb 26, 2008
I'm wondering if it is possible to have sync photos from my Samsung S7 to my windows desktop over the network.
I used to remove the microSD card and use a USB 3 card reader for fast transfer but I have since encrypted external storage.

USB2 is too slow, and my front USB3 ports seem to disconnect randomly.

Does anyone know of an easy solution to sync to the desktop?
It doesn't have to be automated but it would be nice if it was a one-click sync all new times solution.
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I will give it a try, I found it during my search but I thought it was more for screen sharing.
It is an interesting app that has file transfer but I didn't see any way to set up folder syncing.
sorry wont be a help there, it was just what I found googling. you might have to manually transfer, idk, maybe rtfm(help file?) see what it says
These days I just use Solid Explorer and its FTP plugin. Mirror syncin shouldn't be a problem.
I just use Google photos and then I can get to the photos from any computer and they are backed up as well
Google photos quickly fills up with videos when you have small children.
This, I just filled mine and didn’t think it was possible! I STILL have photos on there from when I had the original Atrix.
That is another good point. When I take 'intimate' photos of video of my wife I don't want it automatically uploaded to Google's cloud.

the rest of the internet does though ;) jk we're not talking about apple icloud, lol.